byf 1 i make suicide jokes often and dont tag . i am totally ok w kys jokes if we are moots 2 i talk like were best friends regardless of when we met so Oops! My Bad! 3 rt + interaction heavy when not ia 4 dont tag most things , lmk what you do need tagged 5 softblocks arent personal , hard blocks are. 6 (if im priv) ss ok unless srs tweet 7 tl >= dms 8 critical of my interests 9 forgetful
dnfi 1 basic dnis that goes double for all yew weirdo shotacons pedos incesters and whatever 2 dsmptwt (i follow first + current mutuals ok . unless ur a dream luvr in which case Die) 3 nft supporters 4 my sister <3 .
otherwise just test ur luck ill block if i dont like <3

other notes
sb to unf!
i speak both eng + fil
lmk when i mess up

Pub: 13 May 2022 15:00 UTC
Edit: 07 Feb 2023 10:10 UTC
Views: 337