living in a sleepy border town meant there was nothing to do
word around town was a lucha show came up up south
wasn't the biggest news every but here it might as well be the president coming to town
it was a break from typical weekend shenanigans
which was usually nothing
so you and a few friends went to the show
you'd heard about way back when wrestling started they did audience exhibitions
you'd get in the ring with the wrestler and try to win
in this day and age no one risks being sued
Mexico however, very different
they had a heel by the name Mariposa taking all comers
he was famous in his territory for his gimmick
the gimmick was Mariposa was a 4 foot tall lynx dressing in the most homoerotic display possible
he was up in the ring as you walked up
flood lights kept the matches going this late into the night, and gave the contestants a spotlight
trash talking the town after a few successful pins
a pink feather boa around his neck threatened to swallow his face
his spandex was a singlet that rode his ass like a thong
didn't hide the bulge in front all that much either
butterfly cutouts all along the bright neon pink uniform
drab brown fur was drowned out in pink but there was so much not left to the imagination
his body was definitely short but not chubby, just enough muscle to do what he could
he was built for flexibility over power
high heeled wrestling boots gave him just a little more height but not much
a shimmering silver and pink mask in the shape of a butterfly hid his face
it verged on clownish
his attitude likewise
very much the bratty diva
very very much openly gay without a trace of shame
played into the spectacle of the whole thing
you could tell he was very comfortable playing a crowd
you were surprised to see him as a villain
a local farmer clambered up to the ring and you'd swear he was fighting lightning for how fast the luchador moved
a dropkick sent the farmer flying back and then a lariat caught him unawares when he got up
the pink blur overwhelmed the guy in minutes
and then pinfall
after seeing Mariposa in action and with a stomach of carnival food you felt confident
patiently you waited your turn for an attempt
all the while you watched and made mental notes of how he fought
if all else failed you had your secret weapon

every few minutes he chewed through another guy
it always started slow
then he'd push them
sort of a way to get them to get their guard down and then swoop in
why could no one else see it?
he at least varied up his moves
the size difference meant he always always attacked low
a lot of kicking people's feet out from under them
he usually went for whatever could keep people off balance
had to work fast to compensate for lack of reach
the other guys were sloppy and that didn't help matters
a lot of overextending themselves
in high school you were part of the wrestling team
true, very different animal to the lynx's lucha libre
however it did give you a better grasp of the other man's moves
how he made use of his energy
this was part survival match
as soon as his stamina would start flagging he might step down
granted a heel would probably cheat too
you figured there wouldn't be weapons used on random folks though
he was certainly vicious in how hard he pressed the advantage
thankfully you had a few factors in your favor
he loved the double jumping drop kick to get people off their feet
those little boots had to hurt
he put enough speed into it to kick like a mule
bouncing around the ring was a terrible way to economize his energy
however the footwork was designed to burn out others
he was racing to seeing he'd burn out before his opponent
considering he was a trained athlete he would have the advantage there
occasionally his opponent had to be carried out
this didn't dissuade you
in fact it made you want to show him who's boss
your turn was soon
his tiny frame ricocheted off the ring ropes and he got another pin
his breathing was ragged and soon he'd call an end to the exhibition
you had one guy ahead of you and you hoped it was quick

the guy in front of you was pinned in no time
he was totally sloppy
there was a weakness you noticed Mariposa had
he didn't do holds of his own
it made sense though for his size
however if someone managed to get a hold of him
he might not have a counter to it
thankfully you were able to wrestle next
you saw his reaction when you entered a low stance
he wasn't striking you so easily
heel or no heel
instead of letting him dictate the match you pressed him
you were aggressive
he was still fierce
his speed still a terrifying thing even with fatigue set in
he was experienced and tried not to get close
but all you needed was one shot
a side kick was the perfect opportunity
your arms instinctively seized it
his leg was trapped in your grip and he wasn't getting it back
you'd taken his speed
you felt pretty confident until a spin kick caught your shoulder
that sacrificed his footing though

there was grin on your face when you saw him floundering on the mat
just like you thought
once you took away his footwork and speed he was at a disadvantage
he was struggling to counter from his position
he was constantly try to wriggle out of your grip
his boots occasionally made contact with your arms and chest
he was trying to knock the wind out of you
he was like a panicked fish
you hoped this would burn him out faster
one small issue
he broke the hold by grabbing a ring rope
referee got you apart and you realized all that panicking across that may have been him getting to the ropes
clever girl
he was smart enough to keep back this time
but he'd need to reach you somehow
you took a few blows but rolled with it
what you hoped had happened
he started to get desperate to finish it quickly
tried bouncing off the ropes and using the momentum for a big strike
his telegraphing it earlier meant you were ready to sidestep it at the last second
your arms wrapped around him like a python
you were face to face and he was trying to knee you in the bread basket
he had one free arm and he was trying to strike you with it
the bear hug held tight
though he was chipping away at the hold enough you'd have to act quickly for a win
all the while he cursed up a storm in Spanish
you could tell he wasn't used to this
now was the time to unleash your secret weapon
the crowd, the referee and even Mariposa himself were stunned into silence
you'd planted a kiss on him
taking advantage of the distraction you fell forward and moved to pin
his arms were pinned at the shoulder to the mat
you pressed him down hard onto the mat
the referee broke out of his stupor and did his job
and with that Mariposa lost

you earned the 100 dollars in prize money
the promotion owner tried to insist he meant 100 pesos
you weren't dumb
Mariposa was still shocked when you hauled him up by his paw
the heel act seemed to maybe just be an act
he wasn't reacting like other luchadors you'd seen
maybe you legit humbled him?
you didn't keep up with this specific promotion so you didn't know his record
it takes a lot for a trained wrestler to break character
OK so using the gay thing right back at him wasn't exactly fair and square
you wanted to get the match finished before he got free again
there was a chance you wouldn't have gotten him into a third hold
plus it's not like any of the other guys would have done it
that outside the box thing won the match for you
the quiet from Mariposa was strange
you waved to the crowd that had recovered
perhaps they just thought you were being spontaneous
truth be told you were going to kiss the twinkled regardless
the crowd didn't need to know it was completely premeditated
all part of the big song and dance after all
you had driven separate from your friends that evening
it wasn't a bad neighborhood so you figured you could walk to your truck just fine
you were caught off guard by tiny boots on your back

you stumbled forward into a car
"you… you maricon!"
you recognized that voice
quickly you spun around
sure enough there was the pink kitty
you scoffed at him
from him
he stood there
paws on his hips
"that wasn't fair!"
he pointed a finger towards you
you pointed out neither was attacking someone from behind in a parking lot
then added maybe he was used to rear attacks but you weren't
that got him running at you
he tackled you into your truck
that knocked the wind out of you briefly
in his anger he forgot something
he put himself in arm's reach
another bear hug
issue was he'd had a break so holding onto him now was harder
like trying to hold a snake
you weren't letting him have a tantrum all over your face though
this is about when you decided to troll him
another kiss
he almost chomped at you before pulled back
"hijo de puta!"
"down! put me down!"
fat chance
he got a couple lucky hits in but taking ground away from him meant he had little power
he hissed in your face out of frustration
his cat eyes narrowed
yeah you weren't putting him down
not until he learned to behave himself
you'd won the match
he should accept that
"you're not supposed to kiss me, goddammit!"
you asked why not
after all he was cute and it worked didn't it
he stooped for a millisecond at cute
then went back to wiggling and cursing

this went on for close to a minute before he seemed to tire out a little
you were worried this was a faint
however you hoped he had tuckered himself out
he still glared at you through his mask
setting him down maybe a bad idea
you mulled it over and decided what the hell
you set him down with all the care of dismantling a time bomb
you had just enough time to breath in before the brat was trying to maul you again
this time you dodged and grabbed him into another bear hug from behind
he cursed at himself
he fell for the same trick twice in a row
you weren't setting him down this time
you pointed out he had one loss and this is how he acts
"it's not… about the goddamn loss"
he struggled but you had his arms squeezed to his sides this time
his strength was flagging
"who the hell just kisses a guy like that?!?"
the femboy lynx in the pink spandex was angry about a kiss from a man
how could you not kiss him?
you hadn't considered the issue though
maybe he was just playing an act?
you asked him
"yes! I've been with more pussy than you've dreamed of!"
especially with how shaky he was
maybe the flamboyant act was a way for him to enjoy the gay thing without guilt
you were no armchair psychologist though
the ears on his head laid flat against his mask now
he was still grumpy
after a while he stopped wiggling
maybe he thought you were dumb enough to set him back down again
he huffed
yeah you weren't that dumb
he was cute like this though
you were close enough to smell nothing but him
vanilla oil almost covered his natural scent and gave his coat a shine
all the recent activity had ended up mixing the two together
it was a pleasant mixture
he eventually ended up slack in your arms like an oversized plush toy
you asked if he was OK
"yeah," he admitted wearily
that was good to hear
you set him down softly and to your surprise he didn't choose violence again
out of curiosity, before you released your grip, you rested your head on top of his
he didn't react in any fashion you noticed
just sort of stood there
eventually you felt a paw on your arm
he didn't pull you off
instead it just rested there
he was soft
to your surprise you felt a soft vibration
he was purring

"it's not fair," he murmured
you wondered what he meant
didn't break the hold on him though
at this point it was more an actual hug
he leaned back against you eventually
this was a world of difference
you had no idea what was going on but his warmth was nice in the chilly parking lot
it was hard not to just cuddle him but you were scared to spoke him
after about five minutes he pushed your arms up and you let him free
"look, just forget this happened."
before you could say anything he dashed off into the night
how he got his energy back to do that you didn't know
his fluffy tail above those pert cheeks would be a memory to last
you walked back to your truck and let the ache from earlier ebb from you
no doubt you had bruises
but nothing broken
it was rough getting home
you did it though
the rest of the night was boring as hell and you passed out
waking up, you felt like a freight train had hit you
getting dressed hurt like hell
however you needed breakfast badly
as fun as carnival food is its not very satisfying living off it
you decided to grab breakfast at a tex mex down the road
you did a double take when you walked in
and the effeminate lynx boy at a booth table practically shoved his menu in front of his face
you didn't get a good look but you had a feeling you knew who it was
even squeaked

you told the waitress you were having breakfast with a friend
so you walked up to the quivering menu and sat down across from it
you asked for coffee and said how rough you had it last night
your companion across from you flinched
the lynx looked like his fondest wish was to disappear at that exact moment
at least from the reaction the back of the menu was giving
why he didn't bolt you didn't know
it was fortunate he didn't
his behavior confirmed what you already knew though
this was Mariposa
after the waitress brought you coffee you decided to strike up conversation with your new friend
first that you were surprised
those lucha guys always seemed to wear their masks everywhere
"I-I wouldn't know"
that was his voice, minus the obscenities he hurled around last night
sure sure
playing oblivious would work if he wasn't trembling now
you grinned
you had an idea
you remarked maybe you had him pegged for someone else
you asked if you had seen that Mariposa lose last night
the menu came down just enough for two amber cat eyes to wish you a death by cock and ball torture
at least that's what you assumed the deathglare meant
this was your man
and his eyes shot open when he realized he'd given himself away that easy
now you were surprised he didn't bolt already
in fact he set the menu down and seemed to concede
the glare became a worried look
"just don't tell anyone"
you promised
the waitress came back and you both ordered like nothing unusual happened
he ordered two of the biggest rare steaks on the menu for breakfast and that was it
tiny thing like him that impressed you
your conversation was almost whispers while you waited for the meal
he wasn't forthcoming with details but you expected as much
at least he wasn't kicking you now
you apologized if you insulted him which did seem to put him at ease
"I'm sorry for how I reacted in the lot"
you asked if that's the worst thing he would do with you in a parking lot
he shielded himself with the menu again

you could swear he would have melted under the table if he got any more flustered
he kept trying to hide
however you got the idea to gently pull the menu down yourself
shyness turned into a pout
"why are you here?"
you explained they had cheap tacos
plus you lived within walking distance
so why wouldn't you
you asked if he was staying in town
you even offered him the chance to crash on your couch
the pout lost to flustered resurfacing
this boy was very very complex
"that won't be necessary."
you said it would be a shame not to take in such a cute kitty
that earned you a whack to your shin
the folks in the booth behind you looked at you after that yelp
you played it off
sure you might come off as a creeper at the moment but you figured this was your best chance
he was hot and you figured you'd shoot your shot
he was still shy about it all but you gathered bits and pieces
he certainly wasn't the bad boy he was in the ring
at least you guessed
here he dressed rather conservative too
very masculine, a sharp contrast to last night
his build was a dead giveaway it was Mariposa though
breakfast itself was pretty good
for such a little guy he wolfed down his meat in no time
he relaxed a little when you were busy eating
probably felt like he could let his guard down
he was still a little skittish though
when he tried paying you told the waitress you'd cover it
she handed you both the bill and you were quicker on the draw
played keepaway for a few seconds while the lynx tried reaching across the table
after all this morning was your treat
he was pouting again after giving up
even had his arms folded to his cute chest
refused eye contact completely
he left after paying but not before you snuck a paper with your phone number in his back pocket
now it was his move

a couple days passed
you figured your shot missed
however, much to your relief, a number you didn't recognize sent you a text
at like 2 AM
good thing you were a night owl
"you up?"
you replied
"this is easier through text"
weird but OK
you asked to make sure it was Mariposa
"yes. I'm insane for even sending this"
this was curious and you wondered where this was going
"I want to meet."
oh hello
you didn't think you'd won him over
though it could just as easily be to drop kick you again
it was worth the risk
you agreed on a time and place
he was hesitant at first
a quirk you noticed was the second you started typing he stopped
he waited for your responses
you were surprised he even texted yourself
no doubt you'd find out what this was all about soon enough
the time was Saturday night
the place was over the outskirts of town, this really out of the way motel
you were either going to get lucky or lose your kidney
you asked for proof he was genuine
he posted a picture of his mask
well at least it was him
the weekend couldn't come fast enough
over text he did seem much easier to talk to though
perhaps it was dealing with things face to face that spooked him
a professional wrestler spooked by interaction
strange guy
he wasn't giving you nudes or anything like that
just yet, you hoped
but it was far more controlled on his end
it was hard to mix together the foul mouth luchador, the scaredy cat at the restaurant and this guy on the phone together
he wasn't egotistical enough to give you a ton of info about himself
but you gleamed a bit here and there
with the Mariposa thing he was a hell of a lot more confident
maybe the mask was liberating
more importantly, you hoped he wore vanilla oil on his coat again
that was very memorable
the day arrived and you practically raced over to the hotel

you still didn't know what to expect at the motel
still treated it with all the enthusiasm of a kid at Christmas
he was hot
you could possibly dick him
what was there to hate?
you saw how perky his ass was
whole thing had you at half mast the entire drive
took about a half hour
you cleared work tomorrow just in case you got lucky
hopefully no one stabbed you tonight
that was the least of your worries at the moment though
what if he was just playing and you wouldn't score
that would be the tragedy
so your journey to the motel was brief
felt like you could have plowed through a stop light at the rate you were going
patience was its own reward though
you pulled up to the parking lot and texted your new friend
a simple reply
you practically dashed to room 106
at the door you composed yourself and took a few deep breaths
didn't want to seem too desperate
you knocked and the door slowly creaked open
there was Mariposa
same blinding tight pink everything
his eyes darted around and he yanked you into the room
then used your body to slam the door shut by jumping up into a powerful kiss
looked like you'd get to keep your kidney

he manhandled you pretty well for such a little guy
paws grabbed at your clothes as he shoved his tongue into your mouth
you kissed and grabbed right back
he was already hard when you came to the door
you could feel that and you were pretty sure the spandex would show that
he made you go from half mast to hard in second
you could feel him purring deep in his chest
the lynx was fucking adorable
you made the right call tonight
he broke the kiss first and pressed himself to your chest
"fucking maricon," he breathed out
his voice was ragged
all the while he burned up in your hands
"fuck I'm not supposed to need this."
you felt his hot breath on the layer of sweat on your skin
"fucking kissing me."
he muttered against your shirt
"fucking kissing me twice."
he struck your chest feebly
then looked away from you
his ears slicked back as if he was embarrassed
he wasn't angry like before
"just because I have a lot of fun playing one"
he kissed the sweat off your shoulder and neck
"it doesn't mean I'm supposed to be one"
good lord he was in denial
you gripped his ass cheek with a firm smack
he just about leaped away from you if your other hand wasn't on his waist
"I said I'm not fucking gay, fuck!"
it was your turn to practically shove your tongue down his throat
you took his denials as a challenge now
he was gay
very goddamn gay
even if your cock had to take permanent residence next to his prostate to prove it
you weren't letting someone this damned cute and secretly eager off easy
he knew he wanted it
he just hated that he did
it would be adorable if it wasn't hold him back from riding your dick
the kiss weakened his knees
his paws tugged you close
he was so bipolar
you'd set him right soon enough
the purring didn't stop
you even felt his nub of a tail twitch next to your hand on his ass
the urge to just mating press him on the hotel bed right this instant was strong
all you could smell was vanilla and hyper aroused kitty
this adorable little shortstack of drab and pink purring in your grip was amazing
he just had to give in and admit it was amazing too

his body knew what it liked
he was tight springy muscle in a short little package
you could feel as much with his ass
he yelped when squeezed his cheek
his blush was adorable
however, he muttered a string of curses immediately after
still trying to hold out
his erection said otherwise
your fingers were so close to his hole and he knew it
his breath was ragged against your chest
he was fidgeting in your grip
you weren't going to force him but you were going to make him a mess
you were comforting him through the whole thing
he yelped again when you picked him up like a toy
he ended up gently tossed onto the mattress
he whimpered when your hands ran along his stomach
his body seized up when you pulled his singlet aside and let his cock spring free
he tried stuttering out a denial or a curse before you started stroking him
his head peaked out of your fist
that sight seemed to make him groan out
"I'm not gay"
he whined as you pumped his cock
his cock throbbed in your grip as his body tensed and relaxed
he was enjoying this but couldn't admit it
your other hand found his chest and you teased his nipple
his hips bucked and he clawed the sheets under him
you weren't going to push him to admit he liked men just yet
but he seemed pretty gay from where you stood
pinned to the bed and making whorish noises
really hard to deny he was gay like this
he was mumbling all his little curses
didn't take the initiative now
he just let you be assertive
he was adorable like this
he climaxed without warning all over himself
the girlish squeal as the load came was adorable
his chest rose and fell hard as his remaining seed trickled down his hand
after a few minutes the indignation returned to his face
"I said I wasn't fucking gay."
he pushed away and made for the door
not one for pillow talk it seemed
so you did something drastic
you clamped down on his hips and pulled him back
he was shocked
still cursing though
you landed on your back and he was small enough to lift
you plopped his perky ass right on your face
before he could protest you slid his thong to the side and started eating out his boy pussy
"Jesus fucking Christ!"
he curses turned into drawn out loud moans
for someone that insisted he wasn't gay he had cleaned himself flawlessly
it was almost like he hoped he was going to get what he really wanted

his noises were adorable
he quivered above you
his body like a tense spring and he ground his ass against your face
he couldn't even finish his insults any more
he was just babbling
his thighs gripped your head as he loomed over you
his paw gripped your hair as he gave himself over to riding your face
the purring came back
as much as he denied it himself his body told the truth
his cock was working back up to hardness
you could just barely see from under him
his thighs felt like a vice
for all his talk he immediately loved this
your hands held his hips in a deathgrip
tongue fucking him made him make high pitched cries to no one in particular
he desperately rode against your face
"not fair"
that was the first complete words he got out
well of course you were going to fight dirty
why shouldn't you
when you redoubled your efforts on rimming his tender boy pussy he lost it
his half erect cock shot cum onto your face and the pillow
you didn't let him just submit though
you were merciless
he got no reprieve after the climax and you kept attacking his hole
after a while he just turned into a drooling mess and wouldn't surrender your head back to you

what felt like eternity passed
he recovered and you fully expected him to be angry
it was a big risk but you figured this had a chance to win him over
being pressed into thick cat ass didn't seem so bad at least
two orgasms seemed to pacify him a little at least
he wasn't so angry
or throwing denials out there
he'd mellowed out
still had you in a headlock
he wasn't letting you go it seemed
granted, you needed air eventually
you picked him back up and despite how he clung to you he relented
you could tell the fight was out of him for the moment
he was weary
you'd burnt him out again it seemed
he was reclining on the bed
despite all his protest he did clean out his ass in preparation
so it would be a shame to waste the opportunity
especially since you were still hard
so you pinned him to the bed
there was that purring
his legs up in the air
he felt so small under you
he actually felt vulnerable now
like a barrier was completely gone
there was a lot unspoken at the moment
he definitely wasn't all angsty at the moment
you didn't know exactly how much to push
well you knew what you wanted
however, you weren't all for it unless he was
so you finally spoke up
said the gay thing wasn't as bad as he made it out to be
at least you hoped
"I-I know"
you asked what changed
"that's my own business"
fair enough

he wasn't so resistant to you now
you could tell he was troubled in his eyes
when you said you two didn't have to do this and started to reel back his eyes flashed with anger
his paws grabbed your shirt collar and he looked you in the eye
"don't you fucking dare pussy out now!"
his resolve swung back again to kick you in the face
while you could tell he still had some buried doubts he tasted too much to go back
through the spandex he could feel your swelled erection
you could tell from how he slightly twitched at feeling your dick against his
well that was an endorsement I anything
you unzipped your pants and slid them down enough
boxers followed right after
your cock slapped against his and you fumbled with your wallet
"what the hell are you doing?"
you said you were fetching a condom
the second you fished it out of your wallet he slapped it across the room
"don't half ass fucking me. you did this so you take goddamn responsibility"
well, it was risky
but you were hard right now
fuck it
thankfully from the ass eating and your precum he had enough lube
he wanted dick he was getting dick
you were relentless
no warm up
just straight to mating press
his anger vanish and was replaced by his screaming into your shoulder
paws clawed at your back, shredding your shirt to ribbons and leaving future scars
you growled into his neck
he took it like a champion
in fact his legs locked behind your back in an attempt to drive your manhood further in
balls slapped together
it was gay now if it wasn't before

you just violently stuffed this pussy
he didn't deny you and if anything encouraged you
"oh fuck!"
his cursing and moaning mixed together now
your shirt was ruined
pulling out was impossible now
not that you wanted to even dream of that
his ass was such a tight squeeze
felt amazing on your cock after all the teasing
occasionally he'd scream/moan a "maricon"
whether that was pointed at you or him by now was a mystery
the scent of vanilla and the other man's natural scent filled your nose and mouth
you tasted his most intimate of places and now it's all you could think of
you couldn't help yourself from breeding him like an animal
his meaty ass took every inch and you filled him like a goddamn handpuppet
all the teasing and frustration let loose
the bed rocked and smacked against the wall
you had him pinned and you weren't letting up until he completely submitted
his teeth sunk into your shoulder and his toes curled as he splattered cum onto your sandwiched stomachs
if anything the rough stuff drove you on
like a horse kicked with spurs
your cock shaped his asshole as you kept mercilessly hammering
he kept climaxing, screaming into your ear
a fourth, a fifth, a sixth
for someone that wasn't gay he needed to be fucked in the ass
on the seventh orgasm his body finally milked you enough and you growled as you painted his insides white
you collapsed on him
buried like that and pinning him to the bed
him feebly mumbling "fuck" and "fucking maricon" were about the only things to break up his ragged breaths
you made sure to grab a fistful of kitty ass and push yourself deep as possible
then you passed out on top of him

you awoke a hour or so later
Mariposa was looking at you with a glare
he nipped at your shoulder
you were about to pull out but he kept his legs locked
"you're taking responsibility for all this. I told you I am straight."
you laughed
he tried to interrupt but you just kept laughing
you were entangled after practically abusing his tight hole
and he still tried to insist
he pouted and glanced away
no one who came that much from what you two did was straight
you pointed that out
you were aware of your soft dick just barely in him
you felt yourself harden inside him and he groaned next to your ear
an idea occurred to you
he squealed when you grappled him and flipped so you were on your back and he straddled you
you'll give him a chance to totally prove he wasn't gay by giving him an out of riding cock
given how he didn't seem to hop off you made the right call
he just sat there for a moment, impaled on dick
you awaited his next move but we're confident you knew what it would be
all the while his tongue hung out of his mouth
he watched you as you watched him
when your cock twitched inside him he whined

this time you relaxed
he looked a little unsure now with things under his control now
it would be an admission on his part that he likes all this
you had no idea what made him like that but you'd hope to quell that in him
you'd like to do a lot of things in him
he ended up accidentally wiggling on your dick
that made his cock twitch in reply
you knew his body craved what his mind denied it
and frankly you'd hope to keep giving it
you gently rested your hands on his thighs
you weren't forceful at all
you wanted him to want this so that he could keep wanting it
his singlet was a mess now
more and more brown fur was exposed
he actually looked down at his costume and clicked his tongue
you insisted you could pay to replace it
"better" he said with a defeated mutter
he was slow to start moving but eventually he did
it was still like a vice on your dick
he hissed through his teeth as he moved
his paws rested on your chest for leverage
you went in for a kiss before he shoved you back on the bed
"your breath probably smells like ass. no"
well at least the sass stayed the same
he took a while to get used to you again
he slowly pumped himself at first, refusing to make eye contact all the while
it wasn't like you to be lazy but it was important he do this
filling him was as amazing as the first time
he bit his bottom lip and slowly increased his tempo
"make no mistake, you did this."
strange to see someone this stubborn
a clawed finger aggressively prodded your chest to make the point clear
what that point was you didn't know
was he still trying to claim heterosexuality
while riding your dick after the last load made a mess of him
it was honestly funny
so yes, you'd take total responsibility for this
by making a mess of his backdoor again and again
jackhammering sounded good for later
his tempo was slow
no doubt his ass was a little sore from earlier
all the more reason to let him set the pace this time
you rested your hands behind your back after a while
he was using you as a dildo now
the look on his face was adorable
not that you said as much
you wanted him to keep going and you didn't want to jinx it
so you let him take initiative and he did
after all this was his chance to prove he wasn't gay
he was doing a poor job of it
you noticed his ears weren't down like they were forever
maybe he was less embarrassed
despite not wanting to look at you he certainly behaved shamelessly
the urge to speak up was hard to reel in
however you didn't want to spoil it
you just had to appreciate what you had
hopefully it led to more
his legs flexing were kind of hot to watch
as were watching his abs
despite his soft looking frame the barest hint of muscle peeked through with every move
despite being weakened by military climaxes he was working hard, just with the occasional wince
his body was beautiful and tight and you enjoyed the front row seat
occasionally he'd moan and twitch, clearly enjoying himself
but he'd put that back in the bottle the second he could catch himself
still insisting he wasn't gay it seems
he tried cursing when you stroked his dick but he couldn't formulate a thought when he shot off seconds after
he clamped down hard on your cock
it didn't take long to cum inside him aside yourself with that cocksleeve
it was his turn to collapse and you pulled him close as he passed out
the lynx slept comfortably in your arms
a thought had occurred
you were tuckered out from your first orgasm
why didn't he just kick you off of him
maybe he was more affectionate than he let on
it took you passing out to make him sweet
right now you felt his heartbeat
his breath was soft
you laid there, content
frankly you hoped it wouldn't end
this guy was fun for all his protests and sass
couldn't call him boring
occasionally, his nubby tail twitched in his sleep
it was peaceful
God you'd need to get a shower after all this
but that could happen when Mariposa woke up
you watched his face and just enjoyed the moment
eventually you fell asleep too
the morning came and you were surprised when you reach out
your eyes shot open and you looked around for Mariposa
nowhere to be found
you snuck around the room and checked the bathroom
no one, though the shower was still wet
you went for your phone
no texts
so you texted him
you hope he didn't just ghost you
you saw he was texting in response
the three dots hovered there for a while
then finally a response
"next Saturday, same time"

your body ached but you guessed his ached more
he probably wasn't sitting down any time soon
it had been forever since you came that hard
you definitely wanted more
shower cleared your head and felt goddamn amazing
that was twice you won a wrestling match with the fabled Mariposa
after the shower you nabbed a cheap breakfast and texted him
he took a little while to respond but it was cordial
none of the harsh edge from last night
you started to see a pattern to his behavior and the heel act was how he dealt with the physical face to face encounters
at least that's what you go from playing armchair psychologist
whether that was true remains to be seen
however, through text he was a bit more affectionate
it wasn't quite at "I love you" level
but he wasn't so bratty through text
you could feel he was warmer
maybe he was growing to accept things
if he wanted more that had to be it
you asked how he was feeling
"sore. very sore"
to be expected
the rest of your day was relatively uneventful
you conversation with him was sort of mundane compared to how you both were last night
you decided to start looking more into the career of Mariposa
at least gleam as much information as you could
the promotion was small bit there had to be something
sure enough you found phone footage here and there
it seemed like he was fairly recent, the oldest videos on a couple years old
you started diving down the rabbit hole a little
Mariposa wasn't forthcoming with his own history but you found a couple similar lynx luchadors that didn't pull the whole flamboyant gimmick
it wouldn't be unheard of
wrestling tended to be a family business
you'd have to ask him gently but you had a feeling why he acted so strange about all this

he was adorable at least
there were no encounters in town while you waited for Saturday
it was a letdown in all honesty
you were hoping on catching him off guard again
however, it was a decent week either way
helped you had Saturday to look forward to
the texts helped
he was actually warming up to you
at least it felt like it
you tried not to push things too hard
you didn't want to just be a side fuck though
you wanted emotional contact
sure that sounded super duper gay
but you didn't even know Mariposas name
well his real name
you figured you'd get it from him this time
went through the same rough greeting at the door
this time you decided to shake things up
he was thrown on your shoulder
the protests in Spanish were cut short with a smack on his ass
you noticed he had a new singlet
bright yellow this time
at least that's what the thong indicated
his paws feebly smacked your back while he insisted to be put down
you weren't even holding him tight
all for show
you playfully poked him in the rump and delivered an ultimatum
you needed a name, a real name
he stopped with his tantrum and a silence fell over the room

you could sense the gears were turning in his head
the room was dead silent but there was a tension in it
it wasn't hostile but it was most certainly tension
you explained his secret was safe with you
you liked him
you wanted this to be a thing
you two to be a thing
his tail twitched
well he couldn't hide body language
you could sense the frustration in his voice
he slumped against you
it was hard to read him
must be dealing with a lot mentally
you offered to listen if he wanted to vent
"well I wanted you to fuck me raw again"
there would be time for that later, you countered
right now it felt right to a little honest with each other
you knew he liked this stuff
he knew he liked this stuff
there was no harm in it
"you don't understand"
you asked if it was family issues and he froze up
at least that's what it felt like I your grip
he had to be mulling over things
you tried to get him on your side by saying you dealt with family about this stuff too
that did seem to relax him a little
you went to the bed to continue the conversation and moved him to your lap
you pointed out if he really didn't want this he could have run at any time
he rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue
"I didn't think I was that fucking obvious"
he was an open book
he wasn't ready just yet to give you an infodump but he wasn't hostile at least
instead he sort of curled up in your lap
"it's complicated"
you felt like maybe you called it right
he played Mariposa up because he was in the closet to his family
it was a release valve
would explain why he got so aggressive
you asked if this was right and he slumped forward towards your chest
he looked defeated
"yeah," he weakly replied
you embraced him
you said you would be his confidante if he'd have it
that made him cuddle up to you a little
"still calling you maricon,"he mumbled

he slumped against you and you both sat there
the soft glow of the hotel lamps gave his drab fur a sheen
your hand roamed his back, the muscles across his shoulders reminded you he was sort of still maybe possibly manly
just a bit
basically a sporty tomboy
but male
very niche
a niche that you happened to appreciate
"fine," he huffed
he hugged you tighter
"it doesn't fucking leave this room"
you swore it was safe
"I find out you said something, you're going in a ditch."
this was serious
"and I'm not fucking you"
oh OK very serious
you promised it wouldn't leave the room
this girly thing goes by the equivalent of Carl
you started laughing before he punched your arm
you pulled him close to your chest while he went back to muttering
you swore that name wouldn't leave the room
you did ask if you two could get to know more about each other like that
it would be nice, you remarked
he was quiet but held onto you tightly
you might be the only one he can be his real self around
not the crass Mariposa
or however straightlaced he had to be around family
he just got to relax in your lap and be himself
and he was purring again

well with that settled you relaxed a little
even just a name showed maybe you were getting through to him
he was starting to be comfortable with you
hopefully also with himself
he was way too angsty
this time you'd kiss the hell out of him
seemed to hush him up quickly enough when you went for thr first kiss
he wasn't shocked but took a second to lean into it with you
his tongue wrestled yours timidly
there wasn't a lot of fight in him this time around
you decided to push your luck
your hand went for his mask
he flinched but your hopes were right on the money
he let you pull the mask back
there was that same face you saw across the table
you broke the kiss to get a good look at him
his ears flicked and folded down onto his head
he looked very submissive
quite a lot of fight out of him
he squeaked when you fell back on the bed and dragged him back with you
he didn't fight your grip though, even when you squeezed his ass
"you know I'm only letting you do this because…"
you gave his ass a playful smack
that cut off his doubt
he pouted and gave you a glare
well at least he wasn't trying to fight you
you asked him if this was really so bad
he glanced away
he liked it
you said if he didn't like it he wouldn't have invited you
he didn't have a defense for that
"just go back to kissing me dammit"
well you couldn't disagree with that idea
you went back to kissing him
you'd melt him down soon enough
the way his heart hammered in his chest mixed with his purring
this time you took the time to strip him of his singlet
it slipped off easily and he looked actually vulnerable
he cuddled back to your side

struggling out of your own clothes made him whine
the lynx hated to separate from you
he wouldn't admit it but he was growing attached
he was extremely helpful in getting your shirt off
sure it ended up partially shredded
"now we're even on the clothes"
you'd forgotten about his pink singlet but it seemed he did not
whereas last week you practically demolished him, you took your time
this time it just felt right to do this >pulled him under the covers and he seemed to actually relax
you asked if he had off tomorrow
you wanted to hang out
promised you wouldn't get all… handsy in public
that seemed to put him at ease
everyone would just assume you two were friends
good friends
"I guess there's no harm."
he had a slight grin
"no touching though"
you swore you wouldn't
for now
the you months from now couldn't possibly make such a promise
but for now, no touching
that seemed to satisfy him
it wasn't quite at boyfriend level but it was a first step
sealed the deal with a kiss and he seemed to instinctively to straddle you under the blankets
his fur was smooth against your skin

while he was timid, that didn't mean he was unreceptive
you felt his toes curl when your hand roamed lower on his back
it was a subtle cue but it was there
you chuckled and his eyes utterly refused to make contact with yours
his paws felt soft against your chest, the softest feeling of his claws on your skin catching your attention
he twitched his tail
his body was far more honest
it was endearing
the drab color fur shined in the light of the room lamp
occasionally Carlos flicked his eyes to you
you took the initiative now
spinning him around brought forth an "eep"
he was pinned under you now
but with enough freedom his paws went to hold you in return

at least he was getting it
all his anger seemed like it was gone
he just relaxed and got to be himself
you didn't say as much, figuring you didn't have a good way to talk about this
just focused on the physical
some things didn't need to be said
when you kissed along his neck he groaned and wrapped his legs around your back
he definitely was gay
his body just reacted to your touch like that
no doubt in your mind he was made for this
he bucked his hips when your cocks touched
"do me from behind," he whispered in your ear
he pointed out the small bottle on the nightstand
you didn't need any more instruction
he was still shocked when you grabbed him and flipped him
gave a few shy glances over his shoulder as you got lubed up
he even gulped
you heard a gulp
that gave you a laugh and you could practically see the pout as his muscles tensed
he almost jumped when you lubed up his hole
then grabbed the pillow to smother his noises
definitely gay
he took two fingers easily
you asked if he practiced on himself a lot and that prompted him to stammer into his pillow
sounds like you weren't going to get too clear an answer
you carried on, fingering him smoothly and working a nice pace
he moaned when you spread your fingers
after a while you couldn't help yourself though
he watched your cock bob before you lined up
his own cock throbbed, pointed back
you sunk in and he practically ate that poor pillow
your right hand rested on his lower back, feeling the muscles flexed
he was a wiry little thing
meanwhile his juicy ass took all of you greedily

you decided to compliment him the best way you knew
remarked he had a girl's ass
"don't say that shit"
kind of hard for him to sound angry when his outburst ended on a high note as you buried back in to the hilt
like a sort of squeak
really took all the menace out of him
you fucked him but not at the ragged pace of last week
instead just powerfully thrusting forward
the bed shook every time you bottomed out
the poor pillow would not survive his assault
Carlos had shredded the poor thing
you surprised him with kisses along his shoulder blades
his orgasm hit him like a truck, his body freezing up
all the while his hole milked you for all its worth
just goaded you on further
his cum splattered against you legs as you kept thrusting
his ass really was goddamn inviting
so damned bottom heavy for a guy
your hand went for his head, pulling his head back from the pillow
now you hungrily kissed him
your tongue wrestled his easily
those same teeth that made shreds of the pillow were gentle in a kiss
you felt him cum again after 10 more minutes of pumping and his body wrung your climax out of you
just like last week you dumped a load of baby batter in his fat ass
and just like last week you decided to rest on and inside him
you asked him if he still had any doubts
"you wouldn't understand"
so you asked him to help you understand
if it was family they should at least not be hostile to him
supportive might be too much to ask
but at least not disowning or abusing him
it was hard to read his reactions from the back of his head
eventually his family would figure out there was a glimmer of truth to Mariposa
hiding actual homosexuality behind extravagant gayness as sort of an subversion
it was sort of clever but there's no way it would last
if someone in his family didn't already figure it out
you pointed this all out to him
you had physical evidence he liked this dirtying the bed sheets
so why shouldn't he feel good, feel like himself
he hugged the pillow and sat there, deep in thought

his body relaxed under you
it was like his muscles went slack
you could hear him wince when you pulled out
you apologized if you were too rough
"bit late for that now isn't it?"
fair point
you laughed
he pouted into his pillow
you pulled him against your chest
eventually you'd get a shower but right now it felt right to cuddle him
you pointed out if family didn't want him happy maybe they didn't have his best interests at heart
but you also didn't want to break up the family too
plus you knew your place was tedious at best, you were essentially a complete stranger at the moment
but you hoped that would change
you kissed him on the forehead
you knew from experience these things weren't easy but it was worth it
you suggested a shower after about ten minutes
"that sounds good"
he was about to rise up on his own when you picked him up in a princess carry
he tried protesting for all of a millisecond before he hushed himself
at least he was learning

he made himself comfortable in your arms before disappointment came from setting him down
then you slipped into the bathtub and got him to sit in front of you
the tight quarters of the bathtub meant you were cramped together
warm water felt great
he realized he didn't bring any actual toiletries
you remarked you were a little disappointed
you liked his smell
"bah. don't say shit like that."
he cradled his knees and tried to hide behind them
"so weird"
you remarked he liked it
he didn't have a counter
just tried bathing in silence
while pretending not to notice your erection against his back
his tail twitched all the while

you couldn't help yourself
before the bath was filled you picked him up
a look over his shoulder showed he was hard again too
round two
he panicked to shut the water off
so considerate
"stop thinking with your dick first"
you whispered in his ear that was impossible when you had something this hot on your hands
he fumbled through a response that ended up dying prematurely
your cockhead against his ass made him squeak
you knew he wanted you thinking with your dick
you teased him by not pushing further up
"why did you stop?"
you wanted him to think with your dick too
he wanted it, he just had to admit it
thankfully the water hadn't washed away the mess of earlier love making
made reentry easy
you replied he'd just have to take what he wants this time
he huffed but you felt his ass slowly impale itself
"God I still can't believe I'm doing this"
feeling him swallow your manhood was wonderful as is
it was like your cock was home
the lynx gasped when you held onto his slender core, fingers buried in his fur
he'd have to milk your cock all by himself
that didn't mean you weren't going to be grabbed
like when you right hand ventured lower and stroked his own cock so very slowly
that vanilla scent faintly on your nose as you buried your face in his neck
he moaned quietly as he bottomed out
"maybe, maybe this isn't so bad"
you asked if you were allowed to call him maricon now too
"do you want your huevos intact?" he groaned out

you did value your huevos
hopefully he did too
he rode your cock gently
after using his foot to turn off the water prematurely, you grabbed his thigh
his leg was left raised in your grip
his legs were really fun to touch
maybe Mariposa needed someone to provide pre match rubdowns
the right amount of girly combined with muscle
despite the leg up in the air he had no problem riding you
the soft splash with every thrust down was rhythmic
you felt him throb in your hand
pre cum leaked into the bath as he squeezed you
kissing his neck made him actually swoon
his hand gripped your head
all the while gently riding you dick
you pondered if it would be too early to throw around the l word
romancing the little kitty was easy enough though
your cock felt amazing in his walls
that thick ass was a dick milking machine
seems like his little closet act meant that talent went unused for all this time
you were clapping those cheeks now though
you started singing open praises of his tight ass
"s-stop that"
also hoped he liked your cock as much
they seemed to be a perfect fit after all
that's all he could weakly reply with
his cock was sort of hefty, average size but not as big as yours
right now it was furiously throbbing in your grip
his nuts must be aching to empty now
you decided to reach down with the hand on his thigh and grab them
he whined
all the while you didn't stop stroking him
you asked if he loved that
"goddamn you know I fucking do. it's not fair."
you told him what's not fair is he had this dump truck all this time and you only just now got it in your hands
"don't call it a 'dump truck' fucking maricon"
you promised you wouldn't
it was clearly your cum dump

you didn't say that part out loud for fear of your huevos
best not to test him too far
time for that later
you thought with the last trist and him setting his own pace, he'd have gone gentle
instead he built up the speed until his meaty ass was smacking against your thighs
your hand stroked him harder in retaliation
then he countered by riding your shaft that much harder
it was a competition now
trying to hold out was getting impossible
his ass just felt too good
his ass was definitely winning and you hated to admit that
despite all his protests to the contrary it was made for this
despite your best efforts his ass got the best of you this round
you growled as you pumped your seed in him
for what it's worth he was quick to follow, the act of refilling him actually pushing him over the edge
at least that's what you saw as
his body trembled as his own seed splattered everywhere
you'd probably take a shower now at this rate
for now you embraced him from behind and he embraced you from within
your breath harsh and hot on the nape of his neck as you both recovered

lifting him up was easy
now there was an honest attempt to clean up
felt good on your aching muscles
couldn't even imagine how Carlos felt
still smacked his ass without mercy
which earned you a smack upside your head
and a string of Spanish curses
other than that cleaning went off without a hitch
you almost got handsy again while drying off only to get a scowl
"don't you dare"
his claw prodded your chest
"not going to be able to wrestle right for a week" he muttered
"can't believe I let you talk me into that"
you pointed out he was in control last time
he waved his paw dismissively then folded his arms
then you remarked how hard it was to look tough, being nude and all
he almost protested when you nabbed him again, plopped him back on the bed and then scooped him into your embrace
he admitted defeat after a while though
or passed out
didn't know which
you were eager to sleep too
next morning you were pleasantly surprised he was still cuddled up to you
his body heat noticeable even under the blanket
you woke him up softly and he mumbled
then wiggled out of your grip
trying to look all frustrated wasn't a good look for him
didn't help his tail twitched as he went to clean up in the bathroom
you might have smacked his ass again if you weren't sure you'd get to keep the hand afterwards
his energy was wonderful though
seemed to be much more of a morning person
he had packed a spare set of street clothes and came out looking almost unassuming
a sporty tank top and worn jeans
you pointed out his pants hugged his hips like a girls
he told you to shut up
very much a morning person
you cleaned up and you both headed over to the diner across the street
breakfast would feel great right about now

he was definitely more in control of himself on this outing
maybe the sort of promise of you being on your best behavior did it
he wasn't using the menu as a shield this time at least
you offered to pay and he was actually taken aback
breakfast was pretty basic diner food but after last night it really recharged your batteries
the urge to tease him about that was strong but you held back
he was talkative and you didn't want to spoil that
"so what do you do for a living?"
"do you live in town?"
a lot of questions directed to you that you were happy to answer
you hoped this would establish more trust
you were as honest as possible
he seemed pleasantly surprised you weren't a NEET
"explains why you're in shape"
very restrained compliment but you'd take it
physical work did have its benefits
he'd already appreciated you far more openly before but the words were at least a nice cherry on top
you asked if he'd ever seen the town
"never really actually walked around it"
granted, not the most exciting tour
a trek around town would at least count as a date in your eyes
you warned him ahead of time about town being a little… underwhelming
"my family were farmers before the showbiz thing worked out. I think I'll survive."
you didn't think he'd have been snooty honestly
more like you were setting up that it was good luck finding a lot of stuff open on Sunday afternoon
"I figure we'll find something to do"
oh you hoped that was true
with breakfast done you set out with him riding shotgun in your car
your attempt to mistake his thigh for the ability to take your car out of park earned you a slap on the wrist

touring around town was about as humdrum as you thought it would be
true to his word he wasn't snubbing your town
it made sense really, he'd seen towns like this all on the road
that did make you want to address the elephant in the room
you asked if he was staying around
"why do you ask?"
he knew why and you said as much
he tried to not look at you
"so you'd want me back?"
of course
he looked taken aback
by now you'd parked
it was a lot to expect on what was essentially a handful of meetings
but you saw the chemistry you two had and you hoped he did too
he considered things for a moment
"you're sure?"
he looked to be scrutinizing you
yes you were sure
very sure
"I can take at most a month off before I have to go back to the promotion."
you could work with that
you'd just have to dazzle him enough he'd keep coming back
you told him he wouldn't regret it
was he flustered?
he looked adorable
you'd been parked for a while
an idea occurred
he could save money staying at your place
"you're not going to do anything weird are you?"
you asked to define weird
"trying to get me in some maid outfit or tie me to your bed or some shit"
you looked away then said no that wasn't the intention
besides the Mariposa thing was more than enough
he scoffed at that
taking him to the local park was a good way to change the subject
at least he didn't say no
you could see he was looking around a lot
maybe nervous around people
you didn't try to push but you did reach out for his paw
initially he was timid and a little confused
but eventually he reciprocated and gripped back
it would be ok
that seemed to calm him
it was obvious this was all new to him
being this open without it being a character
thankfully no one was at the park this hour
had the place to yourselves
that's why you felt confident pushing him against a tree and kissing him
he was shocked but you broke the kiss before he could really react
he was a stuttering mess now
but wasn't hostile to the idea
you continued your walk without even addressing it
aside from a query that that wasn't so bad, was it
he still looked baffled
"it's just… a lot to think about."
maybe he had an easier time accepting quasi-anonymous sex than genuine affection like that
might have never guessed it would be like this
probably just assumed it was like some grindr hookup
you were more sentimental than that

Carlos did take you up on the offer to stay at your place
hell, the idea he was willing to pay for a motel the entire month just to stay was sweet
but there was no reason for it
he grabbed his stuff and checked out
thankfully, it didn't seem like his family was part of the same wrestling promotion
no one really was worried he took off for a short while
he insisted he crash on your couch
you insisted you'd be a bad host if he didn't share your bed
"we both know you're going to just try touching me"
and your retort was an honest yes but also to point out he didn't seem to mind you touching him
he brushed off the remark and unpacked
he seemed to go overboard on the hair care products
you wanted to ask how his family didn't already know he was gay
but thought better of it
he was already stepping into uncertain waters so you'd didn't want to spook him
though honestly his little flamboyant side couldn't be more obvious
the lynx was cute, mannerisms and all
he just had a hard time showing it
you wondered just what his family told him for him to hide like that
still, that was hopefully something in the past
you hoped
at least you could maybe work him through it
your tour of your place was rather short
granted how were you to impress someone with a studio apartment
his motel room might have been bigger
but he at least wasn't a snob about it
he offered to pay for pizza at least
there was only one pizza place in town
so selection was pretty limited
he got meatlovers
the jokes write themselves
while waiting on pizza he sat on your couch
the diminutive lynx practically sunk into the seats
he sat there in silence, possibly deep in thought
you sat next and decided now the time was ripe for mischief
or more realistically
making him a nervous wreck
or getting slapped
either or
it was time for the old yawn and stretch your arm maneuver
instantly denied
"I'm not a girl dammit"
you remarked he sounded like one last night
the pizza boy saved you from whatever Carlos was about to do
you smacked his ass on his way to the door and his eyes said you were lucky he was occupied
he didn't bother with formalities and handed over the cash and tip
the pizza box was plopped onto the table unceremoniously
perhaps the ass slap was too far?
you apologized and he waved it away before sitting back down
"you're impossible"
you told him having a boyfriend like him made it easy
his ears flattened and he looked at something interesting on the floor

you offered him a slice and kicked back
he took it and ate quietly
never seen someone delicately eat pizza before
you asked if this was so bad?
just two guy hanging out that happened to be much much more intimate
quiet little moments like this
raucous sex whenever
even love
you pointed out how these weren't bad and he knew
you couldn't force him one way or the other
but you pointed out if anything happened with his family he had a place here
"this is a so fast"
you put your hand in his paw
put on your best face and told him you had plenty of time
he seemed actually melt at that
now you were able to drape your arm around him
all the hostility was a front
he ended up leaning on you and relaxing
you dared not eat pizza right now
just kind of cuddled there
over the next week you seemed to get to him
he got softer
maybe because he was expecting just pump and dump
the whole friends aspect helped
he eased up considerably
maybe the idea that he didn't have to hide it
for someone who initially was so uptight he sure loved waking you up with blowjobs
you could get used to busting a load down his kitty throat every morning
at least took the edge off for work
whenever he wore the Mariposa outfit it was an unspoken sign to rail him
degrading him verbally seemed to turn him on
as did all the wrestling
you even finally got to jackhammer him
bent nearly in half into the couch while you mercilessly pounded it
hardest nut of your life
full on collapsed onto the couch
made you happy he was slowly growing to accept himself
eventually he got less tense about it all
accepted himself
no idea if his family would but that was a problem for later
the month seemed to fly by but in a fun way
so when it was the last day, Carlos was a changed man
or maybe this was how he was without the fear
you'd managed to show him it wasn't all bad being a "maricon"
still earned you an arm punch when you jokingly called him that
when he left for his promotion he texted you whenever possible
phone calls and photos back and forth
he was far more outgoing through text
even though he was still worried about family he liked what you two had
he eventually agreed to go steady
you remember the day you got him to admit he loved you too
a formality because you two just kind of clicked
still nice to hear
every couple months he had off and immediately made a beeline for your place
the tiny lynx was eventually a fixture in your house
even moved into a local promotion despite it paying less
slowly, very slowly he moved in
became comfortable
became your boyfriend

Edit Report
Pub: 30 Jun 2022 19:39 UTC
Edit: 16 Jun 2023 18:23 UTC
Views: 3970