V, reporting for duty.


I have been roleplaying for 8+ years, writing for 10+ and creating OCs, worlds and stories for around 12 years.


I am NO expert in roleplaying, writing, nor creating! I have only been doing this for a long time as a hobby!




◦ I strictly roleplay on Discord

◦ Must be over 18+! State your age when introducing yourself. Otherwise, you WILL be ignored.

◦ Must be semi-lit to literate, as I am literate to Novella.

◦ Must be open to Adult topics such as, but not limited to: Smut, noncon, gore, excessive gore, horror, psych-horror. (Smut is NOT necessary, it can fade to black.)

◦ Must have a writing example, linked via google docs, pastebin or similar. (Roleplay copypastings are OK)

◦ Must have a sense of balance; aka, no OP characters, no "I am smarter than I am human", etc.

◦ LGBTQ+ Topics will be used, any and all types of discrimination (Gender, Racial, Cultural, etc.) that does not relate to plot, subplot or character development will NOT be tolerated.

◦ Everyone has lives, please respect my answering times, as I will respect yours.

◦ State your answering times (Multiple per day, Once a day, Once a week, etc.), if not being able to answer in more than this, state so as well.

◦ If you have Character Sheets, Character websites, Character pinboards/moodboards, face-claims send them my way! (No real-life images/people.)

◦ Don't have any OC Sheets, pinboard/moodboards or face-claims? No worries, a short description or idea can be enough to start and be developed within a roleplay!



Questions & Answers

◦ Does your real gender/pronouns/name matter? Nope! Just don't be creepy.

◦ You would like to create a roleplay to develop your character/world/species? A-OK by me!

◦ OCxCC, CCxCC? Unfortunately, No. As I am afraid of not being able to meet a CC's standards.

◦ Fandoms? Worlds inspired/influenced by fandoms, yes. Characters ripped off of such, no.

◦ Do you need to present a plot/ideas/vague ideas to rp with me? No. Just bring me your preferences and themes.

SOL? No.

◦ Strictly smut/romace rps? No.

◦ Do you need to have the same timezone as me? No. I am flexible with any time whatsoever, answering times might vary.

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Pub: 18 Jun 2024 01:12 UTC
Edit: 18 Jun 2024 05:32 UTC
Views: 144