Afternoon coffee

The young sergeant walked through the winding alleys. As he walked closer to the destination, the stone paving, and walls started looking cleaner and maintained. Strange for an alleyway so deep in the city. The sergeant took one last turn before ending up in a hidden courtyard, surrounded by apartment buildings.

Potted plants dotted near the walls confining the courtyard. Vines are growing out from the planters on the balcony and onto the signage of the shops. A couple of workers are moving tables back into their restaurant. Lunch hour had just ended. The customs guard look at a rather narrow storefront in between the restaurant and apartment entrance and walked in.

*ding ding*

The shop owner looked up. Patches of his hair are already turning grey. But the eyes behind his glasses still seemed young, of dedication and passion.

"Oh hi. It's been more than a week. Busy dealing with our esteemed visitors?"
The owner raised his tone when he said "esteemed", as if to tease the customer who had just walked in.

A long sigh.
"Yup. Give me the usual old man."
He put away his hat on the rack and took a seat right at the bar table.

"Well I hope they didn't give ye that much trouble..."

"Ha! As if! First they barged in without any papers, insisted they are on an official mission while not carrying any sealed documents. And you know what the most ridiculous thing is? The ambassador, the highest ranking member of their mission, tried to touch my hat's feathers when I stepped onto their ship. And when I asked for a commission or any proof of their identity, he gave me a bag of nuts! Bastard should be thankful he didn't meet the butt of my rifle."


"I know... Had no intention of batting anyone. They are just a headache is all..."

"Wait... ye are still responsible for them?"

The sergeant received the latte and cake from the shop owner and nodded in thanks.
"Ask our brass. Apparently they think that our rather... naive guests would be more comfortable around people they already knew."

"Ye mean customs?"

"Nope. Department of state."

The owner wheezed.
"A customs guard? Foreign diplomats? Hahaha..."

Rémy interjected with his fork pointing at the barrister, "Look, old man. Despite most of our work being standing around, intimidating poor merchants to cooperate, or dealing with paperwork, we are still a uniformed service. Okay?"

The fork turned straight down and dug into the cake.
"This cake is fantastic! Where did you get the strawberries?"

"Old friend of mine, knew him way back when I was still publishing books. From the sounds of it the Squrrile folks are quite rowdy. Heard one got stabbed in the papers."

"And gave me no small amount of headache. I told their ambassador multiple times to not let his people cause any trouble unless they want to experience the hospitality of Hulhaven's inhabitants. Well, or just anyone in the Republic."

"Seems like ye positively hate ya job."

The sergeant waved his hand after taking a sip.
"Still want my cozy desk job."

"It would fast track ya promotion to a warrant officer, huh?"

"Righto. And I guess the girls are kinda cute."

Although Rémy Graydon didn't want to admit it, he do enjoy the company of their VIP somewhat, that is not when they are giving them a headache. Rémy found quite a bit of joy just answering any inquiries, especially their ambassador has. The break from the monotonous work of customs duty is appreciated. And his interaction with Jayawan... It reminded him of his youth with his younger brother. They had the same hair and eye color too.

"Yeah... That!"
The shop owner looked to the bookshelf to his left, and back at Rémy delivering a piece of strawberry to his mouth.
"I've read that Risuners' society are quite, not my word, but promiscuous. Their whole society is based around the exchanging of nuts. So, lad. Did ye get any action?"

A grin full of mischief started appearing on the shopowner's face when he said that last part. Showing more winkles that were otherwise unnoticeable on the old man.

Seargent Graydon recoiled, took the latte with its dish from the table, giving a weird look at his older friend.
"What gave you that idea... NO!"

"Haha. My bad."
After years, the owner knew the kind of person his long-term patron is.

"Some of the guys definitely tried to. When the squirrel folk were told they can't solicit on the streets they either retreated to their ships or they target us. You know how many times I have to pull myself out from being pinned by a tribal in heat?"

"Also, we are FORBIDDENED to have sexual relations with anyone under our care, diplomatic staff no less."
The dutiful sergeant paused for a moment as he reached for his cake again.
"Well a couple of them did escape any reprimanding. 'Oh I'm so sorry Serge. 'em squirrel girls are just too strong my weak little hooman arms can't push them away. Oh please Serge I swear! Here, she can prove it!'. Can't exactly make foreign dignitaries do 100 sets of bunny hop can I?"

"Hmmm... Oh and I remember their diet is quite simple. Did they enjoy our food by chance?"

"Old man, you know our food is also renowned for being relatively simple and bland in this part of the world, right?"
Rémy finished his cup of latte.
"But enjoyed they did. Those squirrels are all over the burgers. They quite liked the seafood too but not as much as the burgers. Straight up just devoured them all. Cheeks puffed up like actual squirrels."

"This book mentioned their cuisine is quite lacking in meat. No wonder they liked our burgers."
The shopowner reached over the counter and gave the book to his old patron.
"Want to read it? Don't think ye have gone through this one before. Dr. Colquhoun's writing is quite fun. Especially since he did visit their land while researching for this book."

Rémy started flicking through the book when the owner reached over yet again and asked.
"Actually, can ye divulge any news about the schedule of our visitors?"

The sergeant looked around and responded to the owner, whose hand formed a semi-cupped around his mouth.
"The capital was notified almost immediately after we confirmed their identity. But they do need a bit of time to prepare for an official welcoming and activities in the East. For now, they are staying here. I'm sure you already knew about them having another 2 ambassadors aboard. For now they are busy planning how to get to the druids and the space folks. So the last few days are uneventful but their visits and tours start today. The big brasses here have cleared for places that might be of interest to our visitors before they leave for the East. Today's a farm and a vineyard visit. Tomorrow, we'll get to see flying squirrels... in a ballon carriage. And the day after?"
Rémy started to sound quite excited.
"They are visiting the Wisdoms!"

"Wait, The Wisdom?"

"Yup, the one and only. Don't forget the plural. We," Rémy gestured at himself, "are taking a tour around the second Wisdom class too."

The owner smiled when the customs guard did too. He knew the only time Rémy would put on such a childish smile is when talking about marine animals, warships, or his mother.

"Them army boys are responsible for security outside the city. But within? We get to follow them around. Imagine, 300 horsepower. Screw and rig driven. Maximum speed of 12 knots. Iron-steel composite plating. 42 guns, 2 of which are experimental rifled guns. The army guys aren't even equipped with those breech loaders yet. Have you read about them? Effective beyond 2000 meters, explosive shells of a new design. And we get to see one of them being built!"

"Ye really shoulda joined the navy..."
The barrister mumbled.

"I... Can't... You know that..."
The sergeant's look turned from glee to dejection.

"Ya older brother can take care o..."

"Lucien? Him?"
Rémy looked up to the owner, lips moving in anger, and deep down, of disappointment and saudade.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn've..."
He knew he is in no place to judge the younger Graydon's decision. Afterall, he had to give up on his previous career. The old barrister remebered Rémy in his youth. How the young lad would come his place to read and study. Talking about the things he want to learn when he gets into the academy. Or how much he admired the soldiers from the books the barrister recommened to him. The emotion he saw and knew about the now customs guard sergeant, makes him wonder where he could've been if things went differently.

The sergeant took a big gulp from the glass.

He took a breath and reached for his pocket.
"Thanks, old man. Cake was really good."

Rémy walked towards the rack and retrieved his white hat, matching his white and navy blue uniform.
"Oh, and depending on how things go, I might be sent to the capital, along with the squirrels too."

"In that case. Here! Take it. See it as an apology."
The owner handed him a bag of coffee grounds.

"Old man, you don't..."

"Take it. Don't want you suffer from those sewage water they brew in the capital."

"Thanks. Take care."

"You too, lad."

Pub: 23 Jun 2022 16:21 UTC
Views: 542