Early-Tocharian D folklore

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Tocharian D Meaning
firkwəña 'mountain' Cognate with or borrowed into Slav. as *per(g)ynja ('wooded hills'). See Perkwunos for further discussion.
halya 'the concealed' Attested as an afterlife location throughout Germanic languages and personified as a female entity. See Hel (being) and Hel (location).
halyayca 'hell-knowledge' A poetic name for an underworld location.
tsmina 'heaven' See Perkwunos#Heavenly vault of stone for further discussion.
tsminonka '(heaven-)meadow' A term denoting an afterlife heavenly meadow. PGmc *wangaz occurs as a gloss for 'paradise', implying an early Germanic concept of an afterlife field in the heaven. See Fólkvangr and Neorxnawang.
micana-karþa 'middle-enclosure' See Midgard for further discussion.
yralc 'man-age' The inhabited world, the realm of humankind.


Tocharian D Meaning
alha 'temple'
osre-miena 'Osre-month' associated with a festival held around April. See Ēostre and Ēosturmōnaþ for further discussion.
platana 'to sacrifice' Source of plosra ('sacrifice') and plota ('sacrifice, worship').
plata-husa 'house of worship, house of sacrifice' Place of worship, temple.
yältsa 'evil'
fryata 'Friday' See *Frijjō above.
kaltra 'magic song, spell, charm' See galdr for further discussion.
kwäca 'priest'
haylaka 'holy' Source of haylakayana ('to make holy, consecrate').
haylaka-miena 'holy-month' equivalent to modern 'September' or 'December'. See Hāliġmōnaþ for further discussion.
harpist-miena 'autumn-month, harvest-month' roughly equivalent to modern 'August–November'.
haräka 'holy stone', perhaps 'sacrificial mound'[162] See hörgr for further information
halya-runa 'witch, sorceress'
hwänsla 'sacrifice'
hwäts-runa 'secret of the mind, magical rune'
yähwla 'Yule' Name of a festival organized at the end of each year. Cf. also yähwla-taka ('Yule-day'). See Yule for further discussion.
yähwla-miena 'Yule-month'
yera-miena 'year-month' equivalent to modern 'January'.
kwäña 'omen'
lyetsäya 'healer, physician' Source of ĺetsäna ('cure, remedy') and ĺetsnayana ('to heal').
läpia 'herbal medicine, magic potion' Medicinal herb associated with magic.
miltäña 'lightning', 'hammer' Thor's hammer. See Mjǫllnir for further discussion.
mienanta 'Monday' See *Mēnōn above.
ñmita 'sacred grove' See sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology
runa 'secret, mystery; secret counsel; rune' Source of runa ('counsellor'), ruña ('mystery'), rona ('trial, inquiry, experiment'). See runes for further discussion.
runa-stapa 'runic letter'
sayäta 'spell, charm, magic' See also the šitana ('to work charms') .
saywala 'soul'
skalta 'poet' See skald for further discussion.
sämla 'banquet, symposium' See symbel for further discussion.
sännanta 'Sunday' See Sowēlo ~ Sōel above.
tafna 'sacrificial meat'
tofra 'sorcery, magic'
cäpra 'sacrifice, animal offering'
ciwasta 'Tuesday' See *Tīwaz above.
þenaryästa 'Thursday' See *Þun(a)raz above.
yiha 'holy, divine' Source of yitsena~yitsana ('to consecrate'), yitsäsla ('consecration'), and yitsäþa ('holiness, sanctity').
yiha 'sanctuary' See Vé (shrine) for further discussion.
yiha 'priest' See Vili and Vé for further discussion.
yäkkana 'to practice sorcery'
yitaka 'wizard, prophet' Source of the yitakayana ('to prophesy').[202]
watañästa 'Wednesday' See *Wōdanaz above.
Pub: 22 Oct 2022 09:01 UTC
Edit: 22 Oct 2022 14:32 UTC
Views: 74