fighting, flying, rock, steel, ghost, dark, fire, normal, ice, fairy, psychic, ground, bug, dragon, poison, water, electric, grass this is my typerace rotation, bold is where i started and italic is this month's typerace.

when i list the pokemon bold = albino and italic = shiny

august 2023 - team rock , first type race. - 946 points - i didn't hunt anything - didn't hatch any specials september 2023 - team steel - 1690 points - hunted alolan sandshrew - didn't hatch any specials i'm so sad, sorry pangi october 2023 - team ghost , leviathan's hunt - 1368 points - hunted galarian yamask - hatched 2 albinos and 1 shiny - 1 , 2 , 3 november 2023 - team dark - 1701 points - hunted apocalyptic poochyena - hatched 2 albinos and 1 shiny and a few randoms - 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 december 2023 - team fire - 2303 points - hunting larvesta - goal is 1 shiny and 1 albino - didn't hatch any specials, sigh january 2024 - team normal - N/A points - continuing the dunsparce hunt - goal is a melan. spirte edited by me for my and pangi's use only february 2024 - team ice - N/A points - alolan sandshrew hunt part 2 - goal is an albino

Pub: 18 Nov 2023 02:49 UTC
Edit: 16 Jan 2024 23:56 UTC
Views: 84