‶ It could be worse. A woman could cut off your penis while you're sleeping and toss it out the window of a moving car. ″

me irl

tyler ᴏʀ yonatan  ◇  he / him  ◇  twenty five (media age, bodily fifteen)
eng / heb  ◇  zionist  ◇  bpd + audhd

tyler durden irl 🤑 /srs
i love ragebaiting !!!! 🤤

"#freemyboytyler, he ain't do nothing, he helped my ma pay for cancer treatment" - erin
"tyler durden irl in the worst way possible no kidding" - william billiam
"tyler gave me brit mila" - aaron
"tyler kinnie too like kill yourself omg" - digi


Pub: 27 Mar 2022 02:26 UTC
Edit: 29 Jun 2024 21:18 UTC
Views: 1239