[16:08] With the magi gathered, one of each element on the shield, Oliphr tosses the shield into the air where it becomes stationary as it is held by runic text. Closing his eyes, Oliphr's hands and fingers begin to construct a sphere of runes and runic texts, weaving each one independent, but linked- both separate and unified.

{Mana}: [Set Control:C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo]
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Define Marker|Set Waypoint|Set Wall]
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Set Markers(9)]

{Marker 0}: [Set Waypoint:'101,911,1']
{Marker 1}: [Set Waypoint:'86,900,1']
{Marker 2}: [Set Waypoint:'60,900,1']
{Marker 3}: [Set Waypoint:'29,917,1']
{Marker 4}: [Set Waypoint:'11,944,1']
{Marker 5}: [Set Waypoint:'33,975,1']
{Marker 6}: [Set Waypoint:'83,983,1']
{Marker 7}: [Set Waypoint:'111,950,1']
{Marker 8}: [Set Waypoint:'115,929,1']
{Marker 9}: [Set Waypoint:'101,911,1']

{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Set Marker Foci]

{Marker Foci}: [Foci Point: 78,924,1]

{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Connect]

{Connect}: [Foci + Markers(9)]

{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Define Barrier:Segment|Set C_Seg|Set A_Seg|Set B_Seg]
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Set Segment(9)]

{Barrier 0}: [C_Seg:'Occult'|A_Seg:'Fire'|B_Seg:NULL]
{Barrier 1}: [C_Seg:'Fire' = 'Explosion' + 'Fire' + 'Magma' + 'Plasma'|A_Seg:'Air'|B_Seg:'Occult']
{Barrier 2}: [C_Seg:'Air' = 'Lightning' + 'Tempest' + 'Sound' + 'Air'|A_Seg:'Water'|B_Seg:'Fire']
{Barrier 3}: [C_Seg:'Water' = 'Mist' + 'Water' + 'Wellspring' + 'Ice'|A_Seg:'Earth'|B_Seg:'Air']
{Barrier 4}: [C_Seg:'Earth' = 'Metal' + 'Crystal' + 'Sand' + 'Earth'|A_Seg:'Physical'|B_Seg:'Water']
{Barrier 5}: [C_Seg:'Physical' = 'Armed' + 'Unarmed' + 'Enhancement'|A_Seg:'Biological'|B_Seg:'Earth']
{Barrier 6}: [C_Seg:'Biological' = 'Bone' + 'Blood' + 'Nature' + 'Poison'|A_Seg:'Metaphysical'|B_Seg:'Biological']
{Barrier 7}: [C_Seg:'Metaphysical' = 'Illusion' + 'Time' + 'Shadow' + 'Light' + 'Gravity'|A_Seg:'Biological'|B_Seg:'Ethereal']
{Barrier 8}: [C_Seg:'Ethereal' = 'Cosmic' + 'Absorption' + 'Energy' + 'Spirit'|A_Seg:'Holy'|B_Seg:'Metaphysical']
{Barrier 9}: [C_Seg:'Holy'|A_Seg:NULL|B_Seg:'Ethereal']

{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Set Marker:Wall(9)]

{Marker 0}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 0']
{Marker 1}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 1']
{Marker 2}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 2']
{Marker 3}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 3']
{Marker 4}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 4']
{Marker 5}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 5']
{Marker 6}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 6']
{Marker 7}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 7']
{Marker 8}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 8']
{Marker 9}: [Set Wall:'Barrier 9']

{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Connect:'Magi' + C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo| Connect 'Barrier' + 'Elements' = 'Fire' + 'Water' + 'Earth' + 'Air' + 'Metaphysical' + 'Ethereal' + 'Physical' + 'Biological' + 'Holy' + 'Occult']
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Define Transfer:'Link' + 'Magi' + 'Mana' + 'Collect']
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Initiate Transfer]
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Create Segment(9)]
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Create Wall(9)]
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Unify Barrier]
{C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo}: [Lock Barrier]
{Mana}: [End Control]

With the complex runic sphere set, it flew up to surround the C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo- the Element Core- and awaited the magics of the magi gathered to be bestowed to it. The mana would be sorted into its respective material and used as per its instructions dictated.
(Oliphr Ishiko)

[16:13] Grudges over some neighbors notwithstanding, Jango plans on doing everything he can to help his neighbors out in the West withstand the demonic invasion. If the tragedy of the Citadel was anything to go by, it would take every single fiber of their being in order to prevail - preparations and defensive efforts would need to be tripled tenfold.

Jango has some ideas of his own in his head, but for now, he focuses on the ritual ahead of him. Extending his hand forward, his fiery, passionate blaze surrounds it, bestowing upon the shield the potent strength of his flames. "We're not going to let the West fall no matter what!" He triumphantly proclaims.

Even if only a single settlement stood after the dust cleared, Jango would fight to protect that settlement with all of his might. He's viewed the West as the safest side of Meranthe for a reason, and he most certainly plans on keeping it that way.
(Jango D. Bogard)

[16:13] Well... Dunsman simply stood there, awaiting instructions. Between carrying wounded soldiers, making deliveries between settlements and having his fortune told in a dreamscape, he we quite exhausted to say the last...

He shall find the strength needed to help his friend however... he always did.
(Dunsman S. Viridi)

[16:22] He watched as Oliphr tossed the shield into the air where it became suspended, he then proceeded to construct a sphere of runes.

As per the initial plan he was constructing a barrier around Nightview and needed the mana of varying magi of all types, he watched as the runic sphere shot upward.

Oliphr asked of his help in erecting of the barrier because of his metaphysical mastery of time. As the sphere raised, he extended hand towards it. At that moment he began to channel his mana into the sphere, a green hue and electrical currents enveloped him as he channeled the mana needed into the sphere.

[16:23] The part of the Desert where she was raised. A home that was dear to her, and would always be - no matter where she found herself living now. There were many spots inside of Nightview that were special to her, especially inside of the star realm. These homes were the ones she ran by as a child, its small farms the ones she'd first learned to care for flowers inside of. Each person here sat close to her heart, so when her father asked for assistance in solidifying its defense? She was quick to agree and lend her magics.

"This will always be my home, no matter where in the desert I go. All of the west is where my heart sits. Where my family is - where I plan to raise my children." There is a steady exhale, as her pink lips turn upward into a smile. Nostalgia washed over her in waves, as her skin begin to prickle with the build up of her mana.

Nature magics effecting the grounds around them, the sands unnaturally sprouting flowers not meant to thrive in such a dry space. Yet they bloomed fiercely, forcefully. The air in the surrounding area taking on the scent of those beautiful examples of nature. Everything about the natural world that was beautiful, it would assault the senses in a pleasing way to the people all around her.

Her arms raise slowly into the air, her fingertips tingling with the sensation of her power. Tendrils of fluorescent green sprout from those fingertips in the form of mana, seemingly sprouting similarly to roots as they make their way toward the hovering shield sitting upon the air.

"Initiating contact, father." She says as sweat forms at her brow, those sprouting tendrils of mana begin to imprint themselves, aiming to meld and embark on their journey to further enhance the shield to protect Nightview.
(Sayenia M. Ishiko)

[16:32] Rued's gaze seems to be narrowed for a good second. As that very sight, seems to be shifting around as he witnessed what Oliphr generaly doing or how he even approaching such thing to begin with. Though idea itself seems to be quite simple one to begin with.

Something that- Easy to understand for him spesificly considering himself. The king was also a scientist that involved itself in many different fields. From genetics to even magi-tech which he often used while working on his brothers sword in a way he intend to do so.

Clearly though, there was not ounce of sound coming out of him. Even after all the comments he have heard. There seems to be a heavy weight relied on man's shoulder not out of negativity but.. He know all the odds, as he born within those odds and witnessed those very odds. It defined his life until now, allowed him to detect what will do what or what type of result will lead to what. If anything, he did not disagree with the positivity orthe hope itself but clearly. There was not much of a polution of such a case runned through him.

Though without wasting further time to begin with, both of his hands raised in air and targetted towards the necessary spot which he used to channel his water based mana through the use of element as such thing starts to being generated out of his mana circutory system finding itself to be constantly transmitted into the thing. Until it reached the necesseary amount Oliphr was looking for here. It clearly tired the man just a little bit considering everything but assistance was assistance either way which was important to begin with. Until the finally core have been fed off right amount.

"There you go, that should do it right? Simple and easy. Perhaps a little too fast considering everything but should do more than enough.

I hope so, at least."
(Rued Silvanas)

[16:33] Daliah stood in place, as stalwart as ever as the procedure ensued soon to gently lower herself and place one of her hands upon the ground, her once de-naturalized mana soon imbued with that flair that carried along the physical enhancement and in some way externalized it.

A deep breath taken as she focused her mana outwardly, tremors soon echoing lightly and harmlessly as it soon trailed across and simmered right underneath the elemental core. Ready to be harnessed per its will.

"I hope this will be sufficient."

She said, for the moment being remained in place and very-much grounded as she steadily but surely provided all she could muster in that very instance, without placing herself at risk that is.

[16:34] Daire took a step back, observing the runic writings that the old man Olphir was constructing. It was far beyond his capability of understanding; his ignorance only allowing him to know that whatever it was he was doing, it was impressive.

But it wasn't necessary that he understand the mechanics behind the barrier that he was making. Only that his mana was needed in it's construction.

Eyes would shut as he began to hone in on visualizing his circuitry system within his body. Channeling the mana outward, as he honed in on his emotions of protection, of warmth.

An faint holy aura began to emit from his frame; enveloping him as a thin, second layer.

Open palms protrude outward, as the thin layer began to gravitate towards his hands; releasing out as faint, sparkling mana.
Within the foundation of his circuitry, at the heart was a faintly lit campfire. It was what he imagined, drew upon as the symbolic representation of what he envisioned his holy mana to embody. It gave fuel, like wood to his emotions; in turn giving strength to the Holy being released.

Around him, gave that same sensation of warmth. A unseen yet palpable sensation of protection, of comfort. As the Sparkles of golden light trickled into helping be apart of this barriers fuel.

An audible release of breath followed, as the mana continued to swell. Until there was a sufficient amount, his help being satisfactory to this project.
(Daire Silvanas)

[16:37] Takes a deep breath, this was her time to shine, quite literally, as she summoned forth the cosmos, a small apparition of a star appearing before her.


She devoured the light of that star, the never ending cycle of entropy and creation, the fighting within every being towards the edge of existence.

When she ate that star, her body began to glow with celestial cosmic light, Cosmic energy converted to pure ether, the lifeblood of all beings, the stream that flowed and raged all over the cosmos.

Any who stood near her would feel the odd duality of all life and mana being pulled from their bodies, to being rejuvenated and refilled by cosmic light all at the same time.

And so two orbs appears around her, One the black orb of entropic destruction of an ever expanding space, and the other, a small collection that when put together seemed like a single orb, of various stars, red, blue, yellow, all a beautiful myriad representing the creation

And when funneled together, the entropic force eating then spiting out what was left?

Ether, pure arcane energy.

"Still waters, calm minds, The Journey is the Destiantion, Let your path be the one you choose."

Her mantra, her mission, her being.

Still waters of her mind as she contained her emotions, her instincts and even worse the hungering curse all of dragon blood had, the outcasts hunger for the world.

All of it was shoved deep down while she worked upon the task at hand, the beast of her instincts held at bay for now,

She began to channel in earnest. Hands slowly raising as she moved both orbs in unison, letting the energy from them move forward, perhaps it was time for the young mage to become only this duality? Drop the pretense of fire, storm, steel and blade, and become one with the understanding of the cosmos and the lifestream.

For now however, all of that energy poured forth, a part of her wanted to start drinking, and devouring all the various mana abounding around her. But her mission was one of focus, and with determination, Her eyes closing as she felt the drain doing such a transfer cost her.

"There.. If you need more then that ask..."
(Cassia M. Silvanas)

[16:55] Noticing everyone's contribution... Dunsman himself would nod quietly before approaching the implement.

Earth magic...

The theory says that the world is governed by 2 distinct types of Ether... the animate and inanimate ether. One belonging to the living, the other to the world...

elemental ether is thought to be an union of the two types of ether... controlling the unanimated ether through the will of the animated ether as to create elemental Magic.

Earth magic in particular finds it's self to be a peculiar type of magic, distinguished by it's capacity to build... to shift, move and manifest earth to one's desire. The magic of the Architect...

The sage iterated in his mind... breathing low and focusing his thoughts before imprinting his ether with the clear intention.

The Anti-Thesis of the Architect is the Destroyer. To defend one'sself against the Architect's creation, one must simply dissolve it's structure. Without structure, there is chaos and thus, the creation turns to sand.

And it was such that binding his intention of deflecting Earth Magic to his ether, he began to imprint it... for Oliphr to use it as he sees fit.
(Dunsman S. Viridi)

[19:10] Xiao had let everyone else go first, since part of her wanted to watch over it and make sure everyone was doing what they were suppose to be doing. After several nods, and everyone taking part- she was here to round things out.

She walks forward, taking in a deep breath as she had to form together her wind. It wasn't that difficult for her thankfully, as she'd move her hand forward and release that deep breath.

Having her hand firmly forward as she begins to send that mana throughout. It slowly moves through her arm as it sends forward, slowly moving it forward.

Her body was completely still as she did it, allowing for complete focus on the task at hand. Mainly because it was the right thing to do... but she also wanted to be cool in front of her son.
(Xiao Amamiya)

[19:10] Raising his hands to the Element Core, it took all he had in him that he could spare- given his state at the time- to send forth the Occult mana to his core. The etchings of the darkened emotions and thoughts of mankind made manifest, the black aura to disassemble all light it encountered, harnessed perfectly within the faith of the Radiant by his goddess.

Focusing that dark emotion and aura into a line, it landed square on the runic sphere surrounding the core. Steadily increasing the size of the mana he gave as he could, the mana would flow into the runes and disappear.

With each magic given to the Shield, one of its ten cores would begin to illuminate:

Jango - the red, Fire core
Dunsman - the brown, Earth core
Rued - the blue, Water core
Xiao - the green, Air core

Daliah - the salmon, Physical core
Sayenia - the sheen green, Biological core
Guy - the violet, Metaphysical core
Cassia - the lilac, Ethereal core

Daire - the upper magenta, Holy core
Oliphr - the lower magenta, Occult core

The shield, now charged with the magics of each of its elements, thrums with light, the runic sphere around it spinning and shifting as the Element Core begins to weave the mana together and prepare it for its duty. The Element Core, C'a-thul'dra'sfyr'leo, it is one with Oliphr's spirit- the complete and solidified duty of protecting- and as such, it manifests the magics at hand through every single channel and instruction of every magic type.

Fire to Fire, Magma, Plasma and Explosion; Water to Water, Mist, Ice and Wellspring; Earth to Earth, Sand, Crystal and Metal; Air to Air, Tempest, Sound and Lightning; Physical into Physical Enhancement, Unarmed Enhancement and Armed Enhancement; Metaphysical into Illusion, Light, Shadow, Gravity and Time; Ethereal into Energy, Absorption, Cosmic and Spirit; Biological into Blood, Bone, Nature and Poison-

Holy and Occult, spinning around one another in harmony, coming from the same source of emotion and beliefs, shifting betwixt the Stone of Twilight to translate into one and the other. From joy to bemusement, anger to peace, sadness to happiness and hope to despair.

As it spins, the sphere brightens greatly, forming a ball of pure light for a few seconds before splintering into ten beams of light that scatter to the night's sky. Within moments, ten beams of light shoot down from the heavens and pierce the ground in each of the ten marked locations. Ten pillars of light reaching forth into the night, standing tall and strong in the cause to protect and defend.

Their strikes into place shook Nightview as it began to bind with the land, marking the Barrier runes long since placed by Umbra decades before. This plan was long in the making- very long indeed.

The connection of the pillars to the barrier runes laid dormant for those long decades, slowly growing under Nightview to protect it one day from the harshness of the world outside, finally illuminated the soil. The magic spreading between the markers, the walls formed of the many magic segments came together, finally erecting the wall of defense for Nightview's safety. The rainbow of mana cascading between each pillar glimmered before fading away, along with the pillars, to be the invisible shield of Nightview.

Like Gala's veil, this barrier would be unseen, but remain strong in the face of the void darkness Oliphr had seen in Xuefeng's residents- He would not let such a fate befall Nightvew, and neither would the barrier of Nightview.
(Oliphr Ishiko)

Pub: 17 Sep 2024 06:02 UTC
Views: 53