Ньютон Спирс
Human, Male, 34 years
Homeworld - Regina
Ex-Scholar - Rank 1

STR 04 (-1)
DEX 11 (+1)
END 08 (+0)
INT 12 (+2)
EDU 13 (+2)
SOC 08 (+0)

Athletics (strength) 1
Comms 0
Computers 1
Carouse 0
Diplomat 0
Life Science 0
Medic 1
Investigate 0
Physical Science (chemistry) 1
Sensors 1
Social Science (archeology) 1
Trade (biologicals) 0
Vacc Suit 1

Ally (Eccentric but Brilliant Mentor)

Contact (Uncle Vlen Backett)


Cloth TL10 (неброский комбинезон) + Eye Protection + Magnetic Grapples

Autopistol + Laser Sight TL10
Autopistol Magazine x5

Hand Computer TL12 (Computer/3)

Program Translator/1
Program Security/2
Program Intelligent Interface/1
Program Expert/1 - Social Science(Archeology)
Program Expert/1 - Sensors

Radio Transceivers TL12 (Computer/0)

Comm TL8 (+guest sim card)

Comm TL10 (computer/1)
Data Wafer x6

Medikit TL8
Medikit TL10
Stim Drugs x4
Slow Drug (Metabolic accelerator)
Fast Drug x2

Лог создания персонажа

[Before 18 years]
// Characteristics
STR 04 (-1)
DEX 09 (+1)
END 07 (+0)
INT 12 (+2)
EDU 10 (+1)
SOC 08 (+0)

// Background skills
Homrworld - Regina (Rich, High Technology)
Computers 0
Carouse 0
Life Science 0
Trade (biologicals) 0

[Career Term 1 - 18-22 years]
// Характеристики, навыки, особенности и имущество Ньютона в начале первого срока.
STR 04 (-1)
DEX 09 (+1)
END 07 (+0)
INT 12 (+2)
EDU 10 (+1)
SOC 08 (+0)

Computers 0
Carouse 0
Life Science 0
Trade (biologicals) 0

// University Entry - EDU 8+ (7) - Fail

// Scholar/Scientist Qualification INT 6+ (12) - Success
Rank 0

// Training - Basic
Comms 0
Computers 0
Diplomat 0
Medic 0
Investigate 0
Social Science 0

// Training - Personal Development (2)
+1 EDU

// Survival - EDU 4+ (7) - Success

// Event (5) - You win a prestigious prize for your work, garnering both the praise and envy of your peers. Gain a +1 DM to any one Benefit roll.
+1 DM to any one Benefit roll

// Advancement - INT 8+ (6) - Fail

[Career Term 2 - 22-26 years]
// Характеристики, навыки, особенности и имущество Ньютона в начале второго срока.
STR 04 (-1)
DEX 09 (+1)
END 07 (+0)
INT 12 (+2)
EDU 11 (+1)
SOC 08 (+0)

Comms 0
Computers 0
Carouse 0
Diplomat 0
Life Science 0
Medic 0
Investigate 0
Social Science 0
Trade (biologicals) 0

+1 DM to any one Benefit roll

// Training - Personal Development (5)
+1 END

// Survival - EDU 4+ (7) - Success

// Event (6) - You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Throw Education 8+ (10) to gain any one skill of your choice at level 1.
Medic 1

// Advancement - INT 8+ (6) - Fail

[Career Term 3 - 26-30 years]
// Характеристики, навыки, особенности и имущество Ньютона в начале третьего срока.
STR 04 (-1)
DEX 09 (+1)
END 08 (+0)
INT 12 (+2)
EDU 11 (+1)
SOC 08 (+0)

Comms 0
Computers 0
Carouse 0
Diplomat 0
Life Science 0
Medic 1
Investigate 0
Social Science 0
Trade (biologicals) 0

+1 DM to any one Benefit roll

// Training - Personal Development (4)
+1 DEX

// Survival - EDU 4+ (4) - Success

// Event (11) - You work for an eccentric but brilliant mentor, who becomes an Ally. Either increase any Science skill by one level, or take a +4 DM to your next Advancement roll thanks to his aid.
Social Science (archeology) 1
Ally (Eccentric but Brilliant Mentor)

// Advancement - INT 8+ (6) - Fail

[Career Term 4 - 30-34 years]
// Характеристики, навыки, особенности и имущество Ньютона в начале четвертого срока.
STR 04 (-1)
DEX 10 (+1)
END 08 (+0)
INT 12 (+2)
EDU 11 (+1)
SOC 08 (+0)

Comms 0
Computers 0
Carouse 0
Diplomat 0
Life Science 0
Medic 1
Investigate 0
Social Science (archeology) 1
Trade (biologicals) 0

Ally (Eccentric but Brilliant Mentor)

+1 DM to any one Benefit roll

// Training - Personal Development (4)
+1 DEX

// Survival - EDU 4+ (6) - Success

// Event (4) - You are assigned to work on a secret project for a patron or organisation. Gain one of Medic 1, Any Science (any) 1, Engineer (any) 1, Computers 1 or Investigate 1.
Computers 1

// Advancement - INT 8+ (12) - Success
Rank 1 [Physical Science (chemistry) 1]

// Training (Advancement) - Personal Development (2)
+1 EDU

// Aging (2)

// Benefits - Cash (5, 1, 2)

// Benefits (5, 2)
Scientific Equipment
+1 EDU

Athletics (strength) 1
Vacc Suit 1
Contact (Uncle Vlen Backett)

[Skill Package]
Sensors 1

// Характеристики, навыки, особенности и имущество Ньютона после четвертого срока.
STR 04 (-1)
DEX 11 (+1)
END 08 (+0)
INT 12 (+2)
EDU 13 (+2)
SOC 08 (+0)

Athletics (strength) 1
Comms 0
Computers 1
Carouse 0
Diplomat 0
Life Science 0
Medic 1
Investigate 0
Physical Science (chemistry) 1
Sensors 1
Social Science (archeology) 1
Trade (biologicals) 0
Vacc Suit 1

Ally (Eccentric but Brilliant Mentor)

Contact (Uncle Vlen Backett)


Cloth TL10 + Eye Protection + Magnetic Grapples

Autopistol + Laser Sight TL10
Autopistol Magazine x5

Hand Computer TL12 (Computer/3)

Program Translator/1
Program Security/2
Program Intelligent Interface/1
Program Expert/1 - Social Science(Archeology)
Program Expert/1 - Sensors

Radio Transceivers TL12 (Computer/0)
Comm TL10 (computer/1)
Data Wafer x6

Medikit TL10
Stim Drugs x4
Slow Drug (Metabolic accelerator)
Fast Drug x2

Edit Report
Pub: 28 Mar 2021 11:51 UTC
Views: 208