Gatekeeper (GK)
A gatekeeper alter is the one that you go to in regards to who manages fronting; managing when and what alter takes front. In general cases, gatekeepers also take on the responsibility of managing memories, restricting memories from certain alters and having others contain certain memories. Gatekeepers also take on the job of the innerworld where they build its formation and who has access to what parts of the innerworld.

Internal/Inner Self-Helper (ISH)
ISH's are very helpful when it comes to communicating with a therapist as they know the in and outs of the system. They have extensive understanding of their system peers and how they work together. Can also be referred to as the manager of the system.

It is not uncommon for a persecutor alter to be an introject of an abuser. Persecutors can be referred to as misguided protectors as they engage in harmful behaviors but often with a protective nature behind it.
Persecutors are not bad alters, there is no such thing as every alter in a system serves a purpose to keep the system going whether or not it comes off as destructive.

Protectors are alters that protect the body, system, host, and certain alters or certain groups of alters. They are the defensive side as well as the fight in a fight, flight, freeze, or fawn response. Protectors can be there for emotional, physical, sexual, verbal, or for all defenses.

A special type of protector that takes on the role of taking care more so of younger, weaker, or more vulnerable alters + external children. Caretakers may also specifically take on the responsibility to manage the body's health (ex. hygiene and maintenance of environment).

A non-explicit term for a little or age-slider that holds trauma such as sexual trauma or trauma with adult themes.

Nightwatchers are there in the frontlines when alters who front in the morning or afternoon are too worn out or too tired to function during the night. They’re also there in case the body wakes up during the night, being able to manage the body during this period of time. Some of their responsibilities might be brushing teeth, and generally just putting the body to bed.

Optimist (Energist, Mood Booster)
The optimist of an OSDDID system can be described as the light in the darkness. As the name portrays, they are optimistic and seek out the good even in the bad. They aim towards moving forward and focus on the future and its positives that will be there along the way.

The type of alter that doesn't front much and is often detached from the outside world. Often holds traumatic memories and can be so separated from everyday life that they lose track of the time that goes by.

Holder (Trauma Holder, Symptom Holder, Memory Holder, etc.)
Holders can either be memory holders or symptom holders. Memory holders, also known as trauma holders, are alters that hold memories that are usually traumatic in nature so that other alters do not have to face them. Symptom holders take on primary symptoms of disabilities whether it be psychosis, autism, etc. Memory holders may hold onto and attempt to preserve memories from the body's childhood (can be negative or positive memories).

Nonhuman Alters
An alter that identifies with anything outside of human, namely, an animal, fantasy creature, or nonliving object.
May or may not be able to still communicate effectively.

Ghost/Dead Alter
A subset of a nonhuman alter. Whether it be a source memory or a traumatic event that the body experienced in which they felt as if they died, dead or ghost alters often split to contain the experience.

A subset of protectors. They protect the body and system in a more firm and aggressive-assertive manner different from others.

Age-sliding Alters
Age sliders refer to alters who present with multiple ages, fluctuating between ages or in a specific age range.

Ageless Alters
In the case of ageless alters, the alter who identifies with being ageless either doesn't identify with a set or other reasons such as they feel that their age is past a human's perception of time and other reasons unlisted. Ageless alters may or may not identify with a broad age category while still being ageless.

Little/Child Alters
Infants being 1-3, littles, or child alters, range from the ages 4-12 years of age. May or may not be more mentally capable or mature than real children. May age with the body or at specific dates, or may age sporadically when integration, fusion, or trauma processing occurs. In some systems, it varies, littles growing up is viewed as a sense of healing and progression within a system.

Middle/Teen Alters
Age range being 13-17, middles are alters who might have acted as more mature than most children to avoid danger and may or may not be stuck in the mentality or function of a stereotypical teenager. May or may not age with the body or by a certain date, fusion, or integration.

Adult Alters
Adult alters having the age range of 17-18+, adult alters may have served as an authoritative, parent-like figure when the body was younger in replacement to an external figure that was not present. In many cases, present more mature in order to avoid danger and age at a specific date, with the body, due to integration, or fusion. May or may not be mentally and functionally stuck in a stereotypical adult mindset. Often are dissociated from immature acts and ways to avoid danger, once again.

Undifferentiated or undeveloped alters that are flat or one-dimensional in thought processes, actions, or purpose. May exist to carry out a specific function or hold a single memory or part of a memory.

A part who is able to override the body's emotion and control emotion bleeding. This is mostly helpful at times such as breakdowns, flashbacks, etc. (Not to be confused with Gatekeepers)

A non-explicit term for a little or age-slider that holds trauma such as sexual trauma or trauma with adult themes.

Show aggression towards those outside of the system. Can choose to harm others for their own personal gain. May re-enact trauma the system has endured. (Similar to Persecutor.)

A part who soothes and cares of the body or other parts within a system, can be actively or through passive influence.

Someone who is especially knowledgeable about certain events that happen to the system, both in IW and reality. They can also know specific information of certain parts that others may not be aware of. (Similar to Internal Self Helper)

Pub: 26 Jul 2022 23:39 UTC
Edit: 16 Nov 2022 03:01 UTC
Views: 1187