Summer of TSRP 2025 - Game Guide

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TSRP game mechanics and mods are a charming mix and match of brilliant visionary game design, and early 2000s amateur modding oddities. This section explains how the different game mechanics work. Written by Milos Petrovic for Summer of TSRP 2025.

⚠️ Look here for the list of chat and console commands

Table of Content


Known issues

These are some common bugs and issues you should know about, so can circumvent them. Not everything can be fixed, due to technical limitations of this 22 year old game mod.

  • ⚠️ When uncuffed after previously being cuffed, you must reconnect in order to receive your paycheck again
  • ⚠️ When teleported out of the police station after previously being teleported into it, you must reconnect in order to receive your paycheck again

Required CVars

When you join the server, it tries to make sure you have specific client variables set up

  • If it finds any discrepancies, it asks the player to agree to change it
  • Press 1 to agree to the changes and remain on the server
  • Press 2 to reject them. You get kicked from the server

Binding keys using Console

If you want to spend less time typing commands and navigating your inventory, and more time role playing, do yourself a favor and make some binds!

  • Binds are made by opening console (default ~) and using bind <key> "<command>"
  • To check if a key is already bound, or what it is bound to, type bind <key> for example bind w and read the console output
  • keypad keys are called kp_ and then the key function. For example kp_end is 1, kp_downarrow is 2, etc
  • Some examples of useful binds
    • bind i "say /items"
    • bind p "say /item <name of your phone item>"
    • bind z "say /sit"
    • bind alt "say /walk"


Role Play, Setting & Context

The Specialists is a mod that combines everyone's favorite tropes and cliches from the history of action, crime and thriller movies, games, comics and other media. The decor of Fisk City (in 2024 USA) is a wild place. Full of over the top personalities, heroes, villains, danger, drama, humor and the absurd. You're encouraged to be creative with the parameters, and have fun developing your character through this unique game play.

In-Character (IC), Out-of-character (OOC) and Meta- and power gaming

For the purpose of role play, a delineation is made between the real world in which us players exist (out of character or OOC), and the universe of the fictional role play characters we play (in character or IC).

Players should do an effort to respect these concepts, and not abuse OOC knowledge IC, which would be considered meta gaming. Players should give and take, instead of forcing the outcome of role play situations, which is called power gaming.

Exceptions should only be made when 'everyone is in on it', or to help things along, within reason. Preferably under supervision of admins

Rules (OOC) and Laws (IC)

Along with the distinction between 'out of character' and 'in character'

  • Server rules (view with say /rules) are the code of conduct for players. Breaking them results OOC consequences like a warning, kick or ban
  • Laws (view with say /law) only apply to the in character game universe. When character break laws, this may result in trouble with the police. More about that later


Fighting is common place in Fisk City, armed and unarmed.

  • TSRP involves all the fun and weirdness of TS's combat system. Stunts, guns, bullet time, kung-fu, bunny hopping, glitchy movement, all of it.

General Features

Character Account

Character accounts allow for persistent game play, by saving your job, hunger, wallet, bank, inventory, properties and keys

  • When first joining the server, your main account is created.
  • You can have one extra character (colloquially 'an alt')
    • Switch between your main and alt character with say /switchcharacter
    • Switching the first time creates the alt account
    • Your job, hunger, wallet, and bank are unique for each character
    • ⚠️ Your inventory, property and keys remain the same, due to technical limitations. This is OOC, don't abuse it
    • You have to change your character name manually

Identity and Recognition

The recognition system influences how player perceive each other's identity

  • Players must role play, and/or make use of say /meet before they can recognize one's identity IC
  • The say /incognito command allows a player to be 'masked', even to players they've met
  • Chat sent by unknown or masked characters appears as sent by {UNKNOWN}

Text chat & Slash Commands

Text chat is processed by the server for role play, and game input

  • There are many slash-commands available that look like say /command. They let you use essential game features
  • Chat sent by unknown or masked characters appears as sent by {UNKNOWN}
  • Chat without any commands appears as something your character says, and is only visible to players in your vicinity.
  • Make your chat radius smaller by whispering say /w <message>
  • Make your chat radius bigger by shouting, put a ! at the end of your message, or say /s <message>
  • Text commands can be bound through console (default ~) using the console command bind <button> "say <command & parameters> for example bind z "say /s This is a robbery, hands up!"

Clothing system

Changing your appearance (player model) is only possible by buying clothing and using the item once it's in your inventory

  • You can buy clothing items from various shop NPCs on the map
  • Clothing items are permanent, they do not disappear when you use them
  • You can have multiple sets of clothing in your inventory
  • While players might not recognize your identity, especially when masked, they might remember how you were dressed


Eat food, which you can buy from various shop NPCs, to stay fit and keep earning

  • 0% hunger means you are completely full
  • The more % hunger you get, the slower your character moves
  • Above 99% hunger, you no longer receive your recurring paycheck


Injuries are common, luckily they can be healed

  • Visit the hospital to get treatment from the doctor player characters, or NPC
  • Use a bed inside a property, it slowly heals you
  • Other means, some (IC) legal, others not so much!

Wallet, Bank Account, Banking & ATMs

Your wallet and bank account allow you to spend and save money

  • Money in your wallet drops an item when your HP reaches 0
  • You can say /withdraw <amount> and say /deposit <amount> at the bank teller
  • Transfer money to other people, at the bank teller, with say /transfer <name> <amount>
  • To use ATMs, you must buy an ATM card at the bank teller

Jobs & paychecks

Your main and alt characters each have their own job

  • Jobs have a salary that is deposited on the character's bank account every real-world minute
  • Jobs belonging to an organization may come with access to certain properties or doors
  • say /jobs opens a menu that lets you choose from a variety of non-organization jobs
  • For other jobs, find the leaders of the organization in-character and apply. If you repeatedly cannot find the person in-game, facilitate this by contacting them OOC
  • Players can be given employment rights by admins, to hire people into an organization

Police Job abilities

Police jobs have special abilities to do police work, enact punishments, deal with threats and so on

  • Read all Police commands here
  • Players with police characters should generally follow and enforce the law sincerely, though within reason, tasteful corruption welcome is encouraged

Properties & access

Many buildings on the map have interactable doors, and can be owned by players or organizations.

  • Read all property commands and how to use them here
  • Properties that are for sale can be bought with say /buy. The amount will be deduced from your bank account.
  • Owning a property gives you keys to it, which you can share with say /addaccess and remove with say /delaccess
  • If you own a property with an NPC shop, you can take the profit with say /profit
  • Doors can be locked/unlocked with say /lock
  • Locked doors can be opened with lock picks or C4 charges


No better way to lose it all, than in style at the casino.

  • Interact with the Casino NPC to play Blackjack.

NPC Shops

NPCs shops sell items and are scattered throughout the map

  • There are many different NPC shops offering different things to buy
  • While near and looking at an NPC, press E to interact. Select the options with the number keys

Robbing NPC Shops

Rob an NPC shop by interacting with the NPC, and selecting the Rob option

  • Some NPC shops can NOT be robbed
  • NPC shops can be robbed if certain conditions are met
    • To rob the grocery store, gas station and coffee bar, 1 or more cops must be online
    • To rob the diner, 2 or more cops must be online
    • To rob the bank when, 3 or more cops must be online
  • When robbing starts
    • You glow in bright colors
    • Money starts flowing into your wallet
    • The robbery is reported in global chat, but not its location
  • Robbing stops when moving too far from the NPC, or all money is taken
    • The robbery location is reported in global chat
    • You will stop glowing

NPC Merchants

NPC merchants exchange money and items

  • The fish merchant buys and sells the fish that is caught by fishing
  • The weed merchant buys and sells weed that is grown by players

'Hawks List'

Inspired by 'Craigs List', this menu lets you post and read ad listings

  • View Hawks List with say /hawkslist, which shows existing listings (press their number to view them)
  • Press 1. Create Listing to create a listing. Pay attention to the instructions that appear on screen
    • Open chat (default y), type the title of your listing, and press Enter
    • Open chat (default y), type the ad message for the listing, and press Enter
    • Your listing is now posted
  • If you already have a listing, you will see 1. Delete Listing instead.
    • ⚠️Be careful, your listing is IMMEDIATELY deleted, it does not asks for confirmation


Sometimes, your only option is say /surrender. When using this command:

  • Your character yells "i surrender" and glows white
  • Your character drops all spawned weapons in their possession

Weapons, Licenses & Spawns

Weapons are the lifeblood of TSRP

  • There are two categories for which you can get a license:
    • Permitted License: Lighter weaponry
    • Restricted License: Heavier weaponry
  • You can buy the weapons from the gun shop once you have the licenses
  • Weapons bought from the gun shop are given to you as inventory item
    • Using the weapon item lets you select attachments, and spawn the weapon
    • When your HP reaches 0, your character will drop all spawned weapons and ammo in his posession
    • Spawned weapons cannot be put back into the inventory

Lock picking

Lock picking lets you open doors you do not have keys for... If you're lucky.

  • Lock picking is done with the lock pick item
  • To begin lock picking, look at a locked door and use the lock pick item through your inventory
  • To successfully pick the lock, complete the mini game by unlocking all 4 lock prongs
    • Guess one of the four directions
    • If you guess correct, you unlock one prong
    • If you guess incorrect, nothing happens
    • If you are unlucky, the lock will reset with a new code
    • If you are very unlucky, the lock pick snaps
  • ⚠️ Be a good sport: call an admin if the door you picked open remains open for longer than an hour

Inventory & Items

Open your inventory that can be opened with say /items, navigate the menu with the number keys

  • Your inventory remains even if your HP reaches 0 or reconnect
  • Use, drop items by selecting them in the inventory menu
  • To quickly access an item, create a bind for it using the console command bind <key> "say /item <unique part of item name>
  • Give, examine and show items by aiming at another player, and selecting them in the inventory menu
  • ⚠️ Due to technical limitations, inventories are shared between your main and alt character. Do not abuse this
  • Read all item and inventory related commands here
    Read about special items further down

Harvesting Resources

Some resources, like the fish mentioned above, can be harvested

  • Fishing requires a fishing pole, and is done at the docks
  • To harvest an item, walk into the harvesting zone marked by a circular ripple effect, and press the interact key (default E)
  • There are currently no other resources that can be harvested this way
  • ⚠️ Growing weed works differently, as explained next

Growing weed

Growing weed is done with a unique game mechanic

  • Maryjuana Seed creates a plant where the player stands when used through the inventory
  • A plant takes roughly 10 real life minutes to grow fully
  • Harvest Tool harvests a fully grown plant
  • Using 1 Maryjuana item has a small chance of giving you a Maryjuana Seed
  • ⚠️ Plants do NOT survive a map or server restart!

Blueprints & Crafting

Some items, like the harvest tool mentioned above, must be crafted

  • Open the blueprint (crafting) menu with say /blueprints
  • Use the blueprint inventory item to see the required ingredients
  • Buy the ingredients from the NPC shops on the map
  • 2. Craft lets you craft a blueprint (if you have it, and the required ingredients)
  • 3. Study lets you create a blueprint you do not yet have
  • 4. Copy lets you copy a blueprint you already have in your inventory
  • 1. Cancel Production cancels any of the above when they are in progress
  • Dying also cancels the process


A very useful item that (mostly) does what you expect

  • ⚠️ Technical limitations make it easy to meta game with a phone. Don't do that
  • Phones must be bought at the NPC shops
  • Access your phone menu by using the phone item in your inventory
  • Call another character by using the phone item, and selecting 3. Place call
  • Text another character with say /sms <name> <message>
  • Turn your phone to invisible, off or on with 1. Status
  • Set your phone audability to vibrate, silent or ring with 2. Ring
  • Hang up the phone with /hangup


Cars are mostly cosmetic items, but they do have some interesting functionality

  • Buy a car from the car dealer NPC shop
  • Use the key item in your inventory spawn your car and enter it
  • Use the key item again to park your car and get out
  • When running into other players while driving a car, you will damage them
  • Read all car related commands here


Drugs, like the previously mentioned weed, offer various stimulating, hallucinatory, health and other effects.

  • There are many different drugs
  • Some can be crafted with blueprints, weed growing has its own unique system
  • Drugs are inventory items, use them through the inventory

Police items

  • Tazer Taze target player using say /tazer command
  • Weapon searcher Search target player for hidden spawned weapons (⚠️ currently not working)
  • Bug Place a bug where you are currently standing, to hear conversations taking place there when you are not in the vicinity.
  • Bug Sweeper Sweep and remove all bugs in the immediate vicinity.

Misc items

Pub: 06 Jul 2024 23:46 UTC
Edit: 10 Jul 2024 13:51 UTC
Views: 272