Oh my lord I actually hate my family so fucking much I hope they all slit and die and fuckign bleed to death oh my God I hate I hate I hate my mo mshes so weird and immoral and I hate her I have to go revise arabic but basically she took my devices and recently has been starting to act like I actually don't exist if you're wondering how I'm typing this I stole her phone while she was asleep to tell my friends inbadvance this socks I actually hate her and i hatebthso phone keyboard more like bro this bullshit feels so weird ad small wtf

I have an exam in like 8 hrs so ill go study and contnue this tmr
12 26 am june 4th how the fuck is it already June fourth oh my lord happy pride month gay to lgbtq people my friend came out to me but because I cldbt reply cuz my phone is taken she thought I was leaving her on eead and she Blocked me like bro insupport u andeyou know that × Umm what was I gonna say Oh I've been playing Valorant like a degen I started like 31 may its very fun but I finish exams on the 18th soo I won't have much time for a while a bunch of my friends fought n I feel unsafe around-themagain soooooo I'm going back to my safe haven rentry for now There was something I think i talked about last vent rentry but I'll sah it again
My bwst friend who i tag as my older brother has a partner right and I was friends with her last year but we made a gc centered around my fp and 2 other people and turns out my fp was like racist or whatever the fuck so they all left the gc withoutany1 telling me why and they all blocked me Soooooo in like Januaryi started talking to the older brother tagged person in a gc of 4 ppl that I technically grew up with but we fell off 4 a few months
Nso I make a Twitter on like March or may and I follow the person who I tag as older brother and I notice everything he posts about the gc he purposely leaves me out of it like in ss or stuff and I Wana talk to him about it like my guy if u don't wanna be friends with me that's OK I was never rly attached to the group after the revival anyway which is insane but whatever I figured the reason he avoids me so much is cuz of his partner which like Bro oh my lord JUSTFUCLIG BRO I DONT HOVE A FLYING FUCK imso LIVIDD I apologized to the partner like 4 times But they're like no I won't forgive u whichnis insane considering the fact I literally did nothing and it was the other person like I can't control what people do I'm sorry..???Ums what else oh yea at the time that all went down I was like 12 so I wasn't even old enough to know what I did was wrong OK I'm tired ill go eat and probably sleep and revise in the morning bye-bye this was a waste of time

Pub: 28 Apr 2023 03:02 UTC
Edit: 03 Jun 2023 21:41 UTC
Views: 73