anon lives alone in the sewers with a two friends
one is a runaway, the other a murderer
anthro marriage enforcement squads raid the sewers
anon and runaway are detained, with runaway slated to be delivered back to his wife and anon with an unclear future ahead
meanwhile, murderer gets police brutalitied - kicks to groin, face, stomach, everywhere as an officer stands behind anon and makes herself clear as to what anon is seeing.

He resisted arrest and fell down some stairs. It happens a lot to people who hurt their wife.

Anon gets taken away, in to a cell, until a few decidedly non police anthros show up and demand to see him naked.

Yep, he'll do.

they whisk out of there.
for a week, all the wardens sheepishly smile around anon
then he gets transferred
he is bound to a chair, naked, then a cloth is draped over him. They wheel him in to a golden birdcage
and then gameshow music starts
as the birdcage rises on top of an elaborate stage
the presenter points at you as you rise out of the ground.

...your prize. Get a good look at him, ladies, for you know the rules - first one up here gets to take him home. Straight out of the sewers, not even registered yet. Never been with a woman before, never even jerked off from what we can tell. I've seen him naked, trust me, there is more than enough of him to satisfy any palate.
mmmhhh, sooo girthy.

the presenter turns towards a few anthros in front of anon, licking their lips.

Alright, ladies, all set?

they all show they are.

aaaand go!

19 female anthros and a human girl in tight sports wear take off, running through their own tunnel each and moving along a parcour not unlike takeshi's castle, each with a different starting point and different role as they sometimes fight each other, sometimes fight cooperatively against an actor, sometimes just fight the course itself.
Anon watches whacky hijinks, a significant amount of them more or less sexual, and sometimes the contestants get a surprise.
Whenever there is a lull in the action, the presenter asks anon a personal question, which anon answers after hesitation during the first one got him a small electric shock.
The human woman lacks behind in the beginning and the preds easily take the lead, but the felines lose ground as their endurance is naturally less than that of others.
A wolf girl manages to grab a surprise box in a small detour which costs her almost no time, but the crowd laughs as she pulls out a condom with a sour face and discards it immediatly.
the human manages to snag another, despite being fairly far behind in the field, and the crowd oohs and aahs as she pulls out a small roll of pills.

Is that the viagra? Ohohoh, someone got lucky there.

the presenter smiles, while the show goes on an ad break.
a while later, another girl manages to pick up a box - in it is a blanket.
The girl searches and finds a camera while running and wolfishly smiles in to it.

Ladies - its getting hot in here. Gents, if you would?

two athletic looking men wearing nothing but a tiny slip enter the voliere, one of them whispers

Sorry, dude

then they pull away the blanket covering anon.
the crowd cheers and security has to restrain a few girls that seem to be all to eager to get closer.

Ladies, ladies! If you want a piece of one of our boys, sign up!

meanwhile, the girls are advancing, but a deer manages to beat the human girl at a station - and snag her viagra.
the crowd goes wild, as the camera zooms in on the decrepit human face and the wildly smiling deer.
it doesn't last long, though, as a horse girl manages to grab the viagra as a deer and a wolf struggle - and from there on, she has a few close calls but it doesn't take her much longer until she drops the viagra in to a machine.
the two guys from earlier appear again, this time with a syringe.

Sorry dude

again, but they still push the needle in to you and you almost immediately get erect.
the camera focuses on your growing dick
the crowd goes apeshit and the wolf girl presenting the show licks her lips.

mhhmmm. I wouldn't mind that myself, but I haven't earned it - She has!

The horse girl jogs through a tunnel on stage as a door in the voliere opens.
She trows away her sports bra, stumbles a bit as she discards what is best described as panties and runs in to anon's cage, sweat dripping all over her.
She almost immediatly straddles anon's lap and whispers in to his ear.

Be good to me and I'll be good to you. Now cum as quickly as you can and kiss me back.

She rubs herself against anon as the presenter loudly demands the gate be shut, which almost immediatly happens.
the presenter then wonders what's taking the horse girl so long, but at that moment, she grabs anon's dick and sits down on it.
Anon is squeezed between a fat pair of tiddies and doesn't last longer than a few introductory strokes, then cums.
the presenter loudly comments

Look at those pulsing balls, she is getting filled up! Mhhhmmm, I know what my hubby is gonna do tonight to me. What about you?

The crowd seems to grow even more wild, but anon misses the remainder of the commotion as the voliere descends downwards.
The horse girl nuzzles his neck.

Well done. I'm Erin.

Despite anon's life in the sewers, he actually has some manners and knows when to introduce himself. His orgasmic after glow has taken all the fight out of him.


Erin chuckles, then starts off on a slow rhythm which has anon squirming beneath her in post orgasmic sensitivity.

Ooh, you're squirmy. Well, it was good that you were done that quickly. I would have hated to have to ride you for long on stage. I guess I'm gonna have to train you a little, eh?

Anon swallows

What happens now?

Erin kisses his neck.

You're mine now. And I can be yours. You're coming home with me and I would appreciate it if you'd help me raise a few foals.

Kids were definitely not on anons agenda just yet.


Erin cocks her head.

You just blew a massive load balls deep inside of me and now you're telling me you don't want kids?

Anon stutters.

W-well, y-you see, that-

Erin gently shuts his mouth, then kisses him.

I'm just messing with you. We'll make some when it feels right. Now come on, I need a shower and I want you to wash my back.

Erin unlatches the cuffs behind the back off the chair, then the ones securing anon's feet.

Come on!

She pulls anon by the still erect dick out of the bird cage, then down a corridor and through a door marked "winner" in to a dressing room, through to a shower that she switches on to a fresh water temperature.

I want you to wash my back.

Anon starts rubbing the shampoo in to the fur, but it doesn't take very long for Erin to start with foreplay, showing Anon where to rub and when to insert what, culminating in her getting fucked while bent over.
her dirty talk finally makes anon explode.

Anon, fill my womb, make me yours, please don't pull out, mark me, make me pregnant, do it, fill me up again...

In the after glow, she has a mischievous smile on her face.

Told you you'd want to make me a baby foal.

Anon smiles sheepishly

Well... Maybe.

... 6 months later.

Anon smiles as Erin kisses him on the cheek, her lips still wet from his cum and her spit.

I love you.

She snuggles up against him, pressing her round belly in to his side and putting her hand on his as he feels for movement.

I love you too.

Pub: 22 Aug 2024 07:33 UTC
Views: 443