what happens
when you buried all of your emotions
so very deep inside
to the point where it can all just
so, very, easily
come rushing out
like a waterfall of agony
when all it takes is a small, horrible thing to happen.
when you can't keep them all in anymore,
when you get just the slightest bit under pressure
and it all comes flooding out
no matter hard you try to keep them in
what are you
expected to do
by then?
is it just followed up by
more emotional suppression?
to not embarass the people around you
despite how horrible it feels
to bury them all so deep within?
what do you do
when you dont have a way
to let it all out?
i suppose
the only way by then
would be to suffer in silence
never to bother anybody
to be unfeeling
as i still live on this rotting planet
oh, this poor rotten consciousness of mine
a sickly sense of perfection i will never reach.