art by SqdPxl on deviantartbear jumpscareart by SqdPxl on deviantart

ミ⛧ come in mission control...

bear 23 prns best viewed on pc

by CptKoala on deviantart

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★ i don't usually support black/white thinking, but i'm not on-board with proshipping.
★ i'm generally willing to talk to people i disagree with, depending on what it is, i don't have much i can think of to put on here. please be respectful to me and i'll pay you the same courtesy. if you have any questions, do ask. be civil.
★ <16 yrs old limit interaction, if at all. i'm on the 18+ server because i'd rather be talking to adults.
★ i don't feel the need to list alla my diagnoses at the moment, however bear in mind my conditions may affect how i interact with you.
★ if i've hidden you on ponytown, tough luck, i'll unhide you if i feel like it.

★ wip, gone fishing...

by Jars-Of-Clods on deviantart

Pub: 18 Jul 2023 18:43 UTC
Edit: 08 Jul 2024 15:55 UTC
Views: 774