10/15/2024 im so inlove guys

lovemail about my amazing partner <3
i love you my darling again, you mean everything to me no matter what, you're the light in my life that i will always need, i treasure you alot and i can't know do anything without you, you make me feel so special like no one else could make me feel this way
my love, my goddesses, my universe, when we talk more and more you just put butterflies in my stomach i just can't get them out no matter what, i know were both nervous about talking in dms but i don't mind you always coming in from time to time i just always want to talk to you <3 i'm so shy i'm so bad at answering dms gomen heh ANYWAYS HELP, i love it when you make those joke i love your laugh, i love the way you smile, i just love you for you, you don't have to be anything else, i hate the people who talked shit about you and i couldn't do anything about, it just makes me so mad but i'm glad you made it through 2024 with me we are an amazing duo no matter what, boyboss x boyfailure ! ^.^ again i really don't know what i would do without you my love, you got me into so many things and they remind me so much of you and so many characters reminds me of you i know it might seems corny to other people but i don't care ! you're my one and only parnter characters that remind me of mio :heart: mio chibana , suguru geto , till , ivan , sua , lyney , wanderer , akito , cirrus , langa , freminet , aoba , towa , lewellyn , qi rong , mikoto , chigiri , shidou and many more i'll make a bigger list soon ^,^ hehh another rant :heart: AHHHHH ITS OUR 3 MONTHS TOGETHER IM SO JOYUS, THY WILL ALWAYS BE MY LIGHT NO MATTER WHAT!!, when thy birthday comes i will spoil them with all they want <3 ILLLYSSMMM TILL YOU MEAN ALOT TO ME I LOVE MIO MIO MIOOO HIII HAII !!! i've been thinking about all day <3 my mom is still saving up to come see you I'M SO HAPPYYY, mama pomz said she can't to see her future son in-law AHHH I HAVE SO MANY THINGS PLANNED FOR US TO DO WHEN WE MEET EACH OTHER IRL, did you know i miss you? like alot alot ugghhhhhh IMISS YOU IWSH I HAD MY PHONE BACK :cry: back

Pub: 18 Nov 2023 00:42 UTC
Edit: 01 Feb 2025 01:44 UTC
Views: 686