Chapter 6: God Does Not Play Dice
Iroha: Thanks for helping me out with practive, Mito-chan.
Mito: No-no, as long as Mito is about to be helpful.
Iroha: Of course you were! Thanks to you, I can do anything!
Mito: Fufu, that's good to hear.
Mito: ....the audition's tomorrow.
Iroha: Yep. I can start feeling my palms sweating.
Mito: Yeah...
Mito: (In the end, Mito didn't speak about Tsubomi-san to Iroha-chan, hopefully this mood stays for the audition.)
Iroha: (Mito-chan... It does really seem like she's down about something.)
Iroha: (But if it's Mito-chan, then there's surely a reason she's not telling me... but...)
Iroha/Mito: What do I do...
Iroha: Oh right! About the new "SHinkutsu" goods, lets go tomorrow!
Mito: T-Tomorrow...!?
Mito: Umm, the goods...?
Mito: Ah, are you talking about the limited edition goods?
Iroha: Yep! It's Saturday tomorrow so theres no school,
Iroha: HOw about it...?
Mito: ...Um... Tomorrow's a bit...
Iroha: Ah, Sorry for making it so sudden! Let's do it another time then!
Mito: ...Ah, Ok... Sorry. Alright, see you on the weekend...
Iroha: Alright, I'll see you at school.
Iroha: Mito-chan...
Tsubomi: Alright.
Tsubomi: But theres still one thing to wrap up.
Tusbomi: Good mornin--
Towa: You're fi~nally here. Why are high school classes so long?
Tsubomi: Motosu? What are you doing here? There no practice today...
Towa: Don't worry about it. You free? Of course you are.
Tsubomi: Im not, the auditions tomorrow and todays the last day to--
Towa: Ok, so you are free.
Tsubomi: Motosu... What are you doing?
Towa: That's what I should be saying.
Towa: The mood at the practice hall the other day was insane.
Tusbomi: The other day?
Towa: Like, Mito and Kamira were all acting suspicious. Kaname was also avoiding the topic, everyone was clearly hiding something.
Towa: I thought it would be fine to just leave the bee's nest be, but it started becoming awkward and annoyed me.
Tsubomi: Awkward?
Towa: You haven't noticed?
Towa: Haah~, isn't it usually the other way round with the fortune teller telling people advice?
Towa: Mito and Kamira have been speaking to Kaname about you. Iroha doesn't know anything about it, so she's forever alone.
Towa: I tried to get the words out of Kaname while doing my signing, but she wouldn't say anything. Always treating me like a kid at times like this.
Tusbomi: ...
Towa: So I here to speak with you directly.
Tsubomi: I see...
Towa: But, it doesn't look like even you know anything.
Towa: God, this is the most annoying thing ever~. Don't get an elementary kid involved in adult worries.
Towa: Do you know anything about whats going on?
Tsubomi: No, ...nothing at all...
Towa: Is that so.
Towa: Haaaah~...
Towa: I guess I'll have to speak to everyone directly.
Tsubomi: D-Directly?
Towa: Tsubomi, you live alone, don't you?
Tsubomi: Y-yeah.
Towa: Alright, we'll meet up at your place then. What pizza do you like?
Tsubomi: Pizza...? What does that have to do with my place...?
Towa: I'll have some charcoal grilled ribs. Hurry up, or everything will be the same order.
Tsubomi: Eh? Umm... Teriyaki chicken.
Towa: Alright, one teriyaki chicken. Iroha and the others~... No idea but lets go with a safe option.
Tsubomi: M-Motosu? I've got plans to stay here to practice for the audition...
Towa: It's alright, I'll just tell the others that I'm buying them some icecream.
Towa: "I bought some iceream, go bring Mito and Kamira and meet up at Tsubomi's place." OK... And send.
Towa: Alright. Lets go to Tsubomi's house.
Tsubomi: Hold on, Motosu--
Towa: Ahhh, you're annoying! Just be an adult and let us borrow the place for a bit!
Towa: You being uneasy is making it hard for me to focus! I'll sort this all out so be grateful!