oiuiugh eggwuh how fun before you interact i make sex and kys/kms jokes but can avoid them around certain people if they are disliked, as well as any other boundaries you might have. just inform me of them and ill be sure to be mindful of them some of the things i like have horrid creators (ex ranfren, obviously.) i do not support these creators (or their actions) financially and especially not morally. any of the bad things in them i will not defend (like the weird ass teacher in azumanga), and am critical of these things i will not interact with you if urmm this is a really long list cause i tend to ramble a lot, so tldr basic dni criteria. sometimes i also just block freely (some things in this list are not as severe as others, i know. i just want to curate my online space so i can be comfortable with who i choose to interact with. i know people i dont like can interact regardless and i dont really care) the basic things: bigots, "big 3 paraphiles", incest lovers you are zionist or anti palestine / pro israel in any way bi lesbians or bi gays or those who support them, (i'm personally fine with some lesboys because i know some butch lesbians + people similar to that reclaim the label, but if youre a lesboy and not something along those lines then youre in the same category as mspec gay to me) proship/comship/profic/darkship i dont want to get all caught up in that nonsense sh or ed twitter, for my own comfort, even if you properly tag and censor everything fans of alfreds playhouse this is its own seperate thing cause there r no exceptions for that fanbase i have some fandoms i prefer to not personally interact with, but if you like them you're still fine to interact. as long as you don't support anyone who's like awful or still continue to support people like dream then i won't mind lol hai back x3 two hai -eggwuh oiuiugh

Pub: 08 Jan 2024 02:41 UTC
Edit: 24 Apr 2024 17:17 UTC
Views: 608