Shinji chewed. He swallowed. He took another bite. He chewed again.

"Uurrp," he belched softly, finishing the cupcake. His mouth was smeared with creamy white icing. Not that he terribly minded. Then he reached out, and grabbed the last cupcake off the plate.

"My, my, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. "Half a dozen cupcakes, gone just like that. You really have become quite the little piggy."

"Ohmn," mumbled Shinji, mouth open wide. He chewed and swallowed. "I dunno, Kaworu-san..." he said. He patted his huge belly. "I'm not exactly a little piggy these days."

"True enough," said Kaworu. He smiled. He reached a hand under the table and stroked Shinji's hefty thigh. "You are a very big pig indeed. You are a prize-winning hog."

Shinji blushed. He actually loved it when Kaworu called him pig names. He said it with such tenderness and affection.

In truth, Shinji was looking very piglike indeed these days. He was fatter than ever, recently tipping the scales at 239 kilograms. Weighing more than a quarter ton in the standard system, Shinji was a big, bloated, wide load of a boy. His face was bloated and fat, huge cheeks giving him dimples as they sagged down into buttery jowls and a hefty second chin. He ate his cupcake with a soft, plump hand and fat fingers, leading up to arms that were bloated with flab, including 'wings' of fat that sagged off his upper arms over his elbows. In between his arms were his huge breasts, saggy sacks of fat. They would have drooped to his navel if he didn't have an enormous belly. A big, sloping ocean of blubber, Shinji's belly ate his entire lap; he constantly had to spread his huge, thick thighs apart to make room for his belly. When he stood, it sagged to his knees.


The seat strained under the girth of Shinji's bottom. He had an impressive backside, one which currently sagged over either side of the chair on which he sat. Shinji had a large bottom even for a fat boy, two immense butt cheeks that jutted behind him quite a ways, forming a shelf on which his big rolls of back fat rested. His ass and his thighs translated into some hefty hips. Below these, his tubby calves sagged slightly onto his cute, fat feet.

"Urrrp," he belched softly, finishing the cupcake. His fat face had even more icing on it than ever. Smiling, Kaworu grabbed a napkin from off the table. Coming to Shinji's side, he tenderly wiped the icing away.

"Such a messy boy," said Kaworu. "Yet another way in which you're a piggy. Such a good, good piggy."

Smacking his lips, Shinji smiled, and rested his hands on the vast slope of his gut. "Well, Kaworu-san, if I'm being a piggy, can I have more cupcakes? They're really tasty and I'm not full yet."

"Now, now, Shinji," said Kaworu with a soft smile, "weren't we going to go get ice cream after this?"

Shinji's jowls jiggled slightly as he made a face. "I mean... I know we said that..." he subconsciously licked his lips, "but, ooh, those cupcakes are so good. I kind of want more of them, more than I want ice cream."

Kaworu smiled at Shinji's gluttony. He was closing in on weighing five times what he'd weighed when Kaworu had met him, met him and been smitten with him and taken him away from Japan. The boy in front of him was an absolute poster child of obesity. Shinji was currently wearing an enormous lavender polo shirt and a huge pair of khaki pants, but even with all that fabric, his size was inescapable. Shinji was just so fat. And more than his body, Shinji had developed the mind of a fat person: thinking constantly about food, never truly satisfied even after he'd eaten, not able to go very long without wanting something in his mouth.

"I guess maybe we can have more cupcakes and then go get ice cream, Kaworu-san."

Kaworu smiled.

"Six more cupcakes, coming right up," said Kaworu, rising from his seat and heading for the glass shelves loaded with baked goods.

Shinji watched him go. He leaned back in his seat a little bit, making it creak, dreaming of cupcakes as he did. Such delicious soft cake, such sweet buttercream icing. He'd picked them out totally on a whim, but now he was thinking about asking Kaworu to keep some at home regularly. It was always good to have snacks on hand, for when he wanted a little something between meals and desserts.

He suddenly became aware of a pressure in his bladder. It had snuck up on him as he'd been immersed in his eating. He really needed to go. 50 or so kilograms ago, he probably would have hefted himself out of his seat. Or at least waited for Kaworu and asked him to help him up. But now, bigger and heavier and lazier than ever?

"Ahhh," he sighed as he simply peed his pants. Kaworu had actively encouraged him to wet himself when he needed to go and Kaworu wasn't around. It was part of Kaworu's plan to make Shinji as lazy as possible. It was succeeding immensely; these days Shinji didn't like to do much at all, other than eat and sit around and sleep and watch TV. Or fiddle with his phone. He idly looked at social media as the warm liquid filled his underwear, staining the crotch of his huge pants.

"Cupcakes!" said Kaworu, setting six more of the delectable treats down in front of Shinji.

"Mmm, yummy," said Shinji. He grabbed one and began to eat it, taking huge bites.

Looking down, Kaworu noticed a big dark stain suddenly on the front of Shinji's pants. "Ah, Shinji-kun, did you need to go?"

"Yesh," said Shinji, mouth full.

"Well, that's a good boy," said Kaworu. "I'm glad you've been taking my advice to heart. Though we really are going to have to start taking you out in diapers more, if you keep this up. We can't have you ruining your nice pants."

Shinji's cheeks and chins rippled as he chewed. He had a pleasant, happy expression on his face as he ate his cupcake. Finishing his bite, he said, "Do you still want ice cream after this, Kaworu-san?"

"If you do, Shinji-kun."

Finishing up the cupcake, Shinji reached for another one. "I think I'll still be in the mood for ice cream. So let's do it."

"Not getting full yet?"

Shinji smiled gently, a blush on his face. "I mean, Kaworu-san... I've got a pretty big stomach these days."

Kaworu patted Shinji's knee under the table. "Such a good boy."

Pub: 19 Dec 2021 03:07 UTC
Views: 724