interests + dni

main roblox, ultrakill, splatoon, rain world, object shows, toontown: corporate clash, minecraft story mode, ena, oneshot, a hat in time, kinitopet phighting, bear alpha/bear star, yume nikki fangames, sharkco, identity fraud, calamitycorp, hfjone, bfb, animatic battle, midnight horrors, project moon

music stomach book, tv girl, kikuo, pisca, heaven pierce her, marzuku, rory in early 20s, other video game osts

other, more random things stars, the color blue, cosmos/space, the ocean, medhammer yaoi

dni / byi

dni basic criteria, under 14, anthemoverload dickriders, dsmp, mandela catalogue, changed/kaiju paradise, dave and bambi people who hate my friends, if you stalk my page(s) even after we've stopped being friends

byi i say slurs i can reclaim and make kys/kms jokes i don't use tone tags most of the time i have other aliases but those are private/for close friends only (don't actively try to find them or i'll block you everywhere) i'm not a pussy and i state my opinions publicly, if you don't like it then just block me if you have an issue, talk to me directly ask me for permission first before posting something from anywhere that isn't my main twitter

Pub: 27 Mar 2024 02:09 UTC
Edit: 21 Jun 2024 11:55 UTC
Views: 189