Self loathing, or something like that

Mari woke up in a dark void. She looked around and soon saw a girl that looked just like her.
But she had pale, silver skin. Her eyes were white and grey with a black ring around each iris. She stared at her with an expression of scorn.
"H-hello?" Mari asked. "Who are you? Do you know where I am?"
The girl looked at her, before simply saying. "Hiki."
Mari tilted her head. " you know where we are? If there's a way-
Before she could finish that, Hiki suddenly rushed over and gave Mari a kiss.
"Hmphmph?!" Was the sound she let out as a tongue invaded her mouth.
Mari tried to fight back, but it felt like every ounce of strength she had was gone. Her bones were sticks, her muscles were plastic. Hiki invaded her mouth, giving a forceful kiss that intruded as deeply as it could. Her tongue forced it's way in, wrapping around hers. Hiki easily wrestled Mari to the ground, hands interwoven with hers, claiming a position on top of her. Mari had been completely overpowered and was now flat on her back.
Hiki finally pulled away, saliva falling between them. "Phew...that's better, isn't it?"
Mari's mind was in a haze as she looked at her. "agh...what...are..." Her words were interrupted as she let out a sudden gasp.
Hiki had put two of her fingers inside Mari's vagina. She froze up. "What-wait-I'm- She got straight to fingering her, using a free hand to wrap around her neck and shoulder. Hiki kept her fingers running in and out, playing with her clit. Hiki's three free fingers dug into her belly, and two inner thigh's. Why were her nails so sharp? It hurt a little feeling them against her soft skin, but not as much as feeling her fingers inside her. They had nails that scratched against her inside and occasionally her clit. It took her a moment, but Mari looked at Hiki. Her silver skin shined in the darkness. Mari also noticed the way she was grinding against her leg, a clear liquid leaking on to it.
Mari felt shivers run through her body as she climaxed. Hiki felt her fingers get wet.
"Hmphh." Hiki muttered.
"Hah...hah..." Mari already was still sensitive down there, and Hiki kept going.
"...Are you not even going to try and resist this?" Hiki's voice was cold, sharp.
"I..." Was all Mari could say, unable to say a word. She...well...
Hiki gave a growl. "You're so pathetic. Sick, perverted, good for nothing..."
Whatever complaint Mari wanted to say was instantly replaced by soft moans when Hiki resumed her work.

Mari suddenly felt the urge to look around, and saw dozens of red, bloody hands crawling towards her. For a moment fear overwhelmed her, but she couldn't find the strength to resist. The hands started climbing across her body, finding their place. She felt hands caressing her inner thigh, she squinted her eyes shut when a pair started groping her butt, her eyes shot wide as she felt a pair start squeezing and playing with her breasts, A hand reached three fingers into her mouth and used it's pinky and thumb to hold her jaw as it played with her tongue, a bunch of hand started playing with her legs and arms and hands, and finally one hand put its palm over her eyes, blinding her.
She hated this. It felt so weird, why was she-it just, why can't she stop feeling so good?
Every movement by Hiki send shivers through her body, the hands kept squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples causing her to let out strained moans, the hands on her butt started slapping it as well as groping causing her to go "Oh-" and "Ah-", the hands on her legs touched and squeezed every inch and had even moved to her feet causing her to feel ticklish and let out stranger sounds, the hand in her mouth had it's fingers coated in her saliva, blocking anything from getting out causing her to feel suffocated and let out choked sounds, and the hand over her eyes kept her trapped in darkness causing her to be unable to see, only feel.
"Mmmnmm-mmph-mmmm-!" She couldn't stop herself from leaking sounds, her whole body twitching from each orgasm she reached, her feet being tickled, her legs being touched, her butt being groped, inside and out of her mouth was a mess of saliva, her vagina kept letting out gushing sounds as Hiki's fingers churned inside and out, her breasts kept being squeezed and-oh-agh-ah-ah-AAAAHHHH-

Mari was a mess. A sick, perverted, disgusting mess of lust and sex. A repulsive beast of carnal desires that drowned itself in filth like this.
If anyone could see her now, they'd be sickened seeing her for who she really is. Hiki was no exception.
"Is this all that's left for you to do in a life like this?"
Mari didn't hear it.
"Hero would be disgusted in you. And who knows what you'd do to relive these fantasies with him?"
A hand pinched her hard nipples, letting out an odd sound from her.
"Kel's been calling, you know. How would he feel if he knew you were doing this instead of being there for your friends?"
A hand slapped her sore, sensitive butt causing her to yelp.
"Basil was Sunny's best friend. He knows it's your fault. How would he feel, seeing you drowning in sex rather than guilt?"
A hand in her mouth kept her muted, muffling the moans that came out more than breathing, let alone an answer.
"Aubrey looked up to you so much, you were like a big sister. How would she feel seeing her sister ravaged by herself like this?"
Hiki's hand kept squeezing her clit and ramming her fingers into her flooding pussy, eliciting the loudest sounds from Mari.
"What would Sunny think of his sister now?"
Mari couldn't hear her own voice anymore.

A hand removed itself from her mouth, unplugging all the "Ahh-ohh-yes-more-please-c-come bac-ahhaah-" she was letting out, while also causing her tongue to hang out of it's mouth, desperate for something to meet it.
Mari felt the fingers running through her insides stop. Suddenly she felt very cold down there. "W-wa-ha-it-n-no-"
"You're such a mess."
Mari felt her mouth meet with something. A kiss. Her tongue desperately met what was in her mouth. It felt so much better than fingers. It tasted so much better than fingers. As she felt more of her mouth being claimed by Hiki's tongue, she felt her lower parts starting to be touched again. A hand started thrusting it's fingers into her. Mari couldn't help but notice that they went deeper then Hiki's did, scratching an itch she didn't even realize she had been feeling this whole time. Deeper...deeper...more...!
Hands were everywhere, touching and groping every inch of her body, and all of them were getting faster.
The hand at her pussy kept thrusting in and out, causing a sick squelching sound as it churned though fluids.
The hands on her legs kept playing with them, moving them at different angles and holding them still through her spasming.
The hands on her butt had stopped groping and kept slapping, causing it to feel so sore it hurt more than it felt good.
The hands on her breasts kept touching them, pulling them, stretching them, her nipples were never left alone.
The hand covering her face finally removed itself, letting Mari's dilated and unfocused eyes stare straight into Hiki's.
Hate. Nothing but hatred for her. Hiki wanted her to suffer. Hiki wanted her to go insane. Hiki wanted nothing more than for Mari to be hurt for what she's done, and what she's doing. Hiki wanted her dead. Hiki wanted her to know this as she stared into her eyes and kept kissing Mari and touching her and ravaging every last inch of her body until she was a broken mess that couldn't think again.

Mari had long since lost her mind. All she could register were the sensations and stimulus running through her body.
"How can you want to live a life like this?"
When Mari came too, she saw a throne before her. A throne of red hands. It beckoned her to take her seat.
Mari tried to move, but her legs were too wobbly, she couldn't get up. She crawled her way over to it. As she got closer, red hands showed up. They helped pick her up by her shoulders, and held her up so she could slowly stumble over to the throne. The hands would never let her fall.
Once she got to it, they gently set her down on it. Mari was filled with some sense of rightness. This is the way things are supposed to be.
Mari gave an unnatural grin as she beckoned them.
The hands came back, and started to touch her all over again...



Pub: 15 Oct 2022 22:33 UTC
Views: 406