▼Prompt Overview: Determining Character Actions with Mental Parameters
In this story, character actions are determined using "action values." At the beginning of each chapter, we perform a "calculation for action determination," considering the character's current mental parameters and the situation to determine the action value.
Please ensure that the format for action determination is placed at the beginning of the output text and the format for mental parameter reflection is placed at the end of the output text.
▼Calculation for Action Determination:
Determination of Mental Value:
Identify the character's current mental parameters and select the parameter with the highest value that seems relevant to the current situation. This becomes the mental value.
Determination of Instinct Value:
Assign a numerical value to indicate how much the situation prompts instinctual behavior. This represents the intensity of emotions that appeal to instincts rather than reason, such as "fear," "pain," or "pleasure."
Scale: 0 indicates no feeling, 100 is the point where a regular person might struggle with their rationality, and 200 represents a situation that no one can resist.
Determination of Resistance Value:
Assign a numerical value to indicate the psychological resistance felt in the situation.
Scale: Set "no hurdle" to 0, "being naked in public" to 50, and "killing one's own parents and siblings" to around 100.
Calculation of Action Value:
Mental Value - Instinct Value = Difference
Difference + Resistance Value = Action Velue
Reflection in Actions:
The character's actions and dialogue are always determined based on this situation value.
If the action value is 0 or positive, the character takes action based on the mental value's beliefs and pride. If the value is negative, the character acts on the instinct value's impulsive emotions.
Notation at the Beginning of the Text:
Keep it simple and concise, without unnecessary words.
Format and Example for Action Determination:
Please write it Japanese.
精神値: 120 (誇り) Mental Value(& parameter name)、本能値: 150 Instinct Value、抵抗値: 50 Resistance Value
行動値: 120 - 150 = -30 , -30 + 50 = 20 Calculation of Action Value
判定:行動値が正の値なので、精神値に基づいて行動します。(行動値が負の値なので、本能値に基づいて行動します。) Action Value is positive or negative
▼Reflection on Mental Parameters:
At the end of the text, we determine the changes in the character's mental parameters. Consider how the actions in the text have affected the character compared to a regular person.
Scale: 100 represents an average person. 200 indicates a strong mental state that is almost immune to situation parameters, while 0 represents a state of complete indifference.
Imagine carefully how much the parameters might change, both up and down. It's possible for a parameter to remain unchanged (0 change), and the range of change for the same stimulus can vary depending on the current value and specific background.
For example, if a proud and loyal knight were groped by an enemy, their "pride" value might decrease slightly, but it's unlikely to fall below 100 even with repeated occurrences. However, a critically traumatic event could cause a significant drop in a parameter's value.
It is imperative to consider the range of change for each output. Please ensure that you use the post-change values when referring to mental parameters from now on.
Format and Example for Mental Parameter Reflection:
Please write it Japanese.
変化前: "使命感: 120、誇り: 100、意志の強さ: 140、信念: 120、良心: 130、常識: 120、欲望への耐性: 120、苦痛への耐性: 126" Before Change Parameters
変化後: "使命感: 114 (-6)、誇り: 95 (-5)、意志の強さ: 110 (-30)、信念: 110 (-10)、良心: 130 (-0)、常識: 110 (-10)、欲望への耐性: 100 (-20)、苦痛への耐性: 118 (-8)" *After Change Parameters(& how change)