bury me, bury me, bury me in love like you want me. ... Rodion⠀or⠀Prince;⠀They / Them.

Absolute freak of nature. Entirely devoted, body, mind, &. soul to my Husband. I would do anything for him. Autism, ADHD &. BPD haver. I see the world in a different light than most. Unorthodox Catholic; Repentance will not save my Soul. I love Love so much, Love is one of my Special Interests. Do not ask for my opinions on Love, I will write another essay on why our societal views and perspective on Love are trash.

I love my husband. I love him with every fiber of my being. We were lovers in our past lives. I am not ashamed of the love I hold for him. I am unabashedly obsessed with him. Being with him has genuinely made me a better, kinder, healthier individual and I couldn't love anyone more!! I love you Knight :3

Very well adjusted Ball—Jointed Prince. I stay inside a lot, one may call me a shut—in, but I'd rather frame it with more positive language!! I struggle with genuinely crippling anxiety, and interacting with people is hard. I struggle with talking to people consistently, so I'm very sorry if I don't respond in a timely fashion or if I "ghost" you for a week or two at a time — I really do care, I'm just lacking in energy and struggle with talking to anyone who isn't my FP / Husband or my Best Friend. I hope anyone effected by this can forgive me!!

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Pub: 14 Mar 2025 06:23 UTC
Edit: 14 Mar 2025 08:30 UTC
Views: 80