So I read on my Taiwanese crochet pattern forum that humans need to orgasm at least once a week
I foolishly foolishly followed their advice and gave my human a handjob
In the months since, he's been non stop humping my legs, hands, tits
I've woken up with my fur caked in cum
I've woken up to his dick sliding across my muzzle
He tried to stick it in me once, but I put a stop to that real quick
It did feel good though
But fucking my pet just feels weird
I tried putting him in a crate at night, but he knew how to work the latch and I woke up with cum across my ears
I'm almost held hostage by this horny fucker
Last week I finally caved to his constant fuckery and gave him a blowjob
Since then whenever he wants attention he'll sit on my couch, legs spread
And I either get him off or I deal with washing dried cum off my fur the next day
That's the last time I fucking trust randos on the internet
He does taste good though

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:32 UTC
Views: 195