my bpd affects my relationship with gender so i tend to hoard tons of labels.

i am fluid between genders as well as pronouns and names. my gender is only ever fluid in the nonbinary spectrum, and doens't include binary genders.
>> current name and current pronouns will be stated in loc. !! i only use he/him in spanish !!
>> my only pronoun set that's really "permanent" is x/x/xs/xself. the "x" is pronounced as "key" btw
>> if i have no name in my dn just use my code names, i use them as more "permanent" names if that makes sense for usernames and stuff where you can't keep changing your name all the time.
i am okay with neutral and masc terms only unless i say otherwise.

Pub: 06 Jan 2023 23:39 UTC
Edit: 23 Sep 2023 13:25 UTC
Views: 244