god i love yaoi

pastel's diary


bedrotted all day . happy one month to me and luka though ! #lukastel #yumeship #notrelatedtomygf #howwaswiegeamonthago


almost vomited many times today but my mama wont let me stay home i hatw this


band concert just shoot me


OH MYG ODDD . new tsukasa event . hes so cute . catkasa . anyway , second day at the con ! i actually have some semblance of a plan for once . . . this is surprising . there are two stands i want to return to , i want to find the arcade ( i know of at least one arcade section , but last time there was another . . . it may not be there though ) , and if i stay late enough , i'm gonna do cosplay kareoke ! i can't sing , so i might get too nervous . . . the idea is terrifying . maybe if it was with a friend . i just remembered i had a dream i drank beer ? interesting . anyway . . . i'll update this later on !

LOONG entry today sorry . today was SO MUCH FUN ! i bought a sunday ticket , a luka photocard , a cold front print , sampo + sunday in maid dress stickers , another sampo sticker , a tsukasa sticker , ANOTHER sunday sticker , a firefly sticker , an ivantill print , a lilia keychain , AND i got a free sheet of alnst stickers !


first day going to comic con ! im so excited . . . im probably gonna go to kinokuniya again too .

back from the con ♡ ! i spent like $70 . . . oops . i bought a jing yuan figure , a dead plate print , a sunday sticker , a sunday print , a sunday keychain , matching hyuluka keychains , and i was given free wxs stickers ! i have a few stands i already have plans to go to tomorrow . . . one to buy a cold front print that sold out , one for sunday + luka stuff , and i MIGHT return to the one i bought the majority of my things today from . . . i wanna buy an ivantill print . im very exhausted from my day , although i'm glad i gave in and took off my wig . . . it gets SO hot in convention centers ! i cant wait to take a nap .


gf called me cute and ive been thinking about it for 2 hours


i didnt get /phainonALL OFYPU ARE FAKE FANS HES MY WIFE ok sorry

i did NOT stop being depressed btw. i was wrong earlier this week.

not depressed anymore i love my gf


i had a really good day actually . me and my friends went to kinokuniya ? i believe its called to get alnst stuff ... they sadly didnt have any today , BUT they get a shipment next week !! i bought given vol 2 and some hypmic pins ( rosho and jakurai ) while there . im w my dad next weekend who lives SUPER close to the store , so im gonna go then . im also going to a convention that weekend !! im so excited ♪( ´▽`) .


woke up at 5:30 am.

rip rs . . . ill kinda miss you .


hospital appointment today pls let me stay home from school

update my mamas letting me stay home for everything but my last period for ... some reason ... ? JUST LET ME MISS ALL MY CLASSES


year and a half anniv w my gf ! i think im finally done being really depressed after like a week ... yay ! 3.1 is out on hsr today im gonna play later .


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Pub: 06 Nov 2024 22:50 UTC
Edit: 15 Mar 2025 06:24 UTC
Views: 197