typing quirk basics !

  • a typing quirk is a discrepancy (read: difference) between the way one person types and the 'typical' way of typing.
    • typing quirks are usually characterized by the replacement of letters with numbers or symbols, but can be related to punctuation as well!
    • here are a few examples of common typing quirks:
      • typ1ng l1k3 th1s
      • 0r th1z
      • or thizz.
    • note that many common typing quirks are inaccesible to screenreaders and neurodivergent people.


  • typing quirks were popularized by the homestuck fandom. Homestuck is an over 8000-page long interactive webcomic written by Andrew Hussie (you can read more about that here). In it, characters use an online chatting system, where they each have a unique and individual way of typing. Thus, typing quirks!
  • This does not mean that all homestucks use a typing quirk, nor that all people who use a typing quirk are interested in homestuck.


  • myth: everyone who uses/has a typing quirk is neurodivergent or an alter in a system!
    • fact: Singlets and non-nd people are fully capable of using and do use typing quirks. Additionally some people with dyslexia (a neurodivergency) literally cannot read them. Busted!
  • myth: people can't control their typing quirks.
    • fact: Typing quirks are a choice. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
  • myth: all typing quirks are ableist because people with reading disabilities can't read them.
    • fact: While it is true some people with reading disabilities struggle to read typing quirks, they are not inherently ableist. It becomes an issue when someone's typing quirk is over-the-top and borderline totally unreadable, or if they refuse to provide a translation. Also, some typing quirks (usually the unobtrusive ones) don't impact their reading like that.
  • myth(ish): people use typing quirks to cope.
    • fact: I know a lot of people who use typing quirks (I do, too!) and I have never met anyone who uses it to cope with trauma. However, I will not deny their existence, just that it isn't as common as this claim. Most people use typing quirks for fun. (disclaimer: there is nothing wrong with doing something just because you find it fun.)

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Pub: 24 Nov 2022 02:59 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2022 03:57 UTC
Views: 1575