
Time Machines and Demon Doggies


inuyasha x inanimate insanity crossover. me and an irl are writing this together
this started out as a joke but clearly its not anymore LOLLLLL sobbing emoji
this constantly switches between pov in 3rd person silently, the lines in here indicate when a switch happnes. its up to u to figure it out tho :3

“Dammit, where's Kagome? She's late!” Inuyasha scowled.

Kagome had gone back home 3 days prior. Inuyasha was, as usual, progressively irritated with her being gone for so long.

“She did say that she had one of those tests,” Sango reminded him.

“Hmph,” Inuyasha crossed his arms, “she said she’d be back in 3 days, and it’s been 3 days!”

The group of humans, demons, and a half-demon sat near the Bone-Eater’s Well, the portal between Kagome's era and the Feudal era of Japan. Kagome often traveled to her time, either for school or if she was mad at Inuyasha. In this case, it was for school. With her telling Inuyasha that she needed 3 days, he expected her to show back up today.

Inuyasha let out a rather annoyed sigh and stood up. “We don’t have time to be wasting. We need to find the jewel shards before Naraku gets them all.”

“Perhaps we should wait a bit longer,” Miroku insisted, “We’ve traveled without Kagome these past few days in search of the Sacred Jewel without much luck. We need to rest.”

“And that’s exactly why we need her to come back!”

Miroku shook his head in disapproval. “Patience, Inuyasha.”

“Get off my back, would ya?” Inuyasha turned towards the well. “I’m goin’ to get her.”

“Wait, Inuyasha!” Shippo exclaimed, interrupting Inuyasha as he stepped on the ledge of the well entrance.

“What is it, Shippo?”

“Tell Kagome to bring ninja snacks!”

“Yeah, sure, whatever.”

And with that, Inuyasha jumped into the well.

Fan was in his room at Hotel Oj while he texted Test Tube, she went out to get some groceries for Oj and since Fan had nothing better to do with his life, he decided to bother her. He was just about to send a message when he suddenly heard a scream so startling that he ended up dropping his phone, the scream of a stranger.

Even with others that he knew, Fan was antisocial and the thought of someone new joining the hotel was a terrifying thought, and it was odd because Mephone hadn’t started another new season of Inanimate Insanity, so there was no reason why there should be someone he didn’t recognize, he didn’t last long but he already knew all the voices of everyone who competed in season 3 by heart, after all, he did happen to still enjoy the show.

Despite not wanting to be social, Fan was curious, and for all he knew Oj was already dealing with it anyway, so he exited the safety of his bedroom to see why the guy was screaming anyway.

“Where the hell am I?!” the voice shouted. It was a deep, sort of raspy voice.

Fan cautiously followed the voice and opened the door of an unoccupied room to see…what even was that thing? It was about as tall as the ceiling. With a weird transfiguration similar to how a David is, except not as slim, or pale, and it had a weird thing on top of its head that was reminiscent of fur on top of its head. It also had ears like a dog but no tail, but that didn’t keep Fan from fawning over the creature.

He rushed over and attempted to pet the creature’s head, “Pretty puppy! What’s your name? And who was mean enough to lock you in here? Poor little one, are you hungry?” Fan knew that it was larger than him, but he couldn’t help but make the little one comment, after all, this could be the creature’s baby form. It would make sense why someone would keep it in the spare room if so, he could only imagine how large it would grow when it was older!

The creature growled, startling Fan. “What the hell are you?”

“What am I? I’m a threat! You should see these fingers hit the keyboard, buster!”

“Ha! How are you a threat? You’re a weakling in comparison to me,” the creature said as it held up its… claws?

Fan laughed then his face turned serious, “Look, I’ve dealt with an alien race, I know someone capable of revival, and I am much stronger than what you could realize! And I have backup if I need it, which I don’t, from someone who has created a rocket ship out of a vending machine!”

The creature gave a confused expression, “A rocket-vending-what?”

Fan looked stunned, “A rocket ship takes you to space! And a vending machine gives you nice snacks or drinks, though that specific one was also the entrance to a secret laboratory that’s not so secret now but that’s beside the point.”

The creature just stared at Fan, it didn’t even respond to Fan. After a few seconds, it crossed its arms into its kimono (at least Fan thought that’s what it was wearing), and said, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but where is this place?" It looked out the window, “It’s definitely not Kagome’s place.”

“What’s a Kagome?”

Inuyasha looked at this… fan-looking thing blankly, what does it mean by what’s a Kagome? Kagome's obviously a name, so how did this thing not know that?

“Kagome’s… my friend? She’s usually at her house, or she’s at school, taking those damn tests of hers.” Inuyasha didn’t know what this thing’s deal was, maybe it was a demon? But he didn’t smell any demon on it. “You don’t smell like a demon, but you’re definitely not human. What are you?”

“I’m Fan, I mean it should be obvious, look at me! And I am not Paper!”

“Just a fan? I guess that makes sense.” Inuyasha darted his eyes around the rest of the room. The walls were orange, and there were two beds that looked like the one in Kagome’s room, except they were white with dark blue blankets. They were, to say the least, too small for Inuyasha to even sit on. There was also one of those tables that Kagome said was a nightstand in between the beds with some kind of overly bright torch or candle on it, he couldn’t tell which it was. He could hear faint buzzing from it. “What is this place?”

“Well buster, I don’t know if I want to answer your questions now that you called me ‘just a fan’. I am so much more than a fan of Inanimate Insanity, I am the number one Fan! Oh, and I have more traits than being a fan of things! Kind of; Test Tube says I need to ‘branch out’ but even though paper is made from wood and I’m made from paper, I’m not a branch, so I don’t get why I have to. I prefer staying in my little shell, you know? And now I’m ranting again. What was my point? I think I was going to tell you something? Or not? I don’t know.”

Inuyasha barely retained any of what the fan said, so he decided to sit down on the floor. “So, Fan, you were going to tell me where I am and what this place is?”

“Oh yeah! You’re at Hotel Oj, the hotel owned by Oj! If you want, I can tell you how he got it too! It’s a very interesting story!”

“First question: what’s a hotel?”

“A hotel is a place you can live, like a house but with more than one family I guess. I don’t think any families live here, granted Knife and Microphone are related but nobody has a full family with mother, father, children, and such. I mean, everyone speculates Oj is dating Paper and Cherries is basically their child, but there’s nothing confirmed.”

Inuyasha was confused, why is this fan talking about these things as if they were people? It made sense, seeing as he was literally talking to a fan, but he didn’t question it aloud. “Are there demons in this world?”

“What now? You mean those things from myths?”

“Myths? You’re literally talking to one!”

“Well sorry, I didn’t know! Granted, humans are myths, so it makes sense. Do humans have to deal with demons or something?”

“Where I’m from, humans and demons are constantly fighting each other, but there are some humans who don’t fear demons and demons who don’t look down on humans. Some of them even have children with each other, and then a half-demon is born.”

“Do you fear demons?”

Is this guy stupid? “No, I’m a half-demon! Of course I don’t. If anything, humans should fear me, especially when I get all the shards of the Shikon Jewel and use it to become a full-fledged demon.”

“Oh, so you’re one of those demons all up in their head that looks down on humans then? Rude.”

“What?! Kagome’s a human!”

“Why’d you ask ‘what?’ You clearly heard me. Besides, you’re clearly arrogant claiming that humans should fear you, no they shouldn’t, unless we’re talking about your looks because you’re such an eyesore not even a mother could love that face.”

That last part set Inuyasha off. “My mother was a human!”

“Was? What, did she jump off a bridge to not see your face ever again?”

Inuyasha grabbed the fan by the handle. Seething, he shouted, “Don’t speak about my mother like that! She was a kind-hearted person, she’d never do such a thing!”

Oj walked in just enough time to save Fan from this, well he supposed literal demon. At first, Oj had to overcome his shock but he immediately took the lamp on the bedside table and threw it at the creature, “Let Fan go you fiend!”

The creature yelped, dropping Fan, then growled. It bared its fangs at them but didn’t attack right away, seemingly wondering how far it should go with things over the comment.

Oj looked at Fan, “Are you alright?”

Fan barely smiled, “I’m fine, thanks.”

Oj nodded but didn’t reply as he wondered what to do with the creature, it was violent for as far as he knew, for no reason whatsoever. Sure Fan could be annoying but not so much so to hurt. Then again, Paintbrush would probably attest to the opposite statement, though they do have anger issues.

“You damn things!” the creature snarled. It didn’t do anything, in terms of attacking Oj and Fan, but it was definitely frightening. Its expression seemingly went from angry to a calmer one. It stood up, scoffed, and then said, “Look, I’m not gonna hurt you. I have morals, but if you ever do something like that again, I’ll be sure to make you regret ever meeting me.” The creature turned away from Oj and Fan.

Oj let out a heavily exasperated sigh, “What did we even do? As far as I’m aware, nothing. And considering you probably belong to another planet and not here, you’re in no position to make threats as if the police were called, they’d happily have you put down like the rabid dog you are.”

“Your friend there shouldn’t be bringing my mother into the conversation, then.”

Oj sighed, “How did that even-?” he looked at Fan and then said, “Never mind.” Oj then turned back to the creature, “That’s still no reason to attack someone!”


“No buts,” Oj scolded it like it was a child, “that behavior is extremely immature and unnecessary. You’re probably at least a teenager, you should know this by now.”

The creature had its mouth open as if it was going to say something, but no words came out. It just crossed its arms instead and scoffed, seemingly defeated.

“That’s what I thought, now at least apologize, because if you’re going to act like a child, then you best bet I treat you like one.”

“I’m not apologizing!” the creature retorted. This annoyed Oj even more than he already was.

Oj glared at the creature, “Look, whatever your name is,” he paused, waiting for the creature to reply.

It hesitated for a moment, but then uncrossed its arms and put its hands in its lap. “It’s Inuyasha.”

“Look, Inuyasha, if you’re not going to behave then you’ll be staying in here, and I’m sure that you’d love to be able to leave and run back to wherever you come from.”

Inuyasha didn’t reply, instead it… sniffed the air? It looked around. Oj couldn’t figure out what it was looking for.

Suddenly, it started to cough violently. Covering its nose with its sleeve, it said, “Something’s on fire.”

Fan said, “It’s likely Paintbrush, they’re probably mad.”

Inuyasha gave a confused expression. “These paintbrush friends of yours aren’t in the room.”

Fan said, “There’s only one of them but they…”

Oj cut him off, “Fan, do you really believe now is the right time to teach someone about pronouns? I know it’s important but there’s a time and place for it.”

Inuyasha gave an even more confused expression, “…Pronouns…?”

Before either of the objects could respond, the smoke started to come into the room, and this time Fan and Oj saw it.

Inuyasha stood up. “Get back,” it said. It looked at the lamp that Oj threw at it. Looking back at the other two, it said, “That thing’s on fire, and it doesn’t seem to be your Paintbrush friends.”

Oj said, “Yeah, it’s a lamp.”

“And you get on me about talking with Inuyasha about things?” Fan said.

Suddenly, a bright light came from the lamp, causing everyone to cover their eyes, as well as the room started vibrating.

“Watch out!” Inuyasha shouted.

The light engulfed the room, they weren’t at Hotel Oj anymore.

Kagome had jumped through her well, into the Feudel era of Japan. She was surprised that Inuyasha hadn’t come to get her, considering how impatient he was. She flung her bag filled with different flavors of potato chips instant noodles and candy up over the edge of the well and climbed up the vines that hung down.

Once over the edge, she saw Sango, Miroku, Shippo, and Kirara, but no Inuyasha.

“Kagome! You’re back!” Shippo exclaimed. “Did you bring ninja food?”

“Yep!” Kagome said, simultaneously getting the snacks from her bag and looking around. “Where’d Inuyasha run off to?”

“He went to get you. Did you not see him?” Sango asked.

“No, I didn’t.”

“Are you sure, Kagome? He looked pretty annoyed at you still being home,” Shippo said.

“I’m sure if he were there, I’d’ve seen him.” Kagome was as confused as ever. She definitely believed her friends saying that Inuyasha was annoyed and wanted to go get her, but why hadn’t she seen him? She wondered.

Suddenly, she heard a small shriek. She looked down the well and, lo and behold, it was Inuyasha and… a fan and a glass of orange juice?

The two objects looked puzzled as to where they were but didn’t say anything, Kagome figured that objects couldn’t speak anyway but she also thought that they didn’t have faces or limbs, so she didn’t know what to expect.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome exclaimed.

“Hey, Kagome,” Inuyasha replied. He jumped up onto the ledge of the well in a crouching position.

“Hey! Don’t leave us down here!” a voice said, coming from inside the well, startling Kagome.

Kagome looked back down the well. Inuyasha also looked downwards, then looked back up at Kagome. “Oh, leave ‘em.”

The one that Kagome thought was a fan yelled up the well, “Don’t you dare tell her to leave us down here Inuyasha!”

“Oh be quiet!” Inuyasha stepped off the ledge and onto the grass.

“Sit!” Kagome shouted. Inuyasha slammed down into facial contact with the dirt and yelps.

“What was that for, Kagome?!”

“Help them up here!” she told him.

Inuyasha grumbled, then got up and said, “Fine. But I’m not doing this for you two!” as he jumped into the well, hanging onto the vines that dangled on the side. He reached out a hand. “Hurry up and grab on.”

The fan and glass of orange juice grabbed on and Inuyasha pulled them up. He jumped back up and then they were all on the grass in front of Kagome and the rest of the group.

The glass of orange juice gave an angry expression and said while pointing at Inuyasha, “This thing here attacked Fan over him talking about its mother!”

Inuyasha suddenly grabbed ahold of the talking beverage and said, passive-aggressively, “You do realize I’m a guy, right?”

Fan kicked Inuyasha, “So you do know what gender and pronouns are! You lied to us! Also, don’t attack Oj, let him go!”

“Of course I know what gender is, it’s men and women,” Inuyasha replied, dropping Oj, somehow not spilling the contents of him onto the grass.

Kagome said, “To be fair, this is the Feudal era, many people aren’t exactly as progressive as they are in my time.”

Inuyasha stared at her blankly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Fan said, “It means that contrary to your beliefs, there’s more than male and female, there’s, and say it with me now, nonbinaries!” Fan exaggerated a gasp and said, “Can you say ‘nonbinaries?’”

Inuyasha glared at Fan. “Kagome, what the hell is ‘nonbinary?’”

“In my time, nonbinary is a term for someone who doesn’t exactly conform to either the male or female role. I can’t say for sure, but I’ve heard of some people who use they/them instead of he or she,” Kagome explained.

Fan said, “Yep! Like Paintbrush!” He glared at Inuyasha when saying the last bit, then continued, “There’s also unisex, demigender, transgender,” he continued to go on a list until Oj cut him off.

Oj said, “I doubt he even understands any of that, but yes,” he sighed, “like Paintbrush. Your not-so-secret-crush.”

Fan immediately got flustered, “I-uh, no! I don’t have a crush on them!”

Oj said, “Yeah you do, and Lightbulb, and Test Tube and,”

Fan huffed, “Hey, hey, hey, hey! Shut it! Shut it! Mister, ‘I’m in love with Paper and am too scared to tell him so I’ll tease Fan about his love life!’”

Oj said, “I am not in love with Paper!”

Fan said, “You’re even scared to admit it without him around!”

The two continued bickering and the humans, demons, and half-demon just stared and wondered what to do with the two.

Inuyasha thought for a moment, “We could throw them down the well, and see if that’s how they get back home?” he suggested.

Kagome scoffed, “Definitely not! If you even think of throwing them down, I’ll tell you to s-”

Inuyasha cut her off in a rush, “You don’t need to do that! Besides, what’s the worst that could happen?”

“The cup could shatter and die! We don’t know if when the juice comes out that it dies, the fan could snag on something causing it to rip and die, do you get the point?”

Inuyasha bared his teeth, “That they wouldn’t be our problem anymore if we threw them down the well? Yeah, I do, it’s the best idea I’ve come up with!”

“Sit!” Kagome yelled.

Inuyasha tumbled to the ground face-first. He sat up and spat the dirt out of his mouth, “What was that for, Kagome?!”

“You just were saying it would be great to kill them!”

“I wasn’t saying that!” Inuyasha crossed his arms and continued, “They’re annoying.”

“I don’t care if they’re annoying! It’s like saying you wanna kill Shippo for being annoying!”

“Maybe if the pipsqueaks didn’t speak about my mother, I wouldn’t want them dead!”

Fan chimed in, “Oj didn’t say a word about your mother! And what’s wrong with talking about mothers, hm? Clearly nothing, since we have a whole day dedicated to them!”

Inuyasha death-stared at Fan, “You were saying how she’d jump off a cliff because she looked at me?”

Fan said, “And I must not be wrong, because, with your attitude, you clearly didn’t have her in your life because nobody taught you manners.”

Before Inuyasha could say anything, Kagome interjected, “Hey, I don’t think it was a good idea to say anything about his mother,” her expression became empathetic towards Inuyasha, “She died when he was a child.”

Fan said, “Cool, we all face death, some of us earlier than others. Besides, he was looking down on you humans, saying he could beat you all and stuff like that, completely disrespecting you guys.”

Pub: 23 Jan 2024 16:58 UTC
Edit: 23 Jan 2024 17:05 UTC
Views: 22