Alien, alien, when r o goin 2 land?
Got our heads stuck in the sand, alien, oh alien XP

Credits (elements in my rentry)!! momsagainstinternetuse! magicalboything on tumblr! candyfizz rentry! tiny pixels tag on tumblr! ren-try on tumblr! ohpixels on tumblr!!! prettypixels-love on tumblr!! ashepixels rentry! puddings!! Smolpxlz!

Tutorialz click da sites to follow da steps >:P Glitter texts/titles Start using this site to create ur text, u can choose da font n da glitter, but i recommend using da large size n yes outlines, then, u cut da gif here 2 make it da right size, then upload here, copy da url n paste it on ur rentry in a usual image adder script |![](urlhere)| Go Back

Demoramo pa chega, mas agora tamo aq em cima!!!
No topo dessa colina, tornado parece brisa!!! XD

Pub: 13 May 2023 22:22 UTC
Edit: 21 Apr 2024 16:27 UTC
Views: 298