Twisted Sisters

Scape (Hentaifoundry)

Desc: A spoiled princess, an elusive cat-girl, and a pair of filthy futa sisters who are going to enjoy breaking them both in.

Warning, contains: Futa on female, Futa on Futa, Excessive cum, Smegma, Body hair, stench and scent play, all the way through, cum inflation, urethra insertion, docking, ball inflation, mind break, rape, non-consent and latex.

Chapter 1 - Punishing the princess

“Unbelievable…” Weiss Schnee scowled, standing in her sleeping gown in the doorway of the room she shared with three others. Her eyes drifted automatically to the top of the haphazardly constructed bunk atop her own bed. There, snoring softly in a pair of filthy sleep pants and a black tank-top, was the cause of her current ire. Ruby Rose, the newly appointed leader of team RWBY…Idiot, slacker, uncouth, uncultured…and lastly…
Her eyes narrowed angrily at the bulge stretching Ruby’s pants, the surrounding area covered in dried, crusty yellowish stain that could only be one thing.

“It reeks in here.” Weiss muttered, bitterly, setting her ornately embroidered toiletries bag onto her prized possession, an antique vanity she’d managed to have delivered from home.

Ruby’s older half-sister, Yang, looked up from her scroll and sniffed. “I don’t smell anything.” She shrugged and went back to tapping through her messages. “Welp, gotta go.” She grinned, hopping out of bed, still wearing the sweat stained clothes from the day’s ordeals. “Don’t wait up.” She called as she headed out the door, her hard cock tenting her tight shorts, as though leading the way.

“Two filthy futas and a faunus,” Weiss muttered under her breath as she plopped angrily into the seat of the vanity. Trying to put her circumstances out of her mind, Weiss began her evening ritual. Passing her hand over the polished wooden surface, not an item or article was out of place, she could have picked out the ornate silver hairbrush with her eyes closed.

The sound of Ruby’s snoring was like nails on a chalkboard as Weiss pulled the brush through her long white hair. “Just think of the opera or something.” She hissed to herself. Try as she might, she could not block out the sawing, reverberating sound.

“Do you mind?” She hissed at the sleeping girl.

Ruby rolled onto her back in response, raising her arms over her head.

“Oh gracious!” Weiss gasped, covering her nose. “It smells like a Grimm’s jockstrap!”

Long, bristly black hairs jutted proudly from Ruby’s underarms, slick with perspiration. The thick, musty, stench rolling off of those pits, like fog rolling up a beach hit Weiss like a blow to the face. She could feel her eyes tingling, her nose starting to run.

Even breathing was laborious, her lungs hesitant to partake of the pit-poisoned air.

Looking around, she spied one of Ruby’s black boots, discarded haphazardly near the foot of the bed. Snatching it up, Weiss reared her arm back, instantly regretting doing so. She could actually feel her hair curling from the foot funk emanating from the boot and heaved it away out of instinct.

Instead of hitting the bed near Ruby, like Weiss had intended, it instead collided heel first with the raven-haired girl’s bulge.

“Ow! What the hell was that for?” Ruby demanded, covering her aching nuts, with both hands.

“You reek!” Weiss shouted, finally able to breathe again. “You and your sister!”

“Hey!” Ruby cried, swinging out of the bed to land lightly on her feet. “Don’t talk about Yang that way.”

“I can’t believe Ozpin put you in charge of this team. What kind of leader can’t even bathe themselves?” Weiss groaned.

“Is that what this is all about?” Ruby blinked, still rubbing her sore balls. “Are you jealous?”

"Jeal-I'm not jealous!" Weiss stammered, red-faced.

"Maybe it's because my plan took out a Nevermore, and you nearly got eaten by a few Beowolves." Ruby countered.

Weiss's face blushed even brighter. "Why you impudent little-" As she spoke, Weiss took a step forward, drawing her hand back in a slap. There was a whooshing sound and the heiress's fingers simply slid through the blurry afterimage of Ruby.
"All right bitch!" Ruby hissed angrily from behind. Weiss cried out as she was pulled backwards by her hair. Finding herself staring at the ceiling, Weiss's eyes widened at the black pipe cleaner thick hairs descending towards her face as Ruby trapped her in a kind of reverse-headlock.
"You like the smell, cunt?" Ruby hissed angrily, rubbing her armpit all over Weiss's face. "How about you get a good taste?"

Weiss screamed through leached lips as Ruby let go of her hair and pinched her nose shut. "MMPHGHGHHGNN!!!" She howled mutely in fear and anger as she held her breath.

A cruel smile spread across Ruby's face as she watched Weiss struggling not to breath.

With a gasp of defeat, Weiss opened her mouth, desperate for air. Ruby's bristly underarm hair drove into the helpless girl's mouth.
“That’s right, breathe it in, princess!” Ruby laughed as Weiss’s struggling caused her to work up a sweat.
The thick, musty stench poured into Weiss’s mouth, sweat literally dripping onto her tongue, despite her struggles. She could feel her stomach rebelling against the sharp, acrid taste, her tongue flailing, inadvertently licking the thick, pungent hairs.
“What’s wrong? Taste too good?” Ruby leered, grinning like a cat as tears streamed down Weiss’s eyes. She could feel the girl’s hot, panicked breath against her underarms and tightened her grip, mashing the spoiled bitch’s face into her pit.
“That’s it, fucking choke on that smell!” She crowed gleefully as Weiss’s eyes rolled back in her head, her body shaking and trembling as the sheer stench tricked her body into thinking it was suffocating.

The white-haired girl’s body gave one final spasmic shudder and went limp. Ruby let go, dropping Weiss unceremoniously to the floor, sweat and a few stray hairs clinging to her gasping lips.

“Ughgh, I’m gonna be sick!” Weiss groaned, rolling onto her stomach and pushing herself up. She could taste sweat dripping down her throat still, black hairs like steel wool stuck to her lips.

“Really, cause it looks like you enjoyed it.” Ruby grinned, her huge pole tenting her stained sleep pants as she stared at Weiss’s hard nipples poking from her sleeping gown.

“You filthy, disgusting…” Weiss’s stomach gave a sickening lurch and she turned, sprinting for the door, snatching her toiletries bag as she sprinted for the bathrooms.

“This is going to be great.” Ruby smiled ear to ear.


Why can’t I get rid of the taste?

Steam poured out of the shower stall as Weiss furiously brushed her teeth, her other hand frantically scrubbing a loofah over her milky pale skin, trying to exfoliate the feeling of shame and despoilment away.

Her anger only made her scrub that much harder as she realized she couldn’t tell anyone about this. If anyone found out she’d been beaten by some noxious nobody, her reputation would be sullied forever. She’d be disowned, or worse.

I’ll get her back for this! Weiss glowered silently.


Weiss tossed and turned in her sleep, trying to banish the taste of Ruby’s putrid pit hairs from her mouth. No matter how much she’d flossed, she swore she could feel them clinging between her teeth.

“I need to brush again…” She groaned, throwing off her blanket. She sat up and turned, gasping as she found Ruby standing there, grinning evilly. Weiss only had a moment to gasp in shock as Ruby, grabbing the top of her bunk, swung both legs forward, spreading them wide. The distinguished daughter of the powerful Schnee family could only grimace in disgust as the grimy groin of some no name futa huntress smushed against her face like some sickeningly warm and lumpy bean bag.

Ruby let go of the bed, riding Weiss’s face all the way to the mattress. “Wakey wakey slut!” She laughed as her huge, heavy nuts and long, flaccid cock ground against the spoiled girl’s spoiled fucking face.

“Whad da fuq are voo doin?” Weiss screamed, her speaking hampered by the brunette straddling her face.

“Just putting that snotty mouth of yours to better use.” Ruby laughed, grabbing a fistful of Weiss’s long silvery hair and using it to drag the girl’s face against her lap even harder. Weiss screamed, trying to twist her head away as Ruby’s legs tightened around her head, grinding her face harder into that sweaty, disgusting crotch.

Weiss screamed in rage, twisting and bucking as hard as she could, trying to wriggle free. Ruby held something up and Weiss froze, eyes widening in horror at the scroll device in Ruby’s hand, the red light next to the lens flashing softly to signal it was recording.
“How about you tear open my pants with your teeth and apologize to my balls for earlier…or I show this to everyone in school?” Ruby smirked.

Weiss’s glare could have cut diamonds, but she parted her lips, trembling with rage and shame as she clenched the stained sleep pants between her teeth. She turned her head, clenching her eyes shut as the stench of dried, greasy cum and the reek of layers upon layers of sweat seeped past her teeth to assault her taste buds. She could actually smell fresh sweat seeping through Ruby’s caustic crotch as the bulge began throbbing faster as the girl’s pulse sped.

With a twist of her head, Weiss ripped a small hole that quickly stretched and widened as Ruby’s softball sized nuts and putrid python of a cock strained against the crotch of her pants. The fabric began to creak and tear, crumbling like a dam before Weiss’s eyes.

A shuddering flinch rippled throughout her body as Ruby’s sweaty, hairy balls slapped against her eyes, so packed full of wriggling cum that she could feel the huge orbs squirming. She only had a moment to try to come to terms with what was happening, before Ruby’s long, thick cock sprung upwards, hanging there for a moment before toppling forward like a rotting redwood to slap against the spoiled girl’s forehead and hair hard enough to leave her head spinning.

“Now that’s a good look for you.” Ruby laughed, rocking side to side, grinding her groin into the girl’s face even more. Weiss screamed, howling her rage and shame into Ruby’s taint. “Ooh, tha-A-at fe-E-els go-O-od!” The horny huntress groaned, her cock quickly swelling faster and harder.

“Go on, kiss and make up.” Ruby teased, bouncing atop Weiss’s face a few times before leaning back, dragging her nuts so they covered the girl’s mouth. There was a growl of rage from below, before a pair of soft, puckered lips pressed against her sack for a fraction of a second.

“You can do better than that. Put a little tongue into it.” Ruby laughed, circling her hips atop Weiss’s face to accentuate the word ‘tongue’.

Slowly, ever so slowly, she felt a tongue take a hesitant lick against her sack. Immediately she could feel Weiss’s face heaving against her nuts as the girl coughed and gagged.

Ruby didn’t just have pubic hair, she had a veritable mane of thick black hairs running from between her balls down to her taint. Weiss coughed, her throat convulsing, drool flooding her mouth as the longest of Ruby’s sweat soaked, horrendous hairs clung to the inside of her mouth and throat. The sweltering, suffocating scent was like Weiss’s own personal hell as the stench etched itself into her memory forever. Even her hair was inundated with the foul aroma as it soaked into ever follicle.

“Go on, get to it.” She grinned, savoring the moment as Weiss’s tongue touched her nuts once again, tracing its way along her heavy sack, while doing its best not to touch it at all.

“Ooh, that’s pretty good.” Ruby groaned, getting more and more turned on by the moment. She pulled away, leaving a stunned Weiss gasping for fresh air as Ruby took a seat on the frigid fencer’s flat stomach.

“Not a bad apology…of course now my balls are all heavy and full of cum. You’re not going to let it go to waste, are you?” Ruby smirked, pressing her bare, sweaty feet against Weiss’s face to silence her protests. “Tell you what. You do this and I’ll erase this video, deal?”

Weiss glared, hissing between clenched teeth as Ruby’s toes teased against her face, smushing and spreading her lips as she spoke. “Yesh…” She squeezed out, recoiling from the foul taste of Ruby’s feet.

“Now that’s more like it.” Ruby grinned, grabbing her cock with both hands, stroking it quickly with both hands. Weiss could feel the hot, cum filled orbs swelling, growing heavier against her chest.

“Oh yeah, gonna cum so much!” Ruby moaned.

Despite her situation, Weiss inhaled deeply, clenching her eyes shut and bracing herself for what would surely be the end of this nightmare.

Nothing happened…

After a few moments she opened one eye hesitantly, then both of them sprang open in confusion as Ruby leaned over, snatching one of her reeking boots from the floor. The confusion in Weiss’s eyes transformed to sheer terror as Ruby placed the boot atop her cock, dragging it up and down frantically.

What is she?...oh no…OH NO! Realization dawned in Weiss’s mind, just as Ruby threw her head back, her sweaty cock erupting deep within her own footwear. “I hope you’re thirsty.” Ruby teased, pulling the boot away, filling it to the rim with cum.

Weiss glanced to the side, glancing to the bunk Yang and Blake shared. Maybe she could…

Any hope of rescue died as she saw Blake on her stomach, Yang sitting on her back, something black and shiny in the blonde brawler’s hand. Weiss and Blake locked eyes, letting out simultaneous cries of desperate pleading.

The combined sound roused the two sister’s attentions enough that they looked over, each smiling as they noticed the other’s late-night activities.

“That’s my little sis.” Yang grinned proudly, flashing a thumbs up.

“Aww shucks…” Ruby blushed, rubbing the back of her neck. Yang reached down, pulling the object over Blake’s face. The faunus girl’s eyes screamed for mercy as Yang pulled the black latex mask all the way down, completely covering Blake’s face.

“Hey! You’re not finished yet.” Ruby hissed, grabbing Weiss’s face with her feet, forcing her gaze back to her. “Oh, don’t be like that.” Ruby whined as Weiss clenched her jaw, crushing her lips together to keep out every drop of cum.
“You really don’t learn, do you?” She smirked, pressing her big toes on either side of Weiss’s nose, cutting off her air, as she leaned closer, tilting the boot towards the girl’s mouth.

Somehow the stench of Ruby’s feet, but not any actual air, made it through and Weiss’s eyes rolled back, her stomach roiling so much with disgust that she felt her entire body starting to shake. Holding out as long as she could, Weiss opened her mouth, trying to gasp a quick breath of fresh air before Ruby could do anything.

The moment her lips were open, the boot was upended, thick, musky, oily cum pouring against her lips and into her mouth. Weiss’s body refused to let her close her mouth, her throat convulsing as she tried to cough it back up.

The last thing Weiss saw was Ruby holding up her scroll, recording everything. “Wait till everyone sees the Ice-Queen eating a creampie from a sweaty boot.” Ruby laughed as the cum poured over her eyes, soaking into her hair and covering her face. It seeped into her hair, dripping down her ears, so thick and noxious that the combination of nose numbing scents finally overwhelmed her mind and she collapsed into welcoming darkness, buried under a blanket of cum.


“Now, back in my day, blah, blah, blah, blah…” Professor Port prattled on, while around the room students struggled to stay awake.

Weiss glowered at the girl next to her, face down on the desk, using her hands as a pillow as she snored softly. All around them other students were leaning away from the stench of Ruby’s raised arms. Weiss could relate to their aversion, but even so, trying to dig a hole through the floor seemed a tad far. Although, she supposed it was possible that after a week of Ruby’s constant filthy attacks, she was beginning to develop a tolerance to it.

“Now then, shall we have a pair of volunteers?” Professor Port asked, looking around, following the sound of snoring and homing in on the sleeping Ruby. “Ahh, Ms. Rose and Ms. Schnee, would you be so good as to demonstrate the lesson we’ve just learned?”

“Shit…” Weiss hissed under her breath, shaking Ruby awake. “Huh?” The girl groaned, rubbing her eyes. “Oooh!” She grinned in excitement at the Beowolf chained in the center of the room.

Taking their positions, the two girls leapt forward as the chains were slackened.

“Well done!” The Grimm Studies instructor exclaimed as the girls stood victorious, sweating and breathing heavily.

“Nice job!” Ruby cheered, draping an arm around Weiss’s neck. Even with Weiss’s need for acknowledgement being satiated, she couldn’t fully ignore the feeling of Ruby’s sweaty armpit pressed against the back of her neck.

“You smell good like this.” Ruby whispered into her ear, making Weiss blush.

What the hell is wrong with you? She hissed in her mind, reminding herself what a horrendous slob Ruby truly was. Shaking her head to clear her mind, Weiss thrust her shoulders back and turned on a heel, striding confidently back to her seat.

A short while later the lesson ended and Weiss stormed out of the classroom, eager to get back to the dorms and wash the sweat from her body.

Walking into the showers, she groaned as she found the room swelteringly hot, steam billowing out the doors, a sure sign that someone had left the hot water running. Fresh sweat broke out across her body as she stepped inside.

“Uggh,” Weiss groaned, stripping off her clothes, reeling from the scent where Ruby’s armpit had rested against her back. “Disgusting.” She grimaced, taking a whiff that sent a sickened shiver throughout her. Tossing the soiled garment aside, Weiss laid out her clean clothes and turned, hurrying towards the cleansing hot waters.

There was a now familiar whooshing sound and Weiss turned, frantically looking around. A pair of hands grabbed her shoulders from behind and Weiss hissed as she was dragged backwards, landing on a wooden bench. She barely managed to get a hiss of pain out before the ceiling lights were blocked out by a black skirt sliding into Weiss’s vision. Her eyes adjusted quickly, widening as Ruby’s hairy taint descended towards her face.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you with your mouth full.” Ruby laughed, grinding Weiss’s mouth and nose between her sweaty ass cheeks. “Go on, get in there.” Ruby moaned, grinding the ring of her ass against her teammate’s lips, the tight entrance quivering as though puckering for a kiss.

“I said, get in there!” Ruby growled, reaching back to grab a fistful of Weiss’s sweat streaked hair, forcing her face against the rock-hard buns. Her other hand reached down, pressing against Weiss’s throat.

Weiss bucked, the grip on her airway making her gasp for air. Her tongue hung out of her mouth, flicking against the black hairy ring circling Ruby’s ass. It clung to her tongue, so dripping with sweat that Weiss had no choice but to swallow to keep from drowning in acrid ass juices.

“Ooh, get that tongue in there” Ruby laughed, squeezing tighter on Weiss’s neck until she felt a squirming, trembling tongue teasing against the rim of her ass. With a smirk, Ruby clenched down, the band of her ass tightening around Weiss’s tongue, dragging it deeper. The snow haired slut beneath her squealed her rage into Ruby’s ass as the scythe huntress clenched around Weiss’s tongue, dragging it deeper.

“Oh yeah.” Ruby moaned through grit teeth, rubbing her hard, slimy cock between Weiss’s tits. Weiss could feel the hot, oily cum dripping onto her flat stomach.

Weiss screamed grew louder, only to be muted once again as Ruby began to twerk her sweaty ass and hairy taint onto the girl’s face. Over and over she could feel Ruby’s toned, bubble butt slapping against her cheeks, her nose burying between the cheeks. The smell bore into Weiss’s brain, the feeling of her tongue quivering and teasing against the coarse hairs eating away at her very mind.

“I can’t wait to get you back to the room and really cut loose.” Ruby grinned, dropping her weight and covering Weiss’s mouth and nose with her ass.

Weiss screamed, slapping desperately at Ruby’s thighs and ass, trying to shift the girl as her lungs screamed for air. She could feel the edges of her vision closing in, the locker room getting dark. “That’s right, nighty night, Ice queen.”


Weiss awoke with a gasp to find herself naked on her bed. She didn’t know how long she’d been out, but the scent and feel of Ruby’s sweat had seeped into every pore of her being. She shuddered, wishing she could shed her skin like a snake to escape the heavy, greasy sensation covering her. The underside of the stained mattress above her sagged under Ruby’s weight and Weiss lay there glaring at the shapeless indent.

After a few moments she climbed out of bed, shuddering and trying not to groan with disgust at how sweaty and gross she felt. She padded towards her dresser, grabbing a sleep gown and started towards the door.

With a whoosh, Ruby stood there blocking the way, both arms raised to rest against the doorframe, long dark underarm hair jutting out to either side, so thick with sweat and musk that they steamed slightly in the cool night air.
“Out of my way!” Weiss sneered, wobbling slightly as she stood. The smell coming from the other girl’s underarms was worming its way into her brain, making her dizzy.

“It’s after lights out.” Ruby smirked. “No one’s allowed out.” Weiss had spent so much time with her nose buried in Ruby’s pits that she could differentiate between the musky, heady odor of sweat that had long soaked into the hairs, and that of the steaming and salty aroma of fresh perspiration. She could feel the room slowly spinning, her mouth watering as it prepared to repel another oral assault of sweat soaked underarm smothering. A slight tingle in her loins made her eyes widen, of all the indignities she’d been forced to endure, the worst seemed to be coming from herself as her own body began to react to the powerful pheromones and musk in Ruby’s odious aura.

Ruby noticed the slight widening of Weiss’s pupils, the sudden hitch in her breathing. “Of course, there’s plenty of fun to be had inside.” Ruby added, reaching down to cup her huge cock and balls. Weiss glared at her, trying to think of something to say. Before her musk addled mind could think of anything, Ruby reached out, grabbing one of Weiss’s hands and forcing it against her package.

Both women froze as a gasp of excitement slipped past Weiss’s lips. Ruby’s mouth turned up in an ear to ear grin, while Weiss’s fell in a look of dread terror.

“Hmmph!” She grunted, pulling her hand away as she stormed over to her vanity and pulled the dress on over her head.
“Aww…” Ruby groaned slightly, whooshing back to her bunk.

Weiss ignored her. Reaching for her brush, she began combing her long, white hair, wincing as she found the occasional tangle. Each brush brought a hint of the sweat scent ingrained in her hair. Without meaning to, Weiss found herself leaning in the direction she was brushing, her nose twitching slightly as she subconsciously sniffed in time with each stroke.

Ruby said something, breaking Weiss from her stupor. The girl dropped the hairbrush as though bitten by it, staring in horror at the sweaty, half brushed mess of her hair.

“What?” She blinked, looking at Ruby’s reflection in the mirror.

“I said that’s a good look for you. Au natural.” Ruby elaborated.

For a moment, Weiss didn’t follow, then raised one arm, blinking at the white stubble peeking out from her underarm. She blinked a few more times in confusion, she could have sworn she’d just shaved just a few days ago. She mentally counted back, trying to remember, but felt her mind getting fuzzy. A strange scent was making it hard to think; not Ruby’s. She closed her eyes, trying to figure out where she knew this smell from, but nothing came to mind. Oddly enough, if smelt strangely good.

Something rough brushed against the tip of her nose and she opened her eyes to find her sniffing in a deep lungful of her own underarm stubble. There was a flash of motion from the corner of her eye and Weiss turned her eyes without moving her head to find the reflection of Ruby casually stroking a hand along her greasy, sweaty cock.
Weiss blushed bright red, the sudden embarrassment making her underarm break out in fresh sweat and she felt a tremor go through her at the sudden scent.

Thrusting her arms down, she rose to her feet. Mustering all the poise and dignity she could manage, she turned, striding back to the bed and climbing into her bunk as though nothing had happened.

I’ll just grab a shower in the morning before anyone has a chance to find out… She resolved silently.

For a few moments she started to drift off into sleep. The rocking and creaking of the mattress above her jarred from her imminent slumber and she glared at the underside of the bunk above her.

“Oh yeah! Take it you slut!” Ruby groaned, the sound for some reason making Weiss’s loins tingle with excitement. “Breath in my pits, smell ‘em!” Ruby continued, and Weiss could feel the fingers of one hand drifting lower, while her other raised up, clutching the pillow to the back of her head.

“Oh yeah, that’s it, use your tongue.” The mattress shifted above, Ruby’s hands gripping the edges of the bedframe and Weiss realized the girl was on her stomach, humping her foul cock against the stained mattress.

“Oh yeah, I love those sexy pit hairs.” Ruby groaned, grinding and thrusting faster and harder. “If you keep growing them out, maybe I’ll let you eat my ass again, you stuck up frostitute!” Ruby groaned, thrusting faster and faster, the bed springs squeaking and squealing.

Weiss’s eyes widened in rage as she realized Ruby was talking about her. With a growl, she dragged her fingers away from where they were, poised above her aching clit. Reaching up, she crushed the pillow around her head, turning on her side to try to ignore the breathy groan from above, followed by the wet, gushing noises as Ruby continued to fuck the seed-soaked mattress even after cumming.

“Sleep tight Weiss.” Ruby teased before snoring softly while a wet, yellowish white stain formed on the underside of the mattress, dripping onto the aristocratic huntress in slow, steady drips.

Weiss clutched the pillow tighter to her head, trying to block out the noise. Laying there on her side, she slowly began to drift off to sleep, her nose inadvertently buried against her own underarm.

Weiss awoke the next morning to the muted sounds of her alarm going off. Reaching over she slapped the snooze button, recoiling as her hand landed in something thick and slimy.

“Disgusting!” She groaned, pulling her cum smeared hand away, streams of jizz leading back to the despoiled clock. Shaking her sticky hand, Weiss hissed in shock at the time.

“I’m gonna be late for combat practice!” She hissed jumping out of bed. Rushing to her dresser she dressed in record time. Her alarm went off once again and she turned, noticing for the first time Ruby snoring soundly. The futa huntress groaned in her sleep, reaching down to grasp the thick slimy cock sticking out of the pants Weiss had torn with her teeth. “Yeah, yeah, Weiss…” Ruby groaned, stroking her thick cock upwards.

The white-haired girl stared in rapt wonder as thick, hot cum dripped from the tip of Ruby’s cock, landing on the snooze button and silencing the alarm.
“Wake up!” Weiss screeched, cursing her luck at not only being late because of Ruby, but of the fact that she’d been partnered with the pungeant imbecile. “If you don’t show up my score will suffer! So WAKE UP!” Weiss screamed, dragging Ruby out of her bunk. The futa huntress blinked awake and looked around.

“Ow! What was that for?” Ruby hissed as she landed on her ass.

“We need to get to class!” Weiss hissed, pointing at the clock. There was a whoosh and by the time she looked back, Ruby was fully dressed and hurrying out the door.

The two girls sprinted through the closing doors of the outdoor combat area, skidding to a stop with the other students.

“So good you two could join us.”


“That was exhausting.” Weiss groaned. They’d spent the entire day hunting down grimm in the nearby abandoned residential zone. She could almost feel the sweat steaming off of Ruby. Ever since they’d went on patrol, putting their lessons to practice destroying the Beowolves that had been released, Ruby had been strangely silent.

“What’s wrong with…” Weiss gulped as Ruby grinned. “No wait…please…” She said, taking a nervous, trembling step backwards. Ruby didn’t even need to use her speed, simply walked up and pulled Weiss’s head back by her hair and lowered her armpit over the girl’s open mouth. Weiss screamed, her tongue flicking against the rank hairs as her eyes rolled back in her head. She could feel her pussy gushing with need as her struggling increased Ruby’s constant stream of sweat into a veritable river of rankness.
Her stomach clenched, drool flowing from her tongue as she rolled her head back, everything going dark once again.

“Dammit!” Weiss hissed bolting up on her bed. Her head was still spinning. Her face felt strangely heavy and she could taste the after traces of Ruby’s sweat on her lips. She flicked her tongue out, licking along her lips before she could stop herself. Her pussy thrummed with need and she reached down, gasping as she brushed a finger over her clit.
The mattress above her shifted and Weiss held her breath. Waiting until the motions from above had stopped, she slipped out. Grabbing her toiletries kit from her haphazardly organized vanity and a sleep gown, she padded silently out of the room.

Glancing around to make sure she wasn’t followed, Weiss pushed her way into the bathroom and turned the shower full blast before going to put her toiletries kit by the sink. Reaching up, she paused for a moment, marveling at the bush of silver hair peeking out from under her arm.
“Ughh, so unsightly.” She groaned, running her fingers over the short hairs. She could feel the sweat coursing over her fingertips, the smell pricking at her nose in strange ways that made her tingle.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she wiped away the fog from the mirror. Something metallic glinted in her reflection and her eyes widened.

"No, no, no, no!" She hissed, frantically wiping the mirror, staring in horror at the large silver ring under her nose. "Ruby!" Weiss screamed, turning the metal hoop trying to find a clasp, or a latch, or any way to remove the silver hoop.

“There must be a…” Her eyes trailed downwards as the condensation on the mirror dripped down the surface, revealing something impossible.


The door to the room slammed open as Weiss stormed in, still naked and clutching the sleeping gown to her stomach.

“Ruby!” Weiss screeched, fuming with rage.

“What’s going on?” Yang groaned, pulling back the blankets and rubbing her eyes.

“Your sister is the matter!” Weiss hissed, too angry to worry about Blake trapped in some kind of skintight black latex bondage outfit that hat her molded against Yang’s body like a cat cocksleeve. If the faunus fucktoy was in trouble that was her own problem.

“Nice ink.” Yang yawned, reaching down to casually wrap her strong fingers around Blake’s throat, making the catgirl’s eyes roll back and her body tremble around the bigger girl’s cock.

Weiss inhaled for a fresh bout of berating but paused. Glancing down, she found herself still clutching the clothing to her stomach. So, then what was…

Turning her head, she stared at the reflection of her lower back in the dusty vanity mirror. The words ‘Fuck-Toy’ were emblazoned in big, stylized letters on her lower back. Weiss let out a gasp, turning and dropping the dress, revealing the words ‘Ruby’s Cumdump’ tattooed just above her mons atop a red rose background.

“Twice!” Weiss howled in anguish. “You tattooed me twice!”

“Yeah, my hand started itching from all the buzzing.” Ruby yawned, reaching under her pillow to hold up a tattoo gun. “I’ll do more later.”

“You won’t get away with this…I’ll…”

“You’ll what?” Ruby gloated, swinging lightly out of bed to stand before the naked girl.

“You, you…AGGGH!!!” Weiss growled, climbing into her bed. How dare that disgusting horrendous little…
Ruby climbed into the bed, throwing an arm over the heiress and casually groping one of the girl’s breasts as she half covered Weiss’s mouth with her underarm. The long black hairs teased against Weiss’s nose and lips, the sweat dripping down her face.
“Nighty-night.” Ruby whispered in her ear, giving her nipple a hard pinch. “Maybe tomorrow I’ll get some decorations for these sweater puppies.”

Weiss held her breath, the smell of the pits inches from her face making it hard to think. The taste teased at her nose and her taste buds. She grit her teeth, trying to push away the strange tingles coursing throughout her body. The scent made her head spin, her pussy frothing with need as her thighs rubbed together. “Yeah, definitely some nice piercings for these.” Ruby purred in her ear, giving Weiss’s hard nipple another pinch.

Weiss could only groan and growl, holding her breath as the disgusting futa girl began snoring, almost cutting off the grunts and groans of Yang and Blake across the room. Slowly the combination of lack of air and her body thrumming with strange, unwanted pleasure lulled her into a fitful slumber.


Professor Port droned on at the head of the class, oblivious to the stench wafting through the classroom, and blind to the empty seats encircling Weiss and Ruby’s position. A few people had eyed Weiss’s nose ring at first, but no one bothered to ask the frigid girl about it. Then again, Weiss reasoned, it wasn’t unusual for students to try new things...

Weiss tried her best to focus, jotting notes with one hand. Her other hand was pulled over to Ruby’s side of the desk, the black-haired girl drawing along Weiss’s alabaster skin with a marker.

A small shudder of pleasure went through the white-haired heiress as she felt the felt tip tracing along her upper arm, the sleeve of her top pulled back. Ruby had been teasing about adding another tattoo to the countless ones already covering every inch of Weiss’s body not hidden by her clothes. The smell coming off Ruby only got stronger as the thought of marking up her favorite fuck once again made her nasty, sticky cock throb, the junk funk drifting out from underneath the girl’s combat skirt like an invisible miasma.

The rank stench only grew stronger as Ruby got more and more excited. Weiss’s own sweaty scent added to the aroma as she found herself starting to get more and more turned on. It was taking her composure to keep from reaching down and stroking Ruby’s thick, nasty cock right there in class. At least by staying next to the girl she could hope to retain some hope that people just assumed Ruby was the one that stunk, and not her.

“Uh, yes…And I think we will end the lesson there.” Professor Port coughed, making a hasty exit from the room so fast that for a moment Weiss wondered if he’d been into Doctor Oobleck’s coffee. The rest of the class followed suite, hurrying out with even more anxiousness than usual.

“S-So…we have a little time before next class.” Weiss offered nervously. She could feel her hard nipples pressing against her clothing, her pussy throbbing with need. She still couldn’t bring herself to admit that she liked Ruby’s abuse, had begun to crave it. “Do you want to go get something to eat…or…”

Ruby reached up, hooking a finger through Weiss’s nose hoop and using it to drag the girl’s face closer to her own. Without a word, she rose to her feet, Weiss rising with her.

People stopped and stared as Ruby casually walked down the hall, literally leading Weiss by the nose back to their room.

Pulling Weiss inside she let go of the ring and turned, slamming the door shut. Weiss could feel her heart pounding as Ruby stripped out of her clothes. She wanted to help, but some stubborn semblance of pride would not allow her to fully subject herself to this disgusting girl. Still, when Ruby took off her skirt, tossing it aside, Weiss felt her legs trembling slightly as that huge, greasy dong flopped into view.

When Ruby pulled her top off over her head, Weiss thought she might cum right then and there at the long hairs jutting out from under the girl’s arms, the smell like low tide in an uncleaned gym locker room after new year’s. With a whoosh, Ruby appeared behind her, fingers reaching around to undo the cords and fasteners of Weiss’s own outfit.

“How many fucking laces does this thing have?” Ruby grunted, working up more of a sweat as she tugged at the elaborate garment. A moment later there was a mechanical clunking sound and Weiss’s eyes widened as she saw the reflection of Ruby in the dust covered vanity wielding her weapon, Crimson Rose, expertly. “Don’t move.”

“RUBY!” Weiss screamed as there was a flash of motion and something cold ran along her back. The expensive clothes fell away, the fabric sliced cleanly along the back.

“Much better.” Ruby smirked, peeling the ruined outfit away. “Not like you’re going to need clothes much longer.”

Weiss started to ask what she meant, but Ruby hoisted her arms up, making Weiss gasp at the reflection of her own hairy white pits. “You’re looking pretty cute like that.” Ruby smiled, leaning down to sniff deeply of Weiss’s underarm before sliding her tongue out.

Weiss gasped at the feeling or Ruby’s tongue teasing along her underarm, savoring the taste of aged aristocratic sweat. “Mmm, I kind of want to bottle it up and carry it around all day.” Ruby moaned, sucking on the long hairs and licking at the sensitive skin.

Weiss’s eyes rolled back, quivering back and forth under half closed eyelids and she reached down, grasping the back of Ruby’s head and pushing her face harder into her pit. “Y-Yes…Keep doing that.” She moaned, unable to believe the words spilling from her own mouth as the feeling of the tongue tracing over her disgusting, hairy underarms set off an intense orgasm rippling throughout her body. She could only moan in pleasure when Ruby switched to the other arm, licking and tasting madly. She could smell Ruby getting more and more turned on, her ball funk combining with the excited stench of her pits and sweat to make Weiss’s head spin from the smell alone.

All too soon it was over, and Ruby leaned back. Grabbing a handful of Weiss’s hair, she bent the girl’s head back, mashing their lips together.
Weiss moaned, eyes rolling back, shaking and quivering in another full body climax. Her juices dripped down her bare legs as Ruby’s tongue teased with hers, sharing the taste of each other’s sweat.

Ruby dragged her back by her hair suddenly, leaving Weiss gasping in breathless wonder as to why.

Ruby smirked, turning around and walking toward the vanity. Weiss couldn’t help but let out a small mewl of excitement at the river of sweat snaking down Ruby’s toned, lithe back, traveling between the twin swells of her ass before coursing down her taint and around her huge, hairy plums before dripping hotly to the ground, a veritable smorgasbord of scents and tastes.
“You said you were hungry.” Ruby smirked, reaching down to pull her cheeks apart, her hair ringed asshole puckering invitingly. “So, come eat.”

Weiss’s body moved on its own, stepping forward before her lust addled mind could command it to. She sank to her knees, mouth watering as she leaned closer. Her tongue reached out, trailing along the other girl’s toned ass, tasting the sweat gathered on the cheeks before moving up, tasting the fresh sweat dripping down her crack like a river before trailing lower. Weiss’s eyes rolled back in her head as she reached out, grabbing hold of Ruby’s hips as she buried her face in that thick, hairy taint, her nose pressed between the sweaty cheeks. She reached around, stroking that greasy, stinky cock as she moved lower, licking and kissing her away along the futa girl’s huge hairy balls, tracing each vein and fold with her tongue while Ruby moaned, bracing her hands against the vanity for support.

“Ooh, you fucking little bitch. I’m going to make you pay if you keep teasing me like that.” Ruby warned as she felt Weiss’s tongue lick its way upwards, circling her ass and flicking against the entrance.

Weiss could only moan in excitement as she flicked her tongue against Ruby’s rosebud, easing the entrance open.

Ruby’s ass gaped for a moment, as she reached back, pushing Weiss’s head between her cheeks even harder. Weiss could only moan as her tongue was pulled inside by Ruby’s talented ass, the muscles squeezing and contracting around the pink appendage, fucking Weiss’s tongue into her ass.

Weiss moaned, the vibrations making her tongue quiver and tingle against the sensitive passage as she stroked faster and harder, jerking Ruby’s sticky schlong for all she was worth.

“Oh fuck, that feels too good! I’m gonna…gonna!”

Weiss felt Ruby clench around her tongue, the huge balls rising up, slapping her in the chin as Ruby rocked her hips. She could feel spurt after spurt of hot cum pouring through the cock in her grip, the hot load spraying all over the mirror of the vanity, dripping down onto the expensive wood in disgusting puddles.

“Oh fuck, don’t stop!” Ruby groaned, her cock continuing to buck as Weiss used her grip on Ruby’s cock to pull her face deeper into the other girl’s cheeks, eyes rolling back as she gorged herself on the sweaty ass crack.

“Weiss…I’m UNGHH!!!” Ruby groaned, eyes rolling back as the sweat obsessed girl forced another load out of her. Sweat poured down her body, coursing down the small of her back in a tidal wave that nearly waterboarded the blue-blooded bitch.

“More…” Weiss whispered, her voice barely audible with her lips pressed against Ruby’s ass. “More!” She begged.


Ruby awoke to the familiar feeling of a hot tongue teasing along her shaft, cleaning her morning wood before moving along to her toned body, working its way towards her smelly pits. She blinked awake and looked down, smiling at Weiss, dragging her tongue against the other girl’s body with almost drunken devotion.

“And how’s my favorite little frostitute this morning?” She teased.

“Hungry.” Weiss moaned, trails of Ruby’s cum still dried to her lips from the countless loads she’d probably sucked out of the horny futa during the night. She moved upwards, lifting one of Ruby’s arms and burying her nose in the pungent pit, moaning and quivering as the smell short circuited her brain into an almost instantaneous climax.

Weiss gasped and moaned, too far gone in her own scent to realize just how far she’d fallen. It wasn’t enough just to be close to Ruby’s sweaty body, she needed to make the girl sweat and stink, to drive her ripeness to new levels of nose searing intensity. She needed to feel her own body sweating as she was fucked like the disgusting spoiled bitch she was.

Ruby couldn’t help but smile. With each session Weiss grew more and more addicted to Ruby’s scent, and even her own. Soon she’d be nothing more than a highly devoted fuck toy with a ridiculous amount of combat training.

The two girls reached for their soiled, discarded clothes. Ruby could tell Weiss wanted to stay inside the whole day, fucking like rank rabbits, but today was combat training, and nothing could tear them away from the thrill of fighting, or the sweaty, stinky, ball slapping debauchery that always followed.

“Please…just one quick fuck before class?” Weiss pleaded, lifting the back of her skirt to reveal her bare ass and hairy mound, almost every inch covered in embarrassing tattoos.

“Okay, but a quick one.” Ruby relented, rolling her eyes.

Weiss’s face lit up and she started to climb back into the bed they now shared.

“Not there, we’ll never leave the room.” Ruby laughed, gently admonishing her adorable cum slut. “There.” She pointed to the vanity.

Weiss hurried over, bending over and looking back over her shoulder in anticipation.

“Nuh-uh.” Ruby smiled. “I want to see your face.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Weiss swept her arms across the surface, sending countless grooming devices caked in dried, yellowish cum scattering across the floor. Turning, she scooted onto the surface, eyes wild with lustful hunger as Ruby stepped closer, feeding her rancid tube steak into Weiss’s hairy, needy pussy.

Both girls groaned as Ruby bottomed out, her cock pressed against the back of Weiss’s womb.

“You’re the best fuckpig ever.” Ruby groaned, working up a sweat as she pounded Weiss fast and hard, with little concern for her enjoyment.

“Yes, I’m your fuckpig, use me, fuck me, smother me in your pits and make me smell your filthy boots!” Weiss howled, mad with glee.

“Fuck! Cumming!” Ruby groaned, her huge nuts drawing up so fast that they slapped against Weiss’s mound. Over and over she came, flooding the girl’s womb with foul and greasy yellowish cum. The smell of Weiss’s sweat made her orgasm last longer than even Ruby expected, piggybacking onto another one building.

Grabbing Weiss’s hips, she stood, turning around and sitting on the vanity so Weiss was riding her, peppering her face with kissed, her nose ring brushing against Ruby’s face.

“You smell so good I…I…UNGGH!!!” Weiss hissed, her body going taut as a bowstring as she came, gushing around Ruby’s cock.

“C’mon! Move more!” Ruby hissed, so close to cumming again. After having her cock sucked all night by the unquenchable ice-queen, she needed more motion to cum. Looking around, he spotted a hairbrush and raised it up.

Weiss gasped, jerking and writhing as Ruby used the silver brush to spank her hard enough to have red marks rising on her alabaster ass.

“Yes!” Weiss screamed. “Make it hurt!”

Ruby used her other hand to drag her head back by her hair, biting Weiss’s neck hard, leaving teeth marks, just in case the stench, tattoos, nose ring, and the fact that Weiss was constantly hanging on Ruby’s arm weren’t enough to mark the bitch as hers.

With a groan, Ruby came again, her balls clenching so hard they almost hurt as she dumped another load of putrid jizz deep into the girl’s womb.

“Okay, we really need to get going.” Ruby hissed, sliding out of Weiss’s well stuffed muff. Her legs were shaking as she grabbed her weapon, turning to find Weiss barely able to stand, cum dripping from her folds.

With shaky legs, the two girls headed out, eager for the day’s classes, and even more so for what lay afterwards. The door closed, leaving the room empty. The grooming instruments, once laid so carefully atop the vanity, lay scattered around the room. The vanity itself, like Weiss’s pride, sat forgotten and completely covered in cum.

Chapter 2 - Breaking the black cat

“Welp, gotta go. Don’t wait up!” Yang called over her shoulder, leaving the prissy princess fuming with anger.

She paused just outside the room, licking her lips as she reached down, cupping the massive bulge tenting her tight workout shorts, looking forward to breaking that spoiled little bitch in. If her baby sister didn’t beat her to it that is…

Her scroll chirped once again, and Yang smiled at the image that filled the screen. One of her friends from her old academy had spotted the raven-haired Faunus girl going into the library.


“Go down!” Blake hissed staring down at her crotch, her own hard cock pushing against the underside of her skirt, refusing to go down. “Damn it.” She groaned, leaning against the shelves of books deep in the archives of the school. She couldn’t get that damn smell out of her mind. She’d known Yang and Ruby were futas from the moment she met them, that’s why she’d tried so hard to give them to cold shoulder. It wasn’t exactly secret that some Faunus women got turned on the smell of a particularly potent futa, but Blake was particularly susceptible to it. That combined with the fact that she was now rooming with a pair of futas who oozed more disgusting ball funk than an entire Griff-ball team, made it impossible to think when she was there.

Looking around to make sure no one was around, she reached under her skirt, gasping slightly as she grabbed hold of her modest, six-inch cock, stroking gently. “Just need to take the edge off.” She moaned, stroking faster. That damn scent was still on her clothes, making it hard to think of anything else. She took a few deep breaths. NO, she could do this. She needed to control herself, she had her own mission.

Still, the scent clinging to her clothes didn’t help. Already her cock was oozing precum and she’d barely touched herself. She couldn’t help but wonder how long it would take to wash the smell out of her clothes. It still hung strong even after avoiding the room for hours. If anything, it seemed to be getting stronger.

“So, this is where you’ve been hiding, Pretty Kitty.” Yang’s voice called from behind her. She reached for her and Blake darted back, leaving behind an afterimage. For a moment, a pang of jealousy went through her as Yang, not spotting the difference, pressed her lips, only to stumble through the illusion.

“What’s the deal?” Yang demanded at the cat girl standing a short distance away. “I thought you might want to help each other out again.” She smiled, cupping a bulge in her shorts the size of a small child.

Blake felt her own cock give a twitch, her breath catching at the thought. She’d been hesitant when yang had first floated the idea to her of slaking each other’s lust. All they’d done so far was stroking each other’s cocks, but every time Blake had to hold herself back from doing more, and it was getting harder and harder. Now, father nearly a week without feeling that huge cock sliding through her hands, she was almost desperate to feel that thick cock pulsing

“C’mon, don’t you wanna get your paws on this fat cock once again?” Yang smirked, pulling down the band of her shorts. The powerful, primal crotch funk that poured out from her shorts bowled into Blake like an ocean tide, almost physically forcing her to take a step back.
“I can’t…I have things I need to do, and you and your cock are just a huge…really huge…” She trailed off for a moment, staring at that massive member. “…Distraction!” She cried, shaking herself loose from her stupor. “I’m sorry.” She muttered, turning and running away.

“Blake, wait!” Yang called, but the girl was already gone.


“Where is she?” Yang groaned, pacing the small confines of the room back and forth. The fact that Ruby had finally made her move on Weiss only had her more. Riled up. The room reeked of cum and sweat, turning the blonde on even more and making her stallion sized prick strain against the confines of her sleep pants.

“Fuck it, I’m going looking.” She grunted, turning and opening the door, still wearing her sleep clothes. She pulled it open to find Blake standing there, looking completely and utterly surprised to see her.

Yang reached out, finger plunging past the illusion the girl left behind and grabbing hold of Blake’s shirt. The cat girl gasped as she was dragged forward, her lips crushed under Yangs as she brought the smaller girl in for a fierce, hungry kiss. “I’d been worried sick about you, Pretty Kitty.” Yang hissed, pulling the girl into a hug.

“Wait, let go!” Blake hissed, blushing even as she squirmed trying to break free, her own cock tenting her skirt. The smell in the room was even stronger than she remembered. She could tell at a whiff that Ruby had been busy, and from the look of things, that had only gotten Yang more excited. She could actually feel Yang’s monstrous cock stretching her sleep pants for far that Blake was forced to lean over into the hug.

Without another word, Yang dragged Blake inside. Balling her fists on her hips she stood there in silence, waiting for an explanation.

For a few moments, the only sound was Ruby’s raucous snoring and the gentle exhalations of Weiss’s sweat stained breath. Not looking at Yang, Blake went to her dresser, changing into her sleep clothes in silence.

The blonde brawler stood there like an unmovable statue, her cock pulsing even harder, bulging one of the legs of Yang's sleep pants, precum and thick, yellow cum dripping from the ankle after having watched the girl change.

“I just can’t Yang…It’s over.” Blake said softly, looking away as she climbed into her bunk.

Yang scowled and reached out. Blake's ears shot up as a hand wrapped over her mouth, silencing her cry of surprise. "C'mere!" Yang hissed, pulling her towards the bottom bunk where the futa girl resided. The mattress was so saturated in cum that it squished, the sheets clinging to Blake's skin as she protested weakly. “You little tease, you’ve been teasing me, leading me on with hand jobs and now you're cutting me off?!” Yang hissed. Shoving the girl face down onto the bed. "I've been saving up all week, turning down pretty little sluts left and right ‘cause of how much you like to make me blow my load, and now you say we're done? I don't think so!"

Blake cried into the filthy, cum-stained pillow, as Yang tugged at her sleep pants. The fabric gave a weak tearing sound at is yielded under Yang's raw strength, leaving her bare-assed on the bed.

"Mmm, I've been wanting to get a taste of this ass every since the first time I saw you." Yang whispered. Licking her lips, she leaned down, pressing them against Blake's ass. A tremble of pleasure went through the cat girl as felt Blake's tongue licking and teasing at her sensitive hole. "Like that?" The blonde teased.

Blake shook her head, mumbling her protests into the pillow. Yang shoved her face harder between Blake's cheeks, biting gently on the rim of her ass. A jolt went through her entire body and Blake moaned loudly into the pillow, her cock twitching and dripping softly onto the bed.

"Heh, I knew you were an ass addict, Pretty Kitty." Yang smirked, readjusting herself on the bed. For the corner of her eye, Blake thought she saw a blur of motion fro Ruby's bunk, but before she could turn to look Yang grabbed the back of her head, forcing her face into the pillow.

"You know, I really wanted to take my time breaking you in. But you're really not giving me much choice." Yang grunted, tugging her huge horse-cock free from her pants. Blake trembled in fear as she felt that long slab of meat slap between her cheeks. She could feel the medial ring pressed against her lower back, just above her clenching cheeks, while the wide, flared tip rested between her shoulder blades.

She's going to split me in half!

Blake's struggling only made Yang's cock throb even harder as she reared back, placing the tip right against that clenching entrance. "Ooh, tightening up, how cute." Yang laughed, driving her hips forward.

Blake's eyes rolled back, a feral scream of pleasure muffling in the pillow as Yang's cock forced her ass painfully wide, battering its way inside with sheer brute force. "You've been wanting this haven't you?" Yang teased.

Blake couldn't respond, her mind was still reeling from the sensation of Yang's cock hammering her guts as she worked her way deeper and deeper. She could feel her stomach adjusting to the shape of that massive cock. The mattress resumed its wet, squishing noise as Yang's cock distended Blake's belly enough that every time she pushed in, her stomach pushed into the soaked bed.

With each gut punching thrust, Yang's cock sank a little deeper, spearing the poor cat girl just a little further and driving her already dwindling reserves of self-control to the breaking point. She slowly became aware of a tickle on her ass that coincided with Yang's thrusting. After a few moments she realized it was the long blonde hairs on Yang's huge, swollen balls tickling her ass every time they swung past.

With each thrust, she could feel the huge orbs getting closer, grazing her ass and then slapping it as she got closer.

"Oh yeah, you're so tight!" Yang moaned as she flattened herself against Blake's back. Blake was surrounded by a choking, musky stench unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Yang had worked up a sweat pounding her ass and the salty, acrid liquid seeped through her clothes, through Blake's clothes, and onto her skin. The foul liquid stung slightly, but only made the Faunus girl more excited.

"But I think we're done with the foreplay." Yang grinned.

Before Blake could say anything, Yang reared her hips back. The girl's eyes went wide as she felt that massive stallion-schlong pulling free and cried out in terror as part of her ass went with it.

"Whoopsie." Yang giggled, staring down at the pink sock of Yang's prolapsed anus wrapped around her cock. She leaned back a bit more and Blake shuddered as the flared tip slipped free, her distended anus wrapped around the crown. "Don't worry, I'll just push it back in." Yang offered. Strong hands gripped Blake's shoulders and she braced herself.

Yang thrust forward, driving her cock all the way inside in one savage thrust that made every muscle in Blake's body go tense. She was stuffed so full of horse cock that she could barely breath. She could feel it pulsing throughout her body, making her tremble in time with Yang's heartbeat.

"Mmm, I missed you, Pretty Kitty." Yang moaned, biting down on one of Blake's triangular ears. The cat girl groaned in pleasure, eyes rolling back slightly at having her sensitive ears teased. She could feel Yang's tits pressed against her back, the hard nipples pressing into her skin. The blonde's balls pressed against her own from behind, the huge orbs so huge that Blake felt a tremor run through her as she imagined how much thick, foul, spunk was contained in those melon-sized spunk tanks.

"I got you a gift." Yang whispered into Blake's ear. She reached underneath the pillow Blake was resting on. The young huntresses's eyes went wide at the black latex mask held before her. "Why don't you try it on for size?"

Blake glanced to the side, frantically hoping maybe Weiss could rescue her. She found Weiss on her back, Ruby atop her, stroking her own huge futa cock into a boot while the spoiled princess's eyes screamed for help Blake could not provide.

Both of them screamed in helpless terror. She felt the weight atop her shift as Yang turned to the side. A look of sisterly pride came over her. "That's my little sis!" Yang beamed, flashing a thumb's up.

"Aww, shucks." Ruby blushed.

Blake twisted her head, trying to squirm away as Yang pulled the mask over her head and suddenly she was gazing through the eye holes. She tried to scream, but the mask muffled her voice as it completely covered her mouth.
"That looks great on you. It's just missing one last thing." Yang purred in her ear as she reached back under the pillow. Blake's eyes went wide at the black collar in Yang's hand, a small silver bell with the words 'Yang's Pretty Kitty' dangling from it.

She thrashed and squirmed, trying to break free as Yang pulled the collar around her neck at the base of the mask. It clicked in place with a small chirp and Blake's eyes widened in further panic as the mask began to ripple and shift, flowing against her face like liquid latex until it was clinging tightly to her skin. Blake reached up, but Yang caught her wrists, pinning them against her back. "Uh, uh, uh, that mask cost me more than a few favors for something that hi-tech." Yang teased, drawing her hips back.

Blake cried out as the sudden emptiness felt like she was being hollowed out. "Mmm, you've got such a greedy ass, Kitty." Yang laughed, admiring Blake's prolapsed asshole clinging to her cock. She reached down, grabbing hold of the Faunus girl's distended colon, using it to stroke the entire length of her cock from base to tip.

Blake's eyes rolled back in her head, and she could feel Yang's hot, slimy precum pouring into her ass as the girl used her ass as her own personal cock sleeve. The feeling of being used so callously only made her cock twitch harder, spurting her load on the mattress as she came.

"Oh fuck, I knew you were a filthy Faunus slut, but I had no idea you were that much of a butt-bitch." Yang grinned as she slammed her entire cock forward, driving Blake's prolapsed ass back inside and making her claw at the mattress as her prostate was crushed like a walnut under a falling redwood.

Blake's back arched, pressing harder against Yang's tits as she howled in anguish and mind breaking pleasure.

"Ooh yeah, after a week of storing up for you I'm about to cum like a bomb!" Yang groaned, slamming faster and harder, pounding Blake's ass for all it's worth. With each body shaking thrust, the bell on Blake's neck rang melodically, marking the pace like a perverted metronome. Grabbing Blake's wrists, she leaned back, slamming into the cat girl so hard that she was bounced off her cock, her prolapsed ass clinching tightly around the medial ring and dragging her back down like a bungee cord.The bed squeaked, squishing with each thrust.

"Oh yeah, Here it cums!" Yang cried, not caring about silence any longer as she buried herself balls deep, her massive horse cock twitching and erupting, blowing pints of scalding hot, week old cum so far up Blake's ass that the cat girl could feel and see her previously flat stomach dancing. Her belly stretched out, sloshing with so much backed up cum filling her digestive tract that she looked pregnant. With each pulse of that thick cock in her ass she could feel another hot load of slimy, yellow cum working its way through her body, depositing so deep up her as that she could actually felt the first few disgusting spurts forcing their way into her stomach from the wrong direction.

Yang grinned as Blake began to shudder and shake, coughing and gurgling as she felt the tidal wave of cum working its way up her throat. She clenched her jaws tight as she felt the first trickles of huntress spunk tickling the back of her throat. It bubbled up from her gullet, pouring over her tongue and backing up against the dam of her lips. "Aww, kitty doesn't want to give up her cream?" Yang laughed, watching the girl's cheeks swell with backed up cum. She could feel the pressure building all the way from her stomach to her lips, her belly rumbling ominously as it continued to stretch.

Unable to hold back anymore, Blake opened her mouth, tears in her eyes at letting that disgustingly delicious spunk go. Cum poured past her lips, making the anally conquered cat girl moan in disappointment as... To her surprise no cum splashed onto the pillow, instead, she crossed her eyes, looking in disbelief as the latex covering her face stretched and distended, bloating like a shiny black condom.
"Oh, don't worry. Not a drop is going to waste." Yang grinned. Gripping Blake's hips she pounded faster and harder, driving her entire cock in and out with long, brutal thrusts, not caring that she was ripping Blake asshole out with each thrust. Even Blake momentarily forgot the feeling of her distended backdoor as she watched the mask growing by the moment as Yang's cum surged throughout her. She could feel it filling the mask, creeping up the sides of her face, the feeling of so much disgusting, slimy cum plastering to her skin threatening to overwhelm her senses.

The material creaked and groaned softly but didn't break, even as it continued to stretch ridiculously. She could feel the seed forcing its way up her cheeks, creeping towards the eye holes of the mask. Cum spilt out from the slits, making it look like she was crying cum. The liquid seeped down the sides of her face, only to absorb into the material. Blake felt a moment of panic as it threatened to cover her nose and for a moment she thought she'd drown, but the material clamped down, leaving her barely able to breath.

"Oh yeah, I haven't cum like that in a long time." Yang groaned. Snatching the pillow out from underneath Blake, she lay atop the girl's back. Blake could feel the pressure in her stomach increase from the girl's weight on her back, her belly sloshing and gurgling like a waterbed while the filled mask provided a disgusting rocking pillow. Yang wrapped her arms around Blake. "Night night, Kitty. I'll feed you again in the morning." She hummed softly before falling asleep against Blake's back.

The cum-stuffed cat girl could only groan and moan, her own cock bucking and spurting her load uselessly against her own stuffed belly to drip down onto the mattress. She could feel Yang's long armpit hair teasing against her skin and couldn't help but shudder in her sleep, her ass clenching hard around that gut-busting horse cock.

With a groan of exhaustion, she collapsed onto her own belly, and was asleep in moments.


Blake was awoken by Yang sitting up, her still steel-hard cock propping the Faunus girl up like a rag doll on the end of a broom handle.

"Morning, Kitty. Sleep well?" She yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

Blake, still groggy and confused, screamed and cried in muffled furry. "Okay okay, I'll feed you in a moment." She groaned, slinging herself out of bed, yawning and scratching her armpit.

Ruby and Weiss were already gone, and Blake groaned, knowing no rescue was coming. The room was heavy with the stench of Yang's younger sister. To Blake's further surprise the mask covering her face had shrunk back down to normal as had her stomach. Yang walked them over to a mirror and Blake howled in rage and confusion once more.

"Yeah, yeah, give me a sec." Yang groaned, retrieving her scroll and tapping a button. The latex covering Blake's mouth opened, spreading out like an iris opening and adhering to the Faunus girl's lips.

"What the hell are you doing? Let me go this instant. And what the hell am I wearing?" Blake demanded, gesturing to herself. From the collar, sprung two long strips of latex material that went down her body, barely covering her breasts before reconnecting at her groin in a latex sling bikini. Her cock and balls were completely encased in the material,

"You like?" Yang grinned. "I'll admit the ears are pretty sexy."

Blake looked back to the mirror, suddenly noticing how the mask had somehow stretched to cover her triangular ears atop her head.

"You can admire them later. We're going to be late for class." Yang chuckled. Reaching down, she cupped Blake's ass and lifted, flipping the girl lightly off her cock her ass stretching out and coiling behind her like a pink snake.

Before she could say anything Yang reached down, snatching clothes up from the floor, giving each article a brief sniff test and a shrug before she pulled it on. "Hurry up and get ready or we're going to get chewed out." Yang hissed, tugging Blake back as she staggered towards the bathroom, stomach rumbling and protesting as each piece of discarded, cum soaked clothing revealed a new stratus of aged cum stench that assailed her sensitive nose like a siege engine.

"Need some water..." Blake croaked.

"No time! You can either get dressed or I'll drag you to class like that." Yang warned, grabbing hold of Blake's distended ass. The blonde bitch was just crazy enough to do it too and Blake groaned as she quickly got dressed.


"And so, if we look at the strategy of the battle of..." Doctor Oobleck called, zipping back and forth tapping at spots on the maps with his pointer.

There were a few students nudging each other and pointing at Blake in her mask, but the girl did her best to ignore them. It wasn't unusual for students to change their outfit and her wearing a bondage mask was not the strangest thing anyone had ever done. Still, she couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious.

Next to her Yang was grinning ear to ear as she scribbled on he scroll. Glancing over, Blake hissed sharply as she looked at the drawing of a figure with cat ears, paw gloves on her hands and feet and completely encased in black latex. "You're gonna look look so sexy like this." Yang whispered. Pressing a button. A line scanned over the drawing, converting the image to Blake's proportions and the collar around her neck gave a small chirp as the data uploaded.

Blake was still in shock when Yang's hand on her ass made her jump. "What are you doing?" She hissed.

Yang put a finger to her lips, motioning for her to be silent as she jerked her hear towards Prof. Oobleck. Reaching down the back of Blake's pants, she grabbed hold of the girl's prolapsed ass, pulling it out and making Blake gasp and hiss, her fingernails gouging the surface of the desk. Yang ignored her glare of confusion and protest and shifted her chair closer. Looking around to make sure no one was looking, she reached down, pushing and shoving until the flared tip of her cock popped out from the leg of her shorts. Blake's eyes widened as Yang gripped her cock, pulling the two parts of their respective anatomies together until the flare of her cock was kissing Blake's distended colon.

Yang smiled at Blake, who shook her head furiously. Ignoring the girl's silent protests, Yang dragged Blake's prolapsed pucker over her shaft and leaned back, stroking it gently like a cock sleeve. Blake hissed softly as the sensitive tunnel sent sparks of pleasure shooting up and down her spine.

Yang grinned, gripping her bunk mate’s ass tighter and stroking faster. Sweat started to build on the athletic girl's body, causing a few people on the outer limits of her aura of stench to recoil a little further away.

"Ms. Belladonna." The over-caffeinated instructor called.

"Y-Yes?" Blake called, gasping as she felt Yang's cock throbbing against her distended asshole.

"How was the five hundred and first legion able to fend off an attack from overwhelming grim forces, despite being under equipped and under manned?"

Blake wracked her brain for an answer, but nothing was forthcoming. Her attention was too focused on the way Yang groaned and went stiff in her seat.

"Well, Ms. Belladonna?" Oobleck called, chalk against the board.

Blake was too focused on the audible sloshing sound as Yang's massive balls clenched, a huge wad of hot, foul cum pouring through her prolapsed sphincter and forcing its way inside her. Fucking Blake's ass without anyone in the room suspecting only turned Yang on even more and her balls gave another loud gurgle as they lunched, forcing the girl's stomach to bloat suddenly as gallons of cum poured into her body. Blake could feel the titanic load working its way deeper, flooding her belling and making it hard to breath.

"If you don't know the answer then..."

"HURGH!" Blake groaned, holding a hand to her mouth as she felt the cum push against the back of her throat once again.

For a moment the instructor said nothing. "That is...absolutely correct. Though field Marshall Goodwin was in command, the strategy was derived from General Herg in the Faunus campaigns of ancient..."

With their teacher tearing down another line of history, Blake sat back down, leaning forward as more spurts of hot cum flooded her ass.

Yang pressed a button on her scroll and the mouth of the mask sealed shut, preventing any of the overflowing cum from escaping. Though instead of stretching, this time it only sealed the cum inside and Blake could feel her belly aching from being stuffed so full.

Yang let out a sigh of relief as her cock finally stopped spraying, leaving Blake boated and groaning with so much cum. The stench of her sweat filled the room like a cloud.


"So thirsty..." Blake groaned, wobbling towards a water fountain after class. A few people chuckle at her sudden weight gain, but no one said anything to her directly.

"Oh no, we need to get to combat practice." Yang called, gabbing Blake's arm and pulling her away.


"If I don't get something to drink I think I might seriously pass out." Blake groaned as Yang half dragged, half carried her back to the dorms.

"Don't worry, I'll get you something to drink, Pretty Kitty." Yang grinned.

Shutting the door to their room behind her, Yang grabbed Blake, spinning her around in a headlock. Instantly the foul, musky taste of Yang's armpit flooded Blake's mouth, tattooing itself onto her tastebuds even through the fabric of her shirt. With her free hand, Yang undid the buttons of her shirt, sliding it off, followed by the rest of her clothes, lastly kicking her foul smelling boots off to stand naked and sweaty in the middle of the room.

Yang adjusted her grip, pressing the sweaty hairs directly into Blake's mouth.

"What's wrong?" I thought you were thirsty?" Yang laughed, flexing her arm, somehow managing to coax even more of her pungent sweat down the long curly blonde underarm hairs. Blake tried to twist her head away, but she was firmly trapped in the stronger girl's grip. Even worse, the musky, heady aroma and taste was starting to make her head spin as her survival instincts overwhelmed her disgust. Opening her mouth, she kissed and licked, greedily lapping up the liquid, heedless of where it came from. Yang's smile widened, a small tremor going through her as Blake's tongue teased against her armpit. Reaching down, she pushed and tore at Blake's clothes, stripping her down the the sling bikini, only it wasn't a bikini anymore. The blonde let out a low whistle of appreciation at the interconnecting straps and silver rings of what looked like latex and leather inspired bondage outfit. Straps crisscrossed across Blake's chest, feeding through a silver ring centered on each of her nipples.

Blake stopped, peering at her reflection in the mirror in confusion for a moment, before the need to drink forced her back to tonguing those gross, golden hairs.

"Oh yeah, that feels great after a long workout." Yang laughed. She's spent the majority of her combat training throwing fast, powerful punches, working up a sweat as she sought to outdo herself. Blake could almost taste the effort Yang had put into the class as the sweat awoke some of the more primal instincts that all Faunus had.

Before she realized it, Blake was moaning, greedily dragging her tongue through the coarse hairs.
"Aww, Kitty's trying to groom me. Careful, don't get a hair ball." Yang giggled snapping Blake from her stupor.

"Ughh!!!" She groaned, pulling her face away. Her collar chimed along with Yang's scroll. "Whoops, looks like it's time for your new wardrobe upgrade. Looks like it just needs a refill." The blonde grinned, tapping a few buttons on the device.

Before Blake could ask what she meant, Yang grabbed Blake's hard cock. The material slid back like water, revealing her member twitching in excitement, covered in a layer of trapped cum from having spent the morning having her broken ass used like a cock sleeve.

"It's so cute and tiny." Yang laughed, hefting her massive horse dong, touching the heads together for comparison. Her massive member completely eclipsed Blake's relatively normal sized one.

Much as Blake hated to admit it, the feeling of Yang's hand on her cock was a welcome relief after having only cum from her ass recently. "I just want to gobble you up." Yang laughed, pressing the tip of Blake's cock against the slit of her own. The Faunus girl watched in amazement as Blake's cock stretched and stretched the tip of her own cock slid inside. Both girls groaned in amazement as Yang's cock clenched tightly around Blake's length.
"It's...inside?" Blake gasped, unable to believe her eyes.

"Not all of it...Not yet." Yang grinned. Her abs flexed and Blake cried out in shock and pleasure as Yang's cock tightened around her, pulling on her dick so hard that it actually dragged the cat girl closer. The bigger girl clenched again, pulling her even deeper and Blake couldn't help but moan in pleasure as she felt that wide flare pressed against her groin.

Yang began to move, sliding her cock back and forth, using it to stroke Blake's cock within. Blake's toes curled, eyes rolling back at the tight, slick sensation. She could feel Yang's built up cum sliding around her cock, oozing around the sides and dripping down the base of her shaft. The river of yellow cum dripped onto the material of the suit covering Blake's balls like a latex pouch and the foul liquid was absorbed into it.

"S-Slow down, I'm going to cum soon." Blake hissed.

"Do it." Yang laughed. Reaching around, she grabbed hold of Blake's distended ass, pulling it over the girl's shoulder. the cat girl's eyes went with in panic and horror as her own prolapsed pucker entered her field of view, and even more so as Yang bit down gently on it, nibbling the sensitive extension while flashing a mischievous wink.
The combination of having her ass and cock toyed with so perversely sent Blake over the edge. "C-Cumming!" She hissed, gripping Yang's shoulders, leaning against her as she bucked her hips, fucking Yang's cock with all her might.

Yang bit down a little harder, smiling at the hot spurt of cum that suddenly rocketed down her shaft. Grabbing Blake's head, she pulled the girl closer until her lips were pressed against her prolapsed anus. Blake didn't need to be told what to do and licked and nibbled at her own ass, sharing the occasional deep, wet kiss with Yang as she did.

Over and over Blake's cock twitched, firing off rope after rope of hot cum deep inside Yang's equine endowment. Even after she had no more left her hips kept twitching, her shaft jerking and jumping even though nothing came out.

"Ooh, I can feel your cum swimming around inside my balls." Yang moaned, taking one of Blake's hands and guiding them down to the huge, tightly packed orbs. Blake's cock twitched again, and she groaned in pleasure and exhaustion.

"Ooh, I don't think I can cum anymore..." She groaned wearily.

"Kitty all out of cream? Don't worry, I'll loan you some." Yang laughed, rocking her hips back and forth.

"What are yo-OOH!" Blake groaned, eyes rolling back as she felt the larger girl's cock rocking back and forth around her shaft. "Yang?"

The blonde ignored her, too focused on sliding her cock faster and harder around Blake's member. Blake could feel the pendulum swing of those massive balls and even witness from the corner of her eye as they drew up suddenly, clenching with an audible gurgle of gallons of hot futa seed gushing...gushing directly towards her own cock.

"No, No, that's too much… HELP!" Blake screamed as the suit wrapped not only around her cock, but around the tip of Yang's in an airtight seal, ensuring the terrible testicular torrent had only one place it could go.

Blake's eyes crossed, one of them twitching as the tip of her cock was spread with by the suit, clearing the way as a wall of sickeningly nasty spunk poured its way into her. She could feel her urethra stretching, bloating with so much densely packed cum that it began to inflate like an inner tube. Something gave and she cried out, doubling over as the packed cum shifted sliding deeper into her. Heat, so terrible and amazing that she could not describe it, flooded into her balls, swelling them so full that it made her longest ever dry spell feel like paradise by comparison. Each spurt of Yang's massive member sent another thick load pouring into her cock and Blake screamed, thrashing her head side to side as her balls swelled and grew, forcing her thighs apart. She could feel Yang's cum swimming around inside her, so hot and thick that her balls clenched, trying to force the inseminating intruders out. She may as well have tried spitting into a typhoon.

"Oh no!" Blake wailed, tears flowing down her cheeks as she stared at her ridiculously swollen balls. The normally egg-shaped orbs were the size of bowling balls, trembling and buzzing with how desperately they were trying to cum.
"Oh yeah!" Yang groaned, pouring another huge load deep inside, making the already strained orbs dance in protest. "Getting pretty crowded in there, I guess we'll have to stop there for now." She muttered, giving a few more experimental thrusts.

As she pulled back, the liquid rubber slid from Yang's cock, wrapping secretly around the tip of Blake's, ensuring not a drop went to waste. Despite having her cock free once more, Blake still couldn't cum. Her balls clenched and gurgled, but the cum inside her was so thick that she could not dislodge it.

"Can't cum, aww. Don't worry. I still have plenty to cum for both of us." Yang laughed, stepping behind Blake.

"What are you? No!" She screamed as Yang grabbed her distended ass, sliding it over her cock and lining up to plunge herself deep in into Blake's backside once again. "I just came if you do that I'll AGGGHHHH!!!"

With a grin, Yang slammed herself balls deep, her hips slapping against Blake's ass so hard the smaller girl was lifted off her feet. Yang's flare pressed out from just under the girl's ribcage a huge spurt of liquid tenting her skin as her massive balls clenched, firing off another gallon-sized spurt of horse jizz.

Blake screamed, eyes rolling back into her head as her stomach bloated and stretched, straining against the straps of the outfit. Her own balls clenched cum being forced out of her body by the inhumanly huge cock. The latex material of the suit elongated like rubber as Blake came so hard that her first shot stretched halfway across the room before snapping back. She could feel the combination of her her and Blake's cum, hot and slimy against her skin under the suit as it stretched in an exaggerated reservoir condom tip. Each thrust of Blake's hips wrung another gargantuan load out of Blake and the Faunus girl gave a weak groan as everything went dark.


Blake was jarred back into consciousness by Yang's scroll chiming steadily. She blinked awake, mumbled and cursing under her breath as she found her mouth once again covered by the mask. Yang's massive cock was still buried deep up her ass, twitching every so often and spurting another huge dollop of cum deep in her guts. The sound of the alarm began to irritate her, and Blake leaned over, reaching for it. She paused, turning her hand back and forth, staring in disbelief. Her hand was covered in a large faux cat paw complete with cartoonish hot pink claws. A quick glanced confirmed that her other hand, and even her feet were covered in similar paws. She flexed her fingers, but the paw didn't move. The loss of use of her hands didn't bother her as much as the suit. Clambering off the bed, she staggered to the mirror, her prolapsed asshole hung beneath her, swinging languidly back and forth like a perverse tail. She stared at her reflection in disbelief. The suit had grown once more, covering every inch of her body in a shiny black bodysuit. There was even long black whiskers around the curve of her nose.

The ringing of the alarm drew her attention back and she reached down, jabbing at the snooze button with one of her pink claws. The alarm refused to turn off and Blake growled, hitting the key harder.

"That's not going to work." Yang laughed, yawning as she sat up. Her cock hung over the edge of the bed, dripping cum onto the floor. Blake's eyes stayed locked on that huge shaft for a moment before she shook her head, clearing her mind and mumbling angrily, gesturing to the paws and her face.

"Sorry Kitty, no playing with the settings." Yang yawned. "You look adorable though." She added, walking over to Blake, licking her lips. “And we have just enough time before class.” She grinned.


Blake could barely keep her focus on the class. Yang grunted softly next to her and Blake felt another load of cum slide into her ass as the girl continued to use her distended colon as a convenient fuck sleeve. It had been almost a week since the suit had completely covered her body, leaving her unable to bathe or clean herself. Water just bounced off of the surface, making her sweat and itch at the rampantly growing hairs. The only reason she knew how out of control her armpit and crotch hair had gotten as because Yang hand turned the suit translucent just long enough to admire Blake’s unkempt body.

She could feel cum bubbling past her lips, her eyes rolling back slightly as her stomach rumbled and gurgled with so much cum pouring throughout her entire body. Her cock twitched and jumped, her balls swollen to the size of basketballs. Yang had already blown two loads into Blake’s cock already and the Faunus girl could only squirm and moan. Even when her balls weren’t stuffed full of Yang’s cum, she came at the lightest touch of the blonde’s huge cock in her ass and more so each time.

The suit creaked slightly as cum poured out of Blake’s mouth as well as from her spurting cock. Some of the cum was converted to keep the suit in full repair and shiny, but the rest just built up around her, soaking into her skin and covering her like a layer of ball blubber. The extra layers of packed cum had begun to stretch the suit, not only adding more weight to her, but making her look chubby and fat as it distributed all across her body.

What truly bothered her was the paws. She couldn’t so much as turn a doorknob on her own, leaving the once loner completely dependent on Yang for everything. The only thing she ate was Yang’s cum. The only thing she drank was Yang’s sweat. She hadn’t bathed or showed in who knew how long. Every night she drifted off with Yang’s massive cock filling her ass, her face buried in the blonde’s sweltering armpits. And what was worst of all…she loved it.

Taking a few deep breaths to center herself, she vowed she would find a way to escape.


Blake opened one eye slowly, then the other. Yang was sound asleep, snoring softly. Their afternoon class had been cancelled off leading to an ass raping session so intense that even Yang had managed to wear herself out.

Moving slowly, she slid out from under the girl’s arm, being careful not to let her swollen belly or her bloated balls slap or make too much noise. She listened carefully to Yang’s breathing, freezing every time Yang twitched or mumbled in her sleep.

After what seemed like an eternity, Blake managed to free herself, stumbling slightly under the extra weight of her suit as she stood.

Looking around, she spotted Yang’s scroll on the bed and carefully slid it out from under the blonde’s arm. She tapped at the screen with her claws, but the screen refused to move. She hissed in annoyance. It must have been something with the suit not letting her interact with the controls.

The door opened and Blake turned to see Weiss standing there. The once proud princess had been corrupted into Ruby’s personal cum dump, but maybe.

Mumbling softly, she gestured as best as she could to the snow-white whore. Weiss nodded, taking the scroll. She flipped through the settings, reaching the limiters for the suit. Her finger hovered over the button when her head turned suddenly. Blake turned, following her gaze. Weiss’s eyes were locked on a pair of Ruby’s filthy sleep pants, wet and sticky with noxious cum. The scroll fell from Weiss’s hands, completely forgotten as she hurried to the bed of her mistress, stuffing the soiled garment in her mouth, moaning and teasing her clit as she came from the rancid taste.

Blake hissed, motioning for Weiss to be quiet, but the girl was completely gone. Fortunately, the sleep pants muffled her noises.

Looking around for something to use Blake had a sudden idea. Centering herself over the scroll she wagged her prolapsed ass over the screen, hoping beyond hope that this would work. Her bare, distended sphincter pressed against the screen, waggling back and forth. There was a small chime and the collar unlatched.

Blake actually had to stop herself from crying out in joy as she reached up, tearing the mask away, feeling fresh air on her face for the first time in…she couldn’t even remember.

Dropping the mask to the ground she bolted for the door. She paused at the doorway, looking back for one last glance. Yang lay on her back on the bed, her massive cock resting between her tits. Blake watched as it twitched, spurting another huge dollop of yellow, odious cum all over the blonde’s chest and felt her ass clench hungrily. Shaking her head, she turned and ran.


“Where could she be?” Yang hissed, pacing back and forth naked, her hard cock swinging out every time she turned. The tip of her flared cock was covered in a squirming black latex balloon, a collar fastened right behind the flare. Rain beat against the window in torrents. Yang’s wet clothes were discarded haphazardly around the room.

She turned, nearly slapping Ruby in the face with her cock as she did. “Whoa, watch it!” The younger sister cried, ducking to avoid getting knocked out. “I’m sure she’ll be back.”

“Ooh, when I find her. I’m gonna stuff her so full of cum she won’t be able to move for a month!” Yang growled, but her anger was tinged with worry.

There came a weak scratching sound at the door and Yang walked over, pulling the door open so hard she nearly ripped it off the hinges.

Blake sat there on her knees, tears streaming down her face.

“I’m sorry I ran away.” She mewled, crossing her paws in front of her and staring at the floor. Yang was surprised to see how much the suit had thinned, clinging to her body. “I can’t eat normal food and I ran out of your cum two days ago…I tried eating my own.” She rubbed her paws along the suit, forcing her own cum up to the neckline and lapping it up. “But it’s not the same!” She wailed.

Yang’s anger faded and she reached down, picking the cock-starved cat girl up and hugging her tightly.

“I was so worried about you!” She hissed, hugging Blake so hard that she nearly crushed the poor girl.

“People kept staring at me, but it wasn’t really me…Please, put my real face back on.” Blake sobbed.

Yang smiled and reached down. “Don’t worry, Pretty Kitty.” unhooking the collar from around her cock she watched as the material shifted, becoming the cat eared bondage mask once again. “I saved you a snack.”

Blake’s face lit with joy as Yang slid it over her head. The feeling of Yang’s week-old nasty cum clinging to her skin was like heaven. The collar clicked into place, as the cum flowing down the suit slid against her skin…and she knew she was home.

Pub: 19 Dec 2021 22:04 UTC
Views: 666