If God had wanted you to live- He would have not created ME! 𐂐
- I will most likely post and/or talk about:
i. Gore , Wounds , Flesh , Organs , Death , Cannibalism , Post-Mortem
ii. Body Horror and Violence (Gun violence, fighting, violence in general) (I will try to avoid abuse in general, especially family abuse)
iii. Non-sexual Nudity
iv. Religious Themes - I am insensitive to (almost) all the above in non-irl contexts. Im not squeamish about them, even if I act like so. It's something I do to fit in that I can't get rid of. Please do not interact if you are sensitive to these.
- Unless you're a close friend/I state that I'm comfortable with you doing so, don't say slurs near me, and don't call me any slurs, please. It makes me uncomfortable as I've had, and am CONTINUING to have negative experiences with slurs being said to me, and around me.
- I am a minor.
i. Do not make disgusting sex jokes ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE AN ADULT. Your ass SHOULD KNOW BETTER!
ii. Point "i." ALSO applies to ANY AND ALL of my Original Characters and Original Designs, no matter what media they are represented in. (These include BUT ARE NOT LIMITED to: My OCs, My personas of any category, my fan characters, etc..)
iii. If you get suggestive/sexual with me/my creations/my stuff I am blocking you on the spot on all available platforms, and I will not unblock you for shit. Fuck you.
iv. Please don't talk sexually about my fictionkin sources. I don't want to hear it, because it makes me upset and VERY uncomfortable. - Please respect my alterhumanity. If you make degrading jokes/statements about how I am not (entirely) human, I'll block you on all available platforms, timespan: Probably Forever. I am no less than you. I am still an intelligent being, capable of perceiving. I have emotions, I am sentient.
- Please do use tone-tags when talking directly with me, (especially with jokes that could come off as mean) and be patient. I have emotional difficulties and social awkwardness that rears its head persistently, so I am either very slow at interpreting things, and/or very bad at talking sometimes.
- I don't get social cues (neurodivergence), and act weird often. I also have audio processing issues on top of being hard of hearing.
- I am very reluctant about doing some things. I don't want to voice chat, because of my audio processing issues (multiple, unfamiliar voices lapping over one another sounds like a monotonous cacophony of empty words). Any public information you have of my SHOULD STAY WITH YOU FOREVER. Take it to the grave.
- Given the opportunity to, I will absolutely talk my head off of the things I enjoy. Anything at all. Genuinely I can talk about multiple things for hours. If it's overbearing for you, please tell me, and I'll do my best to hit the brakes.
i. If this rambling stuff happens in the forms of me mass tweeting on my alt, you don't need to interact with anything if the load is too much. I know how tough that can be, keeping up with the ever changing paces of multiple folk, so, genuinely no pressure!
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