Sunny and Kel Take it to The Next Level

It had been about 4 months since Sunny confessed to Kel about his fetish and though he was accepting, nothing much had come from it. It didn’t help that Sunny could only visit on the weekends and when he did they usually hung out as a group with one on one time usually being public dates ( and that one double date with Aubrey and her new partner). However, this time was different, Sunny was gonna stay with Kel and Hero for the entirety of spring break and Kel wanted to take their relationship to the next level. It was 3 days before Sunny would be coming and Kel’s mind was racing faster than drugged up olympian runner, “is this really something I should do?” Kel thought as he paced back and forth in his room, “I know he told me about that, but is this going too fast?” The thought of going to that stage, despite the confidence Kel had, caused him to get flustered. A new idea grew in Kel’s mind “what if I don’t have to think about this on my own?” He knew he couldn’t ask his mom or dad, Basil had no relationship experience and he wouldn’t hear the end of it from Aubrey. This all left with one person who has the experience and he could trust to keep a secret: Hero.
“Kel, I’m home!” Yelled out Hero as he came back with a handful of groceries. Kel was standing in front of the door, “hey Hero good to see you I uh.. Have a question.” Hero was already beginning to walk toward the kitchen “Sure Kel, What’s up?” Kel followed Hero as he tried to muster up the courage to ask Hero the question. “So uhhhh Hero?” “Yes?” Hero asked as he began to put away groceries. “So did you and Mari ever?” Hero raised an eyebrow at the mention of Mari. “Kel, why are you asking about Mari?” Kel began to blush “well you know how me and Sunny are together right?” Hero’s eyes widened slightly as he realized the purpose of Kel’s question “wait, Kel, are you asking me for relationship advice?” Hero said with a slight smug twang “well.. I… you’re the only one with relationship experience I can talk about this with.” Hero looked at his brother with a slight smile, being proud he got to be a big brother. “Alright, so what’s going on between you and Sunny?” Hero asked as he began to lean on the counter, forgetting all about the groceries. “Well it’s just that I’ve been thinking of uhhh,” Kel’s blush began to grow, “taking it to the next level with Sunny.” Hero began to blush as well “oh…” Hero paused while thinking about what to say next before Kel spoke to break the silence. “That what the question earlier was about, if you and Mari ever um, you know?” Hero blush grew on his face now knowing exactly what Kel meant, he put his hand behind his neck as he began to speak “well.. Me and Mari,we, you know we were young..” Kel began to smile a little seeing his older brother get so flustered. “Look, it doesn't matter!” Hero said, nearly cutting himself off. “My question to you is what do you mean by ‘the next level’?” Kel looked down as he thought, “honestly, didn’t think that far, I was too worked up and nervous about the whole asking him in the first place thing.” “Well.. I think the best thing for you to do is to tell Sunny what you want to do and see what he wants.” Hero finally went back to bagging groceries before Kel spoke again, “Thanks for the help but I do have something else to ask” “Hmmm?” “Would you be willing to try and get me and Sunny some alone time in the house? I want to be able to talk to him in private about this.” Hero smiled “Yeah I’ll try, I can usually get me and dad some one on one time pretty easily and, mom and Sally have their play dates on Tuesday’s so I think that time should be good.” Kel grew a massive smile as his eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement, “Thanks bro,” Kel exclaimed as he went in to give his big bro a big side hug. Hero smile grew along with his brother's “No problem, good luck!” Kel began to run back to his room to work on his Spring Break homework. Hero jolted as he remembered what he forgot “Kel! Don’t forget what they said in SexEd, I know you can’t get pregnant but still wear a condom if you’re gonna do something like that!” Hero yelled from the kitchen “Got it!” Kel yelled back as he was running up the stairs. Kel entered his room with the smile still wide on his face as his nervousness faded, like the help from his brother was a stamp saying ‘everything will go alright!’ Kel knew he wouldn’t be able to focus on his homework. The nervousness was still there, though slowed down, and the thought of actually doing things like that with Sunny made it so he couldn’t focus on things like math and English.
The day had finally come,the day before Kel was giddy every moment he was with Sunny, he would either talk his head off or stay silent with a smile.Sunny had already unpacked and yesterday was just them eating dinner and watching TV cause Sunny was tired from the trip from the city.Sunny was sitting on the couch completely immersed in his TV show, he didn’t notice the fact that Hero, Sally and their mom and dad had left. Kel was waiting in the next room, fighting butterflies in his stomach. “Alright Kal, this is your big moment to do this!” Kel pulled out his phone ‘You got this bro!’ read the text from Hero, though it wasn’t much, the words of encouragement seemed to be what Kel needed to finally make his move. “Hey Sunny!” Kel said as he walked in, Sunny finally looked away from his TV with his focus now entirely on Kel. “Can I sit with you? I wanna talk with you about something.” Sunny nodded his head and scooted over to the right to give room for Kel. Kel reached over for the remote to mute the TV. “Sunny.. You remember the last time we were home alone together?” Sunny pondered for a moment before the light bulb popped in his head. Sunny’s ear became red, “Wait, is he still embarrassed by all that?’ Kel thought with a concerned look beginning to grow on his face.”Maybe he’s uncomfortable talking about it? Or it was a fluke. I mean nothing like that has happened since.” Kel’s mind raced with the same fears he had before until, he took a breath in and out. “Remember what Hero told you: the worse he’ll say is no, and you get private time together either way. If he was willing to tell you about that before,asking this will be a deal breaker.” “You alright, Kel?” Sunny cut into Kel’s introspective, snapping Kel back to the task at hand. “I was just thinking about that a lot and..” “Oh no, he’s disgusted by it!” Sunny’s mind told him “He was just hiding it cause he couldn’t tell me then, he was too nervous. Now he’s thought about it and he thinks it’s gross!” Sunny’s mind became sporadic as his lung began to tighten “You’re gonna lose him! You’re gonna lose the only one who loves you!” Sunny’s breath began to speed up as his thoughts only became more and more, his mind flooding with a black ocean of- …release. Sunny relaxed as he felt Kel’s body against him in embrace. “Sunny, you ok? I’m here for you alright.” Sunny breathed in… and out, “I know, I know Kel.” “Did what I tell you freak you out that much?” Kel said with a slight smile, Sunny’s face sunk a little realizing he didn’t hear what he said. “Could you repeat it?’ “Huh? Alright I just asked if you want to, y’know, take our relationship to the next level.” Sunny’s ear turned a bright and deep red, and once again he melted into Kel’s arms.
It took Sunny almost 5 minutes to recover from the news, the entire time Kel was comforting him while giggling a little to himself at the fact that simply asking him made him melt like this. “ that a yes?” Kel asked, still laughing a little. Sunny paused for a moment with his head now flooding with a new kind of water, “OH MY GOD YES YES PLEASE I WANT TO KISS HIM FOR HOURS BEFORE GOING DOWN TO LICK HIS SWEATY ABS TASTING HIS DELICIOUS SWEAT BEFORE PULLING DOWN HIS PANTS REVEALING-” “Uh… Sure.” Sunny began to blush even more than before, Kel smiled getting the answer he knew he wanted. “So Kel, did you give us time alone just to ask me?” Kel grew hot as his heart began to speed up, “Yes but I also thought that if you did say yes.” Sunny’s heart also began to race knowing exactly what he was going to say next. “That we could have some fun together, he he.” Kel’s laugh was as awkward as could be. Sunny’s face and ears turned a cherry red “I’m ok with that,” Sunny’s heart raced even more knowing that he will fulfill something he’s wanted for a long time. They both stared at each other waiting for one of them to make the first move, even though they weren’t touching they could still feel each other's heart beats. All was quiet until Kel grabbed Sunny head and without a second thought pulled him into a deep kiss. They had kissed 100 times before but this, this felt different. Their lips interlocked, feeling each other’s breaths through their nose since neither wanted to break the bond. Sunny finally broke it going up for a second before diving straight back into the man he loved. Kel felt the weight of Sunny press against him, his warmth feeling so wonderful. Kel began to sweat as he felt the weight of Sunny’s lips against his and without a second thought his tongue broke through. Sunny was surprised but he didn’t stop. He wanted this, he always wanted this and he was just happy Kel made the first move. Their tongues interlocked tasting each, learning what this new and beautiful taste was. The dance in their mouths only made their feelings grow as they felt the pressure push against theirs. Sunny finally pulled out and they both started panting. “I love you so much,’ Kel said between his breaths, letting his breathing only be used to say what he already knew too well. “I love you too,” Sunny replied meaning every single syllable, they stared at each other not knowing what to do forward or who would be the one to push it forward. Sunny looked down at Kel’s t-shirt then stared back at Kel and without a second thought he started rolling his shirt up. Sunny stared at Kel’s chest stained with sweat of his nervousness and passion, Sunny’s eyes darted around for a target until his eyes met with the perfect one. Sunny dove down into Kel’s chest and began to lick Kel’s nipple. Kel let out a moan as Sunny began to lick his left while rubbing his right. “Sunny..” Kel said as he moaned, Sunny stopped for a moment and looked up at his man, “don’t stop.” Sunny went back to what he was doing, wrapping his tongue around his nipple and occasionally sucking on it lightly like a newborn. Kel kept moaning, each one getting closer together and higher in pitch. Sunny tasted Kel’s salty sweat, it’s after taste lingering on his tongue every time he went up for air. To him, it was nothing short of the fountain of youth. Sunny felt something poking at his stomach, something getting longer and harder every moment he kept going. Sunny stopped and looked down to see Kel’s cock poking out of his shorts, he looked back up and Kel, still recovering from Sunny’s tasting of his chest. Without a second thought Sunny scooted down the couch and put his hands onto Kel’s shorts, Kel looked up to see Sunny and gave him a silent nod to let him know to keep going.
Sunny pulled Kel’s shorts down slowly until out popped his penis as hard as it could be. It was tanned just like him, a nice medium size perfect for what Sunny wanted. Sunny stared in awe, simply for the fact he was seeing it, and grabbed his shaft. Sunny started by slowly moving his hand up and down, turning his hand slightly as he went, this was already enough to cause Kel to start panting. Sunny knew what he wanted, licked his lips and started licking the tip of his penis while his hand satisfied the shaft. Sunny ran his tongue around the tip, sometimes running his tongue between the bottom of his tip and the start of his shaft. Kel began to breathe more irregularly, as eyes began to go further back in his head. Sunny began to put the tip in his mouth slowly stopping his movement on his shaft. Sunny started to move his tongue around Kel’s tip the best he could, savoring the taste of his cock in his mouth. Before long Sunny could handle it anymore and pushed his mouth further and further down Kel’s dick. Everytime he came down Kel’s moans would get louder and his face and cock would get hotter and hotter. Sunny felt the tip reach the back of his tongue, now every part of his mouth could savor the taste of Kel’s man meat. Sunny sped up, as he heard Kel’s breathing and moaning begin to speed up with him as well until. Kel’s hips jolted up in the direction of Sunny, his cock now fully entering his throat. Sunny nearly jolted his head back in surprise but he pushed through the surprise and his gag reflex started to kick in just for him. Sunny knew what was coming and decided to go all in, he pushed his mouth down and far as it could go just so he knew he would get all of Kel’s sweet man milk.Kel’s hips kept jolting up as he let out a loud moan, Sunny’s mouth then started filling with Kel’s sweet, thick cum. It shot him right into the back of his throat, Sunny didn’t know if he could take all of it but he knew he wanted to swallow it for the sake of his Boyfriend. As Kel’s penis stopped pumping Sunny’s mouth, Sunny began coughing, pulling himself off, leaving Kel’s penis wet from his mouth. Sunny sat up and started coughing into hand, worried he was going to cough up cum on the couch. Kel's breathing began to steady and his mind finally started to be clean as he noticed Sunny coughing, he shot up “Mi Sol! Are you ok?” Sunny looked back at Kel now panting from the work he put in, “Yeah, I’m fine.” Kel was relieved and hugged Sunny. It was 30 minutes after the whole ordeal and they decided to watch TV together as they cooled down, Kel looked over at his adorable Sunny and leaned over and whispered in his ear “Thank you for all that,” Sunny began to smile and blush. “Next time I’ll be the one to make you feel good.”

Pub: 29 Jan 2022 01:54 UTC
Views: 557