"why did you block me?"

bare in mind your reason might not apply here (it may be for a different reason), and i reserve the right to not give reasoning to a block at all. we also may do blockchains (blocking ppl who are friends with or follow someone we also blocked) every now and then, sooo...

  • you were blocked for our comfort.
  • you fit basic dni criteria.
  • you fall under our dni.
  • we fall under your dni. we block so we don't forget and come back into contact later.
  • you blocked us first. we return blocks as we see them, and typically don't undo it even if you unblock us.
  • you were rude to someone we care about.
  • you're a double of someone in my sources, and you're not conducting yourself respectfully.

if none of these appear to apply to you, it may have been for a more personal reason or us temporarily blocking out of paranoia. we tend to have extreme trust issues when it comes to certain people, and so it just happens sometimes. we apologize if this is the case.


Pub: 30 Apr 2023 19:34 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2023 06:00 UTC
Views: 328