oiuiugh eggwuh how fun before you interact i make sex and kys/kms jokes but can avoid them around certain people if they are disliked, as well as any other boundaries you might have. just inform me of them and ill be sure to be mindful of them i can like problematic things but i dislike constantly going "um im critical! i don't support!" so i deleted my little piece about that. most things that people like have some sort of controversy about them anyways "dni" urmm i dont want to list out things that people can use against me later so i'll block and ignore people as i please. if you find yourself blocked or purposefully ignored then don't send your friends over asking why hai back x3 two hai eggwuh oiuiugh

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Pub: 08 Jan 2024 02:41 UTC
Edit: 26 Nov 2024 16:08 UTC
Views: 1140