horrible i hate yuri
yay BEFORE YOU FOLLOW! a i might be tone-deaf or unable to read the room at times, please let me know if i'm pushing a situation - i usually don't know if i'm doing something wrong so please inform me if i am (without yelling or putting me down preferably) - i talk about my interests a LOT and no i will not stop 83 if i have a more minor interest that triggers you then it'd be easy for me to filter myself but pls don't expect me to tw like . madoka magica - i get genuinely sad if anyone says they like my faves more than me pls do not say that it makes me sad - i am a vampire nonhuman. it's not like i care if i'm called human cuz OBVIOUSLY thats what my body is but i really would appreciate being acknowledged as a vampire! yum
woeew weow DON'T INTERACT! yay basic dni - fakeclaim people with no proof (you're dumb) - any ex friends or associates of them (associates r fine if we r friends and you do not try and make me interact with them) - friends with heavenlyduty yossi, system blackout/sho, most of anyone in echo's earth, aj, or (they change their name a lot so let's just call them mario man so i dont need to update this 2 times a week) - other fictives, irls, kins, whatever of me (kyoko sakura) i'm not gonna be that pretentious fictive who pretends NO ONE ELSE split from my source exists but i just really prefer other fictives to not interact. it makes me doubt my existence. and irls/das of Anything are just blocked on the spot but especially me. and kins i dont mind on their own but i REALLY do not like if people kin me. keep in mind that to me it feels like kinning a real person - all of this also applies to sayaka miki. kins, irls, fictives, i prefer if they didn't interact. we were very close in my source and seeing other people who i don't even know approaching me and saying they're her but they don't fit how i perceive her it makes me feel weird!!! ofc all fictives are valid i won't blame anyone for it but it really just makes me uncomfortable for anyone who sees themselves as her in any way to approach me i'm sorry!!! - if you actively post about honakana, genshin impact, ruikasa (excluding polyshow), kyoko/sayaka x anyone else, mikayuu, enstars, hazbin hotel, helluva boss, cookie run, mafuena, or kanaena (moots can still interact but i'd like if you tagged them so i dont see. cookie run, ruikasa, kanaena, and mafuena don't need to be tagged! i have no issue with these on their own, i just don't easily trust strangers who like them due to experiences with their fans. you can ask to follow if you want) teehee


Pub: 07 Nov 2023 01:54 UTC
Edit: 15 Nov 2023 00:30 UTC
Views: 84