The Long-Awaited Second Part
Hikari: Hum Hum Hummm♪
Comments: "They're perfectly in sync, and everyone is cute!" "OMG... I love all three of them too much!"
Hikari: The dance cover video from the other day, it's filled with nice comments from everyone.
Hikari: Dancing with the three of us was fun, and editing together at Kamira's house with everyone was fun too, I'm glad I did it!
Hikari: Ah! Kamira-chan!
Hikari: What, what?
Kamira: “Hikarin! Look at this comment! ”
Hikari: Comment?
Comment: "The choreography in the chorus is amazing!" "I've watched it so many times that the chorus won't leave my head!"
Hikari: Oh? Ooooh?
Kamira: "Hikarin's choreography is super popular!"
Hikari: Ehehe. Yay!
Hikari: "I'm happy because we put a lot of effort into that part!"
Hikari: Ah! This time it's Panda-chan!
Panda: "The choreography in the chorus part is incredibly popular, isn't it!"
Hikari: "Right! It's great to hear that from Panda-chan and Kamira-chan's listeners too!"
Kamira: "Well then, since it's so popular, should we consider it?"
Hikari: “Since it's popular?”
Kamira: “The long-awaited...!”
Hikari: Hooh?
Panda: "It means the second part, right...!!"
Hikari: !
Hikari: I want to do it!
Kamira: "That's right! But there's no point in doing the same thing, so let's have another brainstorming session together~"
Panda: "Got it! Until then, Panda will think of something too!"
Kamira: “Alright! I'll think about something too!”
Hikari: "Me too! I'll try to think about the song, location, and such!"
Panda: ”Then let's meet again at the café this weekend!"
Hikari: Hehe, gonna look forward to it~!
Hikari: Even though I said that, however...
Hikari: I can't think of anything!
Hikari: Even when I asked Xue, "There’s no way I’d know anything about what would make me stand out, you know," that's what she said.
Hikari: What happened last time...
Panda: How about for the next collaboration, we try 'dancing at a sightseeing spot'? It should be easy for Hikari-san to edit! I can also give you an off shot!
Hikari: Panda-chan~!
Hikari: Panda-chan, give me some great ideas too~!!!
Hikari: Sigh... Seriously, Panda-chan is amazing... She comes up with fun ideas right away, and even though she's still in junior high school, she's so reliable...
Hikari: Yes! That's right! Panda-chan is still a junior high school student!
Hikari: Last time, I got lost and caused trouble for Kamira-chan, I need to be more careful too...
Hikari: Even so...
Hikari: Hmmm...
Mito: Ah, Hikari-chan.
Mito: What happened? Isn't it rare to see you walking in the second years' hallway?
Hikari: Eh!?
Mito: Hiee!? W-What happened..?
Hikari: Oh no… While I was lost in thought, I ended up in the second year hallway...
Mito: Eh! A-are you struggling with something that serious...?
Mito: Um, ...If it's okay, would you like to talk about it together with Mito...?
Hikari: ...!