I feel sick
I'm going to cry again
Why can't I stop feeling this way
Why won't you just talk to me?
My heart is in pain because you're not okay
Please don't leave me here alone.
I'll be okay as long as you promise not to leave me.

I'm so tired, I feel so sad and alone
I know you're right there but
I can't go to you when you're with people I don't know

I think I left my will to live
In my bed
But when I went to look for it
It wasn't there
It wasn't time to sleep
And you weren't there
And I was still being perceived
I am well beyond exhausted
But I must stay awake
I am expected to.

"I hate war" proceeds to pick a side and in the process bash the wishes of an apathetic person who wishes not to be involved in that discussion


Pub: 31 Jul 2023 06:54 UTC
Edit: 10 Jul 2024 15:52 UTC
Views: 70