Chapter 3: How to Become the Best Actor

Iroha: Umm, "How to Become the Best Actor"... H, H... EFGH, so it should be around here...

Senju's Grandma: Make sure you understand that every move you make will tie back to the Senju family. You purpose is to become an actor that is worthy of the Sneju name.

Koyomi: Understood. ...I'm very sorry.

Iroha: The Senju family huh...

Iroha: I wonder if I'm even a part of the Senju family. Even if I could have a bit of what Onee-chan carries...

Iroha: ...No. I shouldn't be saying things like that.

Iroha: Haah...

Iroha: I need to stop.

Iroha: Let's have fun with this. I'm a member of Denki after all.

Iroha: That book doesn't seem to be here. Maybe it's in this section?

Iroha: If it's not in the theater section, umm...

Ramona: Hmm?

Iroha: Huh?

Iroha: Ramona-san! Hello! Are you going out shopping?

Ramona: Yeah, what a coincidence. I came to see if there were any interesting books about Japanese culture.

Iroha: Japenese culture huh...! If I recall correctly when you last stayed over, Hikawa said that you liked looking out at our garden...

Ramona: Haha, that's quite embarrassing when you say that out loud, but you're right, since then, I've been really into Japanese style gardens.

Ramona: HOw about you, Iroha? What are you looking for here? If you want, I can help you look for it.

Iroha: No, no! I was just looking for a particular book!

Iroha: I don't think its likely that I'll find it here, so its quite alright.

Ramona: Don't worry about it, I might as well help out while I'm here.

Ramona: What the title? It'll be faster if we both search for it.

Iroha: You really don't need to help...

Ramona: Come on, no need to hold back. I told you that I could help out, and I want to help you out.

Iroha: ...

Iroha: The book I'm looking for is called "How to Become the Best Actor"...

Ramona: "How to Become the Best Actor"? Does the book look about this big?

Iroha: Ahh, I haven't actually seen the book before. It just a book that Onee-- Koyomi-san recommended to me.

Iroha: And it seems that she's already given that to someone else. That's why I'm searching for it here.

Ramona: I see, so that's what happened.

Ramona: ...Did you want me to lend the book to you?

Iroha: Huh, you have it?

Ramona: Yeah! That's because that someone was me!

Iroha: I got so caught up with Ramona-san and now we've ended up here...

Iroha: This is bad, I let my guard done around her and now she's pampering me.

Iroha: I never thought that I would end up here.

Iroha: (It's fine if Onee-san pampers me, but now someone that shes knows ended up pampering me.)

Iroha: I wonder if me being here will cause trouble for Onee-san... It would be great if no one saw us here...

Ramona: Sorry to keep you waiting, Iroha. Don't worry that you're part of this troupe, you could've just waited for me inside.

Iroha: N-no! We live in a society where its important to keep in mind security...

Ramona: I think its fine for Koyomi's sister to be around here though...

Ramona: Oh, right. Here's the book from earlier.

Iroha: Wow, it looks very well used...

Iroha: Is this really alright? For something like this to be lent out?

Ramona: Ahh, don't worry about that, it was already like that from earlier.

Ramona: Haha, you can tell that Koyomi took it very seriously.

Ramona: I've tried to keep it as pristine as I could, so if you have any questions, let me know.

Iroha: It's alright. Thank you very much, I'll read it carefully.

Ramona: This is quite sudden, but do you have some time right now?

Iroha: Eh? Yes. I don't have any practice today...

Ramona: How about we go out for some tea? After all that walking, my throat is all dry.

Iroha: I'm sorry for making you treat me like this. Having you pamper me like this.

Ramona: I've already said this earlier, I don't mind it. A sister of Koyomi is basically a sister of my own.

Iroha: Ehehe... Thank you very much.

Ramona: No worries. Drink up. But you really arequite sisterly aren't you?

Iroha: Eh? There's no way! I can see it with Koyomi-san, but definitely not me!

Ramona: You've been extremely polite today. Though at first I thought that's just how the Senju family raises their children.

Iroha: Thank you very much. I'm glad to hear that.

Ramona: Though I think that this is the first time taht I've been able to speak to you like this.

Ramona: How is Koyomi? I'm grateful for the care from the other day, but is she relacing at home?

Iroha: She's... How do I put it? She's probably at the practice hall more than she is at home.

Iroha: Ah, but there's have been more fun moments like when the Gingaza members came over for the hot pot parwty.

Iroha: ...SO I think that she's more relaxed when she's around the Gingaza members.

Ramona: There's no way thats the case. Since you guys are so close, you most be quite helpful to her.

Iroha: ...No, she's a much more respectable person than I am. Even when I do something, I'm unable to help her.

Ramona: Why do you say that? Koyomi might be a great actor, but you're also a member of the Senju family too.

Ramona: Your acting ability is also quite respectable. I'm sure Koyomi's also quite proud of your performances in DEnki.

Iroha: ...

Ramona: It's quite a relief to have a family like that. Even Koyomi looks quite happyu when she talks about you.

Iroha: is that so. Well thats good to hear...

Pub: 18 Nov 2024 02:34 UTC
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