Vincent⠀ ˖ ˙ He ♂︎ ․͙
Underaged ུ⃛ ⬮ᰰᩴ & Asian

About Vincent

Pleasure meeting you all, I'm Vincent or Whatever names I am introduced as. I go by he / thou and I am a man, refer me as such thank you. As it's mentioned above I am 〔 underaged 〕hence I rather not interact with adults , my current friends are excused from this as I have my reasons

I am a 'Kin' of Many various characters and I do not allow doubles to interact, If you do wish to interact you are at risk of being fake-claimed. I've also associated myself to be a 'Nine tailed fox' although I do not believe I am one, I have a strong connection towards it

I'm very willing to learn new things and Make new friends. I hope we can be friends although some heads up is I'm a very blunt person , sugarcoating things has never been a strong suite of mine and I ask too much questions please mention if its personal I will stop

I don't want to engage in discourse and such in the Rentry community any url I own is for personal use and introductions only. Any inactive URLs you may reclaim , I do not care about those URLs likely

Pub: 12 Jun 2024 03:42 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2024 15:07 UTC
Views: 692