Verifying your Rentry URL

Please follow these steps:

  1. Select a link within your page that you still have control over. For example a Twitter profile, a Discord image, a caard page, a Retrospring page.
  2. Tell us which one you have chosen. Let us know if it is something you can edit, or something you can only delete.

If you have chosen something you can edit:

  1. We will give you a randomised code, like this: *nfni3avh
  2. Edit this code into the page your Rentry links to.
  3. Let us know and we will validate it.

If you have chosen something you can only delete:

  1. Let us take a screenshot.
  2. We will tell you when we're ready for you to go to the next step. Don't skip this, or the ability to validate might be permanently lost!
  3. Delete the content
  4. Let us know and we will validate it.
Pub: 08 Apr 2024 17:02 UTC
Edit: 08 Apr 2024 17:03 UTC
Views: 6397