DNI ? !

boundaries No weird nicknames, bringing up things ive done in the past is a huge discomfort so don't plz! don't use the name mariana/trinidad on me if u arent my sister or parents (this is for people whove known me since 2021).

dni you fit basic dni crit, past mutuals and/or friends, lolis/shotas, fujoshi/fundashi, if u dislike me (this is for my own comfort), profic, shota/bro/siscon, comship, anti any of my interests, white ppl and cishets are on THIN ice. also if ur 20 and above pls dont interact nor follow unless were already friends / i know u / or were moots thx

my tws/cws reminders f my trauma , vomit , trypophobia , loud noises , irl gore , body horror , consumption of feces, urine and/or vomit , necrophilia

notes ill block u if u give off weird vibes!!

Pub: 17 Jun 2023 22:19 UTC
Views: 95