Wow 5 years huh? Time flies. Well here it is, long in the making; at last we get Chapter 2. Hopefully it was worth the wait. I am going to put more effort into updating this story, so hopefully you'll stick around. Everyone's over 18, etc.
I'll spare you the incredibly awkward scene of Tanya and I jumping off each other and scrambling to grab any piece of clothing to cover ourselves. Our excuses and half assed explanations fell on deaf ears however. Mom stared, wide-eyed and frozen, her mouth half open. Unable to meet her eye, we slipped past her and ran to our rooms, slamming out doors shut behind us.
"Shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!" I muttered as I hurriedly got dressed before sitting heavily on my bed. This was the worst, the absolute worst. I'd imagined a thousand ways of telling mom that Tanya and I were together, but I never once entertained the idea we'd fuck up this hard. I stared at my doorknob, my heart hammering as I awaited the inevitable meltdown coming my way.
Light footsteps padded towards me, pausing long enough outside my door for me to almost forget to breathe, before moving on to Tanya's door. A light knock, something said too quietly to hear, and the soft opening and closing of the door was all I could hear over my pounding heart. I froze for a moment before launching myself towards my headboard, quietly yet quickly pulling it away from the wall and peering through the ever-present crack into the next room.
Mom and Tanya were sitting on her bed, talking quietly to each other. Mom had a comforting arm on Tanya's shoulder, nodding understandably as Tanya let the whole story spill out. Part of me was upset she'd caved so easy, but the rest of me knew one look from Mom would have had me on my knees spilling my guts.
I could only make out the tone of their conversation, but Mom was clearly not mad. Tanya's face went from scared, to confused, to nervously happy, to ecstatic in the span of a few minutes. She wrapped Mom in a hug, locking eyes with me through the crack. Mom laughed and freed herself from Tanya's embrace.
"Well, one down, one to go." Mom said loudly, correctly surmising I was listening. As she made her way to the door, Tanya gave me a happy smile and wave, with a saucy wink thrown in for fun. I pulled back and pushed my bed back in place seconds before a knock on my door set my anxiety skyrocketing.
"C-come in." I stuttered out nervously.
Mom entered with a stern look on her face. I felt myself go beet red and buried my face in my hands.
"Oh jesus mom I can't begin to apologize. We've been meaning to tell you for weeks, but the timing was never right, and-"
"Honey its fine! Please calm down before you give yourself a heart attack!" Mom sat down next to me and rubbed my back as I slowly pulled myself together. After a bit I raised my head and looked at her. Mom had a small smile on her face, taking at least a little joy in my suffering.
"As I'm sure you know, I've already talked to Tanya. We've come to an understanding, and hopefully we can to, and we can all move on together."
"That sounds good mom. That sounds great actually."
Mom nodded and took a big breath, letting out a sigh.
"Honey, I'm not mad you two are...together. I've been expecting this since she came back from camp. You two aren't nearly as subtle as you think you are, but I've played along for your sakes. Now the shower incident was certainly...a lot to take in all at once, but it's not the end of the world."
I felt my chest loosen, and a laugh of relief bubbled out of me. Mom laughed too, resting her head on my shoulder.
"Now, as for us three going forward, I've set some rules with Tanya, which I expect you to follow as well."
"Lay 'em on me."
"1. No sex while I'm in the house. Last thing we need is a repeat of earlier."
"2. Tanya says she's on the pill, so I won't demand condoms, but I expect the both of you to be smart."
"Of course mom, I think the only way this could have been worse is if we'd had to tell you she was pregnant."
Mom snorted, lightly smacking the back of my head.
"Thank your stars that didn't happen. Well, other than those 2, I suppose you two can do what you want. Now, I'm going to go to bed, and I expect a full 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, understood?" Mom looked me in the eye, an eyebrow raised. I blushed again.
"Yes mom."
"Good. Sleep tight honey."
Mom and I hugged, and she left for her room, closing my door behind her. I flopped back onto my bed, suddenly incredibly tired. I was so tired I almost missed my door opening. I raised my head slightly to see Tanya sneak into my room, tiptoeing like a cartoon burglar and closing my door with agonizing slowness.
I started to sit up as Tanya turned towards me. She walked over and quietly got in bed next to me, pushing me back down. She'd thrown on some random pajama pants and a tank top, and as she snuggled against me I could feel her nipples through the thin material. We laid there for a bit, silence enveloping the room.
"So...your mom's cool with us."
"Seems so. She didn't even have that many rules. I thought she'd go full dictator on us."
Tanya laughed and snuggled closer, slowly moving one of her legs over mine. She moved her head up so she could whisper in my ear.
"It's a shame about rule 1 though." Before I could answer I felt a hand move down my chest and settle just north of my rapidly growing dick. Tanya moved a finger in small circles occasionally touching the hem of my shorts.
Feeling adventurous I moved my hand as well, slowly but deliberately sliding it under her arm and palming her tit. I felt her gasp quietly at the contact.
"Yeah, guess we'll have to find somewhere else, or try to move our schedules around."
My shorts at this point were tented obscenely, but still Tanya teased. Her circles were now expanded to below my beltline, but aside from a faint touch, she was behaving herself...barely.
My hand was fondling her steadily, every now and then pinching her nipple. The air was thick with tension.
"Well, there's a lot we can do besides sex...right?"
Tanya pulled her head back, leaning over me to look me in the eye. The look she gave me was bright with lust. Her hand ceased its circling, pausing for a moment before grasping my throbbing cock fully. I let out a hiss of arousal, reaching up to grab the back of her head, pulling her down for a scorching kiss. Our tongues clashed as we made out, Tanya's hand stroking me slowly, her grip firm and warm. I rolled her onto her back and pulled the straps of her tank top down, exposing her breasts to open air. Tanya broke the kiss, a quiet moan leaving her lips.
"Yes Alex, please suck my tits."
Latching my mouth onto one of her hard nipples, I began thrusting into her hand, my precum providing enough lube to prevent any unwanted friction. I mauled her other breast with my hand, pulling her nipple roughly even as I bit the other. Tanya's quiet gasps and moans sounded incredibly loud so close to my ear, lending an erotic tone to out illicit intimacy.
Soon enough I felt the end coming. I stopped thrusting and let Tanya's tit fall out of my mouth.
"Tanya, I'm gonna-"
Wasting no time Tanya rolled us over, settling herself between my legs. Eyes wild, she stuffed my cock into her mouth, deep-throating me almost immediately. As she sucked me, she shoved a hand into her pajama pants, fingering herself relentlessly as she bobbed her head. I could only lay there; watching as this scarlet haired temptress attempted to suck my soul out through my cock. She moaned deep in her throat, her own orgasm imminent. As her hips began to shake, I felt cum shoot up my dick, kicking me over the edge. I gripped my bed-sheets as my eyes slammed shut, pumping shot after shot of hot cum directly into my beautiful girlfriend's throat. I came so much I began to worry about Tanya, but her rolled back eyes and bucking hips told me she was more than ok.
Eventually I pulled out, my soft cock exiting her mouth with a soft pop. Tanya tiredly moved up and settled in for a cuddle, wrapping herself tightly against me. We both sighed contentedly and drifted off."

Pub: 18 Jul 2021 11:42 UTC
Views: 29