Chapter 7: Showdown
Few days later
Iruru: ...
Iruru: ...
Iruru: ...ALright! Lets go.
Iruru: Good morning everyone~.
Shigure: Irurur-senpai!
Daikoku: Eh...?
Nikako: Irurun! You came.
Shigure: Hmmmm~? Did you bring some snacks for us? The only thing left is the final performance~.
Iruru: Ummm... Where there is that too, but thats not why I'm here today~.
SHigure: So does that mean you came here to practice~? Well, at least that's better than not showing your face around here.
Shigure: Shigure thought that you wouldn't be coming back here~.
Iruru: Ahaha, Sorry for making you worry.
Hatsumi: ...
Iruru: Um, Hatsumi. There's something I want to speak with you about.
Iruru: I know you're busy, but do you have a moment?
Hatsumi: ...Sure.
Shigure: Huh? HOld on...
Hatsumi: Everyone, do some practice while I'm gone.
Shigure: And there she goes.
Shigure: There's no way that she's going to tell her that she's going to quit Eden...?
Daikoku: Iruru's going to quit...?
Daikoku: What are you talking abou!? Where did you hear about this?
Shigure: Shigure knows nothing. She's just talking about the possibility! Stay away from Shigure!
Nikako: Come now, Daa-chan, relax. It's all OK.
Daikoku: OK, you say, how can you say that so calmly...?
Nikako: Just a hunch. There's no need to worry.
Nikako: Lets just give them somespace to talk it out.
Hatsumi: SO what did you want to talk about?
Iruru: Yeah...
Iruru: Um...
Hatsumi: ...
Iruru: --I'm really sorry! Can you forgive me!?
hatsumi: Eh...?
Iruru: I'm sorry about everything up until now. You believed in me all this time, and I went and betrayed you.
Iruru: I'm very sorry about everything that happened.
Iruru: So I bought some gifts as an apology--
Hatsumi: Hold on, hold on. What is this all of a...
Iruru: I bought some dorayaki as an apology. Since you finished the last one. I thought I'd start with this.
Hatsumi: I don't need it...
Iruru: Ehh1? I even went out of my way to buy some.
Iruru: Or did you want something unexpected like during Valentines...?
Iruru: Well, I kinda get it. There's no way for you to forgive me that easily. After everything that I did.
Hatsumi: That's not what I meant!
Iruru: Wait, really? Then what is it?
Hatsumi: ...
Hatsumi: I wanted to apologise too. I was in the bad too. Sorry for pushing my ideals onto you.
Iruru: ...!
Hatsumi: Tetra-san went and scolded me about it. ...SO did Nikako.
Hastumi: It's true that back then during the performance, when I sealed your Sense, I felt you betrayed me. I just wanted to see your evolution, no matter what.
Hatsumi: It was selfish of me, but I wanted to bet on you. SO I completely disregarded your feelings.
Iruru: ...
Iruru: I glad that you felt like you could bet on me.
Iruru: Thats why I was so frustrated. To the point where I couldn't even bear the idea of facing you.
Hatsumi: ...Iruru.
Iruru: But I'm stubborn like that. And I don't want to give up~.
Iruru: SO please give me another chance.
Hatsumi: !
Iruru: But, there might not be another chance anymore. I may have failed completely.
Iruru: But still... If you can forgive me... I still want to play a lead role for a play.
Iruru: So please.
Hatsumi: ...
Hatsumi: Alright, I'll give you all the chances that you want.
Hatsumi: If you're really that determined, I'll give you all the chances you need.
Daikoku: My Master, Irurun-san...!
Hatsumi: Daikoku.
Shigure: She was so worried that she had to go and listen and find out. Shigure couldn't even stop her~.
Daikoku: Iruru-san, you're not going to quit Eden are you...?
Iruru: Eh!?
Iruru: Ahh~. If that's what you're worried about then, don't worry. I'm not quitting.
Daikoku: Really...? Then what were you two talking about...?
Hatsumi: Allow me to explain.
Iruru: I'm sorry, it seems we've made you worry again.
Daikoku: Huh...?
Tetra: What's all this? What's the big deal?
Hatsumi: The reason I've gathered everyone here--
Hatsumi: We're changing the lead actor.
Tetra: ...!
Hatsumi: For the final performance, Iruru will be the lead actor.
Hatsumi: I'm sorry, Daikoku.
Daikoku: Don't be...! There's no way I would disagree with my Master's directions.
Daikoku: I knew that you would say something like that.
Shigure: What a pain. HOw many times are we going to change roles.
Daikoku: This brat... This probably concerns you the least out of everyone.
Iruru: I'm sorry.
Iruru: But I'll make this the best play you've ever seen,
Shigure: Please do so.
Shigure: Please, it's getting late to go go home.
Nikako: Let's make this last performance a good one!
Hatsumi: Yeah. Iruru, you've memorised your lines?
Iruru: yeah. I've revised my lines, so there's no worry there.
Hatsumi: Good. There's not much time until the real thing. Let's end it with a bang.
Hatsumi: Alright, lets do this.