wonder too close to /pofg/ space
get caught by yeen slavers and put up for auction
"Human male, virgin, needs breaking in, no reserve, let's go ladies"
get paraded on stage for the customers, naked with a tight choker and leash
mean looking vampire bat furiously bidding for you
sniped last second by someone at the back. SOLD!
dragged off stage for the exchange
new master is a rough looking wolfess, she growls aggressively at the yeen slaver, yanking you away
taken naked through town and bundled into the footwell of her craft, it's spacious but not a 2 seater
shivering from cold and what fate awaits, you feel her legs wrap around you, warming, squeezing you gently she strokes your hair. her voice calmer now
"Relax, your safe with me"
dock on larger vessel in orbit. hers. she unclips your leash, leading you to her cabin by gentle hand hold
pretty messy inside, dimly lit. wolf rummages around before finding a tool for releasing that slave collar. gives you a set of her old clothes to wear, a lil baggy with a musty dog smell but it's better than nothing
turns out she's a bit of a freelancer, an alpha wolf, hates the slave trade, couldn't leave a human to that vampire bitch, believes no one should be chained
you simply hug her
she seems surprised at first but cuddles you tightly back into to her breasts, licking your sore neck. sleep all curled up together in her bed
dunno how to repay her. clean up the room for a start
she wakes up and stops you
"No anon, free humans don't clean up after anthros" guess she likes the mess...
her face suddenly lights up
"Free humans learn to blast slavers!"
get practically carried to the ship's upper gun turret
pair of you just fit into the seat. sat on her lap the view of stars is amazing
spend the night tossing drink cans out the garbage chute and taking turns at the controls
her paws softly guide your hands at first, slipping down around your waist as you get the hang of it
wind up stargazing for hours

gradually learn more about /pofg/ space, wolf pack and this ship
crew is all female, mostly canines, they just chill & laze around the stars in silent running mode. listening out for the next big score
not all of them think a human should be walking around in clothes but you smell like the boss, puts you off limits for most
turns out the doc is rather unruly
taking great delight in getting you alone for a thorough examination
"Say, do you see any fur boys strutting around hummie?"
first came a body scan, you strip off for it
"You know this whole galaxy is female? 99.9% they say. Till we found humans-"
there is an odd look in her eyes, something primal flickering beneath the surface. now her razor sharp nails tapped menacingly upon your nude chest, a wicked smile creeping over her face...she wouldn't dare hurt you
would she?
using her weight to firmly press you against the scanner she started to grope with her paws, resisting risked a nasty cut
"-Which means you or more specifically-"
her pads brush over your balls, making them tense up. muzzle nudging into your ear
"-These juicy orbs, unf yeah. Hot commodities"
then came the stern command:
"Pups. NOW!"
this crazy girl was not messing around! seemingly reveling in the mixture of fear and arousal she was inflicting upon your body
"In my paws or pussy boy. The only choices a human need make"
just then a deep growl from behind made the mad doctors fur spike up, her paws fell away from caressing your trembling sack
"Oh! Er, Beta i-i wasn't i wa-aaAH!"
a pissed Beta wolf grabbed the doc by the throat, lifting her clean off you then slamming her onto a bed
gal was a real powerhouse, peppered with battle scars but treated you like a lil sister not a cum dispenser
"Alphas first, mine second. Final warning"
turns out you were requested on the bridge
where an excited Alpha tail wags. she found a comet for you to name!
oh, also pick a nearby yeen ship to screw with

pull into dock after a long trip
most of the girls hit the town to blow off steam
usually a boy bar and/or fight club
but the human can't go out. hes still unclaimed, he'd cause a riot!
offer to take him to a male sanctuary yet he insists on staying by your side, learning the ships systems, snuggling into your chest on the nights
what he needs is a permanent role in the pack, time to promote him
alpha breeder should do it: mated to you first and foremost but also tending to your sisters needs
he'd love it!
freedom to be a traditional male, raising pups, den making, supporting you, protected by you and your pack
you must be coming into season day dreaming like this
these extra hormones are distracting
discarding some logistics report you head back to your cabin
your body demanding you tackle the boy and ride him to oblivion
yet your mind knew he'd come to you, there was no need to force him
...he wasn't there!
and your off duty hoodie was gone. he loved to sleep in that, looked so cute on him to boot
the archives were right about males. they naturally seek out quiet places to unwind, monasteries in the old days, leashing them used to be considered cruel [see bottom text]
he had to be in the upper turret. it was usually left on remote control and empty
even better
peeking into the dimly lit compartment you could just make out a hooded human in the chair, bobbing along to some music broadcast from the planet below, in his own world
stripping off you quietly released the door lock, sneaking in. he'd never hear your soft pads approaching
the turret was covered in his sweet scent, stalking closer made you so excited. almost dripping wet with the anticipation of making an alpha mate of him
with a slow, smooth motion so as not to frighten him too much you pull the hood over his eyes
his partial squeal was adorable. tensing up in shock then quickly relaxing into the safe touch of his alpha

so trusting he didn't even lift up the hood as you sat bare furred on his lap!
accustom to long cuddles together his hands hugged your hips, not finding any fabric to hold onto they began to wonder up and down
leaning into him you nuzzled under the hood, guiding the boy into a deep kiss. his head tilted to the side for your tongue, arms securing themselves around you. no words were needed. he wanted this
slickness dripped from you onto the baggy top, quickly soaking in
he let out a muffled moan. were you hurting him? with a gasp the kiss was broken
"hot" he panted "too hot"
oh, it was just your higher body temperature cooking him. easily fixed
a single swift motion had the human nude and the hoodie sailing down the corridor
it was all he had on!
the look on his face was adorable, surprise, awe, excitement
taking his hands in your paws you hunkered down upon him. grinding against his groin. getting it utterly drenched
growling lustily as his cock hardened and he squeezed your paws
the slick shaft was easy to claim
such a wonderful set of noises came from the boy as you did, desperate squirms, sharp breaths, whimpering moans. seemed like he really hadn't been bred before!
it was just too much for the poor guy
you tried holding him back from instantly orgasming to your heat
that only worked for a moment. betrayed by your own desire to breed instinct boiled to the surface
letting loose a possessive growl your body clamped the human to his chair, pounding wildly on his cock, tail thrashing with joy as it erupted in cooling cum
more MORE!
he let out a cry as you bit hard onto his shoulder. marking him yours. getting an extra load of spunk out of him
wait! that must have hurt him!
snapping back to reality you relax over the limp human, gently licking the hard love bite
his face has a dazed, glazed over look. beads of sweat are trickling down him. heavily panting while his eyes roll around
hes melted!
stargazing was extra special that night

[bottom text]
Anonymous Archive Report 10202023:05:33
Log Entry: 28298553

Extract from inquisition into male exploitation rings:

From my understanding humans actually have the males in a protector role, which means they actually grow bigger than the females that they protect. And because females are so small, they only have one cub at a time because so is their womb, and that cub makes them basically unable to do a lot of physical activity for like half a year out of the nine months they are carrying it. Perhaps I'm missing something but I have no idea why they would evolve for it to be that way.

Some religious cults out here actually believe that this "surplus" of males of the human species is because they're the Goddess' chosen boy-toys.

The way we reproduce makes much more sense to me in that you have large females, and then a few, smaller males. That way we have far more girls that are actually able to bear kids than males in our packs, as opposed to humans who would in prehistoric times battle to near death for one or two measly runts of a female.

Plus, studies show that when an alpha cares for her male, it helps awaken her maternal instincts, and protecting him from being exhausted by other females trains her to be watchful and to protect cubs from actual predators, so by the time they give birth to cubs they already know how to be good mothers.

Of course, the drawback is that our males produce more sperm the less they are milked, because in the ancient era of our species, that would mean that the pack has run on hard times and more males for everyone would make it easier to rebuild the population as opposed to being "reserved" to the strongest women in his pack to procreate with.

There had been attempts to keep males celibate for this reason to prevent a demographic disaster, but there was a huge war over this "horrendous mistreatment", or at least that's what most of my sisters called it. In the end it was agreed that males who would be especially conscious about the fate of our species since early age could opt to stay protected in the walls of monasteries, donating their seed as a rare blessing once they blossom into adults, almost certain to breed a male that way. At least, in theory. Who would voluntarily choose to live that way?.

To make matters worse, an increase in bite marks noticed on the necks of the "virgins" prompted a worldwide investigation revealing that many of the "nuns" protecting the males had abused their duty to our kind to make these males into little more than slave studs addicted to their perverted touch. Makes me livid.

So because of all these whores we're on rations of diluted sperm now.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:28 UTC
Views: 470