News & Updates

Looking for bases and outposts?

Day 290

Base Gamma established.

  • Board reworked.
  • News board added.
  • Boxeditor123 has returned.
  • Alliance request with FOPD is requested.

Day 123

Base Alpha and Beta established.
Changed name from "Palean Empire" to Uncharted Territories Coalition.

  • Members Jayray8273 and Gpjira1973 joined the association.
  • Organization revamped from "Palean Empire" to Uncharted Territories Coalition.
  • Change in advertisements

Day 81

Name changed from "IAC" (Infinite Chaos Association) to Palean Empire

  • Recent war with ████ █████ ███ █████████.
  • Text from now on has been expunged.

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██ ███████████
█████ ███████████ ██

Pub: 27 May 2024 08:49 UTC
Edit: 27 May 2024 09:52 UTC
Views: 59