Summer of TSRP 2025 - Commands & Controls

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About this guide

  • ⚠️This guide contains only the /chat, console and button commands.
  • ⚠️ Read information about the server, and how to play. Links in the text point to the related article in the game manual


say /motd Show message of the day
say /rules Show server rules
say /laws Show in-character laws
say /help Shows player help information


say /switchcharacter Switch between main and alt character
hud_saytext_time <seconds> Sets time before chat messages disappear

Button commands

These commands should be bound to buttons with the bind command

+use Interact with target NPC. Shove target player. E by default
+grab Grabs a player. Must have access

Inventory, Items & crafting

Manage, use and create items

say /items View your inventory and do things with your items
say /item <item name> Use inventory item. Useful for binding
say /blueprints Open blueprint & crafting menu

Buildings & Properties

Interact with properties by looking at the door when using these commands

say /buy Buy target property
say /lock Lock/unlock target door (must have key)
say /addaccess <name> Give property key to player
say /profit Take profit from business
say /changeowner Change property owner name
say /changebuilding Change property name

Job market

Get a job, or post and view listings

say /jobs View and take available public jobs
say /hawkslist Show the 'Hawks List' menu


Different ways to speak, announce, call and so on.

say /meet Offer to exchange names with target player
say /me <message> Decribe an action your character does
say /ooc <message> Talk in global out-of-character chat
say_team <message> Talk in global out-of-character chat
say /w <message> Whisper (smaller chat range)
say /s <message> Shout (larger chat range)
say /advert <message> Post an advertisment
say /cnn <message> Post a news headline
say /911 <message> Call in a report to the 911 hotline
say /hangup Hangup the phone


Managing the money in your wallet and bank

say /drop <amount> Drop money on the ground as item
say /givemoney <amount> Give money to target palyer
say /transfer <name> <amount> While facing bank teller. Transfer money to player


Things your character can do

say /walk Toggle walking / running
say /sit Toggle sitting / standing
say /incognito Toggle incognito mode
say /surrender Surrender yourself, with shout
say /stopsurrender Stop surrendering


Use these while driving a car

say /honk Honk the horn
say /rev Rev the engine
say /headlight Toggle headlights


These commands are accessible only to players with a Police Department job, and are used for in-character police work

say /warning Shout a warning
say /cuff Cuff target player
say /tazer Taze target player (must have tazer)
say /fine <amount> Fine target player
say /revoke Revokes all weapon licenses
say /jailtime <minutes> Time before target player teleported out of jail
say /timereset Restart the jailtime counter
say /release Teleport target player out of jail
say /siren Toggles police car siren
jailmodmenu Console command to open the police jail menu

Pub: 06 Jul 2024 23:50 UTC
Edit: 10 Jul 2024 13:49 UTC
Views: 177