An Unconventional Approach

Mari didn’t didn’t know how. Or why. But she could tell that something had to be done about it. Around 7 months ago, Sunny started to distance himself from his family. Especially Mari. At first, she and her parents wrote it off as Sunny growing up, and learning to become his own man. However, Sunny didn’t stop at just distancing himself from his family.

He started growing closer with other kids. He ditched his white button up and vest for a loose black undershirt and shorts. He even dyed his hair to a light blue. Mari was adamant that if she didn’t step in, he’d become a gangbanger. She had a few ideas in her head already, so she tried those first.

She tried getting him to become more involved in the church. Sunny barely listened to the pastor and elders. Looked like that didn’t work. She tried encouraging Sunny to come hang out with his old friend group. He said he’d think about it. Looks like that didn’t work either. She even signed him up to community service. He didn’t even show up for his first day.

With Mari all out of ideas, and desperate for new strategies, she convened a little pow-wow for her female friends.

“Hey gals, so the reason I called you all here is this.” Mari takes out a photo of Sunny, in his new phase. “I have tried everything. Getting him into church, convincing him to hang out with his old friends, community service, nothing worked. He’s still very rude and inconsiderate. I have had it up to here with his behavior.

Any ideas on how to reign him in?”

Mari’s friends were dumbfounded. Of the 3 that she called, only 2 had younger siblings. And for those two, it never got to Sunny’s point. One of the friends, Stephanie, spoke. “I don’t have any siblings, so I can’t really help you there. You could try separating him from his new friends, I guess.” Mari considered it. After a bit of thinking, she shut that down.

“That would just cause him to resent me even more. Any other ideas?” Another friend, Jennifer, chipped in. “Try talking to him more often. After a while, he’ll realize that you love him, and why should he deny reciprocating?” Mari thought about it, and ruled it out. “No matter how much I try to talk to him, he always pushes away. Any other ideas?”

Finally, the third friend, Clara, answered. “So, what I do with my brother may not work for your brother, but it’s worth a shot.” The friend leans into Mari’s ear and whispers. “When my brother starts acting up and refuses to do something, I...”

What Mari hears, causes her face to turn red as a beet. “You really do that to him!?” “Hey, it’s not the most conventional of approaches, but it works every time.” “I, I see.”

“Alright gals, meeting’s over.”

---------------------4 Hours Later-----------------------

Sunny came home surprisingly early today. Not even their parents were home yet. Mari knew the advice Clara gave her was rather dubious, but if it had a 100% success rate, she had to give it a shot. She went over to Sunny, and spoke sternly.

“Sunny, you and I need to have a discussion. Room, now.” Sunny begrudgingly followed Mari to their room, and sat down. Mari locked the door, and spoke. “Sunny, I have had enough of your behavior. You may think it’s acceptable, but that will NOT fly with me or Mom and Dad anymore. If this continues, there will be severe consequences. Understand?”

Sunny only muttered two words, while he hanged his head low. “Sure, whatever.” Mari exhaled before speaking with venom in her voice. “I wish it didn’t have to have come to this, but you leave me no choice.”

Mari took her shirt off, and pushed Sunny onto his bed, crawling onto him. She pushed her modest breasts onto Sunny’s face, and started rubbing his crotch area. ‘Wha- What the fuck is Mari doing!’ Sunny thought to himself. “You haven’t been a good brother, let’s see how you like it when the tables are turned.” She whispered into his ear as she took her bra off.

Sunny could barely keep himself from looking at Mari’s chest, much less comprehend what was going on. After a minute or so of rubbing, Mari pulls down his shorts and underwear, revealing his erect member. She gives it a few tugs before taking off her panties and skirt.

Sunny could feel ecstasy coming from his crotch area, but was unable to see what was happening to him. Mari released Sunny’s face from her chest, and inserted onto Sunny’s penis. She could tell that Sunny was mere moments away from climax, so she acted quickly.

“I still care for you Sunny, even after you changed. How could you be so cruel as to deny me the same?” She slowly rose up and down, causing Sunny’s breathing to go faster from the pleasure. “Sunny, I know that you still care for me, deep down in there.” Her rising, turns into bouncing, and increasing in pace.

Sunny’s member starts twitching, giving Mari the signal to pull out. Just as she exits, she wraps her hand around Sunny’s member, giving it a few final tugs before Sunny’s dam collapses. Strings of Sunny’s seed shoot out into the air, one after another, landing on Mari’s back and the sheets. Sunny’s mind is overwhelmed by the sensation of it all, and feels like static.

Mari gets off Sunny, and speaks to him, in her previous tone.

“Don’t make me do this again, Sunny. It might cause us some trouble. I’ll be heading to the bath to get washed up, okay?”

Sunny, in his state, could not register Mari’s warning.

Pub: 17 Dec 2021 07:21 UTC
Views: 605