Like that time she suggested that we should join the infamous Mile High Club. She came across the idea on a lark and found an outfit in Nevada that let couples charter a plane to get it on during a flight to achieve the bragging rights. The plane was a Cessna normally used for skydiving but had an inflatable mattress dressed up with nice sheets and a couple of big pillows for the task. There was a curtain to separate us from our pilot, a stout Chinese lady who tried her best to make it like a hotel experience. After she put on her headphones and got busy readying the plane for flight, Esther whispered to me "Doesn't she look like that one bus driver from high school?"

I sputtered and she giggled as she covered both our mouths to not say anymore as we got airborne. She started taking her clothes off when the plane levelled off. We were settling into some cozy foreplay when the plane lurched and dipped like a rollercoaster. The turbulence was very bad, so that was as far as we could get. We got bounced around and the instability of the inflatable mattress only made it worse. It was kind of amusing to tumble around the tiny cabin buck naked with her, but mostly painful.

"They need to use a bizjet so that they can get above this stuff," she grumbled as she rubbed her head after getting catapulted into the roof when we made one last try at cowgirl. "Sorry, honey. I'll make it up to you."

We went to a quiet, comfortable hotel in Denver and made it official.

"Not as crazy as holding on for dear life in a flying mini-van, but damn, baby," she remarked breathlessly as she wiped her forehead while she got off of me. She was so worn out that she was only partly successful, and her legs tumbled down on top of mine.

"I'm loving every minute of this," I grinned. "It's all the fun getting around that makes it such a kick."

"You're the only one i can let go like this with," she said quietly after she caught her breath.

I stretched over for her hand and kissed it. "I'm glad that I got you back."

"After that first night together," she said as she raveled her fingers with mine, "something woke up in me. I had always needed to keep my wild side tied down. Now you've set it free again."

I turned the thought over my mind like a mechanic might hold an unfamiliar tool. "I got my share of naughty stuff too. Don't feel like you have to lay it all out if you're not ready or uncomfortable."

"I'm not, and I want to share it all. But what about you?"

I sighed in warning, "Careful what you wish for."

"No, I do want to hear it. I want to know where you're coming from. We never really got to know each other as well as I've wanted. I want to know what's in your mind when we do things."

I turned to her and reveled in our nakedness, figuratively and actually. I felt a hot rush in my trunk that told me that we, deliciously, weren't going to have much room for words later so to let each other enjoy them now. "I never met anybody like you. That first year was so good. I didn't like hiding it, but as soon as we'd get together again I would feel like it was all worth it."

"We found something incredible, and I want to keep it." she said with a languid smile as she brushed a foot up my calf. She pinned me down by the stomach with her other foot as she continued up my thigh, watching with curiosity as my penis stirred and hardened until it lay pulsing against my torso like a long, hot stone.

"That feels good, babe," I told her as she caressed my chest with her sole. Her toe ring caught a reflection as her shapely foot slid down and she rose up to straddle me. She turned me over and got on my hips, rubbing my shoulders and then leaning forward to rest her breasts on my back. She kissed the back of my neck as she ran her hands up my arms to hold mine.

"Have you ever had one of those tiny asian girls walk on your back?"

"No, I haven't."

"Why do guys like that?"

"A tiny asian girl isn't going to have the strength to massage the muscles of the back very well, so she'll use her body weight to give him a good deep tissue rubdown."

"Really? That's all? I thought it was some kind of fetish."

"Maybe it is that, too." I allowed.

"Well, those massage parlors have a reputation for secretive favors."

"I'm sure there's some measure of truth in it."

She laid beside me and we turned on our sides so that she could see my face. "Have you ever done that?"

"Never done that either."

"Have you ever wanted to?

"No, I didn't see any point to try, I had a pretty busy dating life as it was."

"But you've gone to strip clubs."

"Yeah, you knew that. "

"So what's the difference?"

"Getting laid in a strip club doesn't happen that often."


"Oh, I'm sure it happens. Just not as often as a massage parlor, probably. But again, I've never gotten laid in a massage parlor, so I can't really say. And I never got laid in a strip club myself for that matter."

"Not once?"

"Nope. Going to topless clubs was something I did just to hang out with the guys,and seeing the girls cavort was more for the surroundings rather than trying to get one to bed. The girls are there to make money, not to hook up with a man. But once nude clubs came along it killed the night club scene. The girls who would normally go out to dance in night clubs to get attention and get men to spend money on them found out they could actually make a living off dancing for tips instead, i guess."

She considered what I said. "I would think that would make you look for a girl in one of those, then."

"Far from it. I've run into girls who were doing it, but I didn't go to the clubs to meet them."

"Take me to one."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I want a look at what you used to do, and I'd rather go with you than alone. I want to know what it's like there. You can get a couple of lapdances if you need to, just don't leave me out there alone for a long time. I don't want to be looking stupid, doing nothing but sitting by myself."

This told me how clueless she was to the strip club scene but also told me she would have to see it for herself. A woman with her looks and libido was not going to go unnoticed and definitely not going to stay bored, unless she was adamant in her resolve to be that way, too.

"You wouldn't be jealous?" I asked her.

"I don't think so. Should I be? I thought you meant that you didn't go there for sex."

"Yes, but I'd still be checking out other women and physical contact with them."

"I know men are more visual than women, and you especially. It hasn't upset me when you look at other women because I know you always pay attention to me. Do you get upset when other men look at me?

"No. A guy can't be with a beautiful woman and expect the world stop noticing her. I expect it. I even expect guys to keep trying their luck with you. It's annoying, but I learned the hard way long ago that I have to trust a woman or not at all. Ladies have taught over and over that jealousy isn't cute or endearing."

"I never told you, but I was always glad you're like that. Is that what you thought when were dancing in that group on that cruise?" We had taken a short trip on a cruise line that year while my dad was in Europe. One of the men was a professional dancer and Esther wanted to join him for a couples dance, so she asked me and his wife if it would be okay to dance with him. We agreed and they put on good show for a few songs. "If a man touched me the way that he was in any other setting he would get himself slapped."

"Yeah, but I knew it was just the style of dance. He wasn't hitting on you."

"It looks very erotic, and it's kind of exciting to think of it that way, and the physical contact can feel good, but the emotion's not there. That's not what it's about."

"That's the way I see it," I said.

"We'll be all right, then. So where's a good place?"

"I know one that'l be good."

"Great. Now, where were we..." She crawled on top of me and got my hard dick between her supple legs again.

So, I picked a strip club in town that l knew was of better quality than most and picked a weekend to take her. I showed her an ad from the newspaper sports section and its web site. She looked them over and agreed with my choice. When we got there, she looked around several times in the first few minutes as we sat at a table.

"Well, this isn't so bad. I imagined something worse."

"Like what, fistfights, orgies, human sacrifice?"

She clucked at my sarcasm. "I just imagined a really gross dive, but this place is actually kinda pretty with the Greek garden type theme and soft lighting. The girls are young and cute, the bouncers look like sharply dressed bodybuilders instead of hostile gangsters. I think I'd be comfortable enough to stay a while."

"Go ahead, take it all in. This trip is for you."

"I meant what I said about the lapdances. You can get a couple." She was eyeing the girls with as much scrutiny as the guys around us were. " There are some really good looking women working here and they're looking hot."

In contrast, Esther was wearing a short-sleeved cotton blouse, jeans, and walking shoes. I told her not to dress in anything provocative so that everyone could tell she was a visitor and not one of the strippers. She hadn't said anything but had complied. Now her problem was her demeanor.

Before long one of the girls approached us. She was a lanky blonde with obvious but nicely shaped implants. She was wearing an extremely small gold bikini with a sarong around her waist as was standard when a girl was roaming the floor.

"Hi, I'm Kelly, would you mind if I join you two?" she said, crouching down to our level at the table so that she could shake Esther's hand before she shook mine. The handshake was quick and she made sure to only give me fingertips.

"Please join us, Kelly," Esther said pleasantly. I looked away to hide my amusement. This was a custie pitch, not a job interview. Esther was being friendly but I sensed something under the surface, though, so I was on red alert. Kelly didn't seem to see a potential problem and continued her hustle.

"Are you two looking for some fun? You're such a good looking couple, I think you'll have a blast here." I noticed her looking at our hands for wedding rings and studying our faces.

"I think he'd like a chance to enjoy a lapdance from you. I saw how he was watching during your stage dance and he's craving something blonde tonight." Esther said that as easily and smoothly as making a pick from a wine list. Good thing we didn't have drinks or I might have choked on mine.

The women exchanged smiles then looked at me. I felt like a bug under a microscope all of sudden rather than turned on, but Kelly nodded and gave me a hungry glance up and down to stroke my ego. "I think it would be my pleasure."

"Baby, are you're sure you're okay with this?" I sounded so lame that I regretted saying it immediately.

"I'm giving you a pretty nice treat here." she told me with an unbelieving smile. " You shouldn't just pass it up. Don't you like the way she looks? She's got the beach bunny vibe with the micro bikini and wavy hair."

Kelly smiled brightly at Esther in thanks but refrained from being too suggestive towards me. But still, she had those light blue eyes that make it impossible for a guy to not get excited once she turned those on him. Esther preempted any excuse I might give by taking Kelly's hand and placing it on top of mine.

"This one's on me, it's his birthday next week." She passed Kelly a folded bundled of bills discretely.

"Ah, well Happy Birthday to you, in advance, then. And thanks to you for the generous tip. Um, you have to stay out here, though."

"That'll be fine, I'll make sure to be good," Esther smiled and waved, already turning to look around the room with her arms crossed in dismissal. Kelly picked up my hand and marched me to the back of the club. Before we went through the curtains to the VIP lounge I looked back at Esther. A bouncer was talking to her at the table, and I hoped he didn't think she was an undercover or a jealous girlfriend. I resolved to come straight out and and get her out of there, since she already had the look-around that she'd asked for.

Kelly led me over to a dark cubicle and had me empty my pockets into the little tray mounted to the wall next to us. "Your girlfriend's really pretty. Is she a good girl?"

"She's an awesome girl," I said as I watched the blonde take her shoes and top off, " I mean, just how many treat their man to a night out like this?"

"Ha! Well, lucky for you that I'm a bad girl, so you're getting something tasty for your treat." She cradled my head in her arms as she drew it into her cleavage. She wiggled her bottom to let her covered snatch find my hard-on under my pants. She expertly and graciously helped get my cock lined straight up so that I would be comfortable and ready for a naughty lapdance. I moved my hands to her hips and she squeezed them warmly but took them away. "I'm afraid this club has pretty strict rules, so you can't touch me. Sorry, sport! But I get to touch you, so I'll make sure you have a good time."

"Okay, I'll mind my manners and let you drive."

"Sounds good," she purred as she wrapped her arms around me and got to work. She gave me a very nice but standard friction dance, never grinding on my crotch for more than a few seconds at a time, not even hinting at room for negotiation for more dances after the two songs were up. She got her top back on and took amusement in making sure my clothes were straightened out before we left the dark cubbyhole. "There. Now let's get you back out there before you're missed."

Only Esther wasn't at the table. I looked around carefully and didn't see her anywhere else either.

The deejay cut the lights after the last girl's set and turned on the glitterball. "Okay gentlemen, we now come to our portion of the evening for the amateur contest. We'll have a mix of local and visiting girls showing their stuff for a chance to join our line-up. First up, give a very warm welcome to a bad kitty. Give it up for Candy!"

I looked up on the stage as the spotlights came on, and sure enough, I could tell it was Esther, despite an elaborate costume. She had on Halle Berrry's superhero outfit from "Catwoman", complete with mask, gloves, open toed heels and whip. She sauntered out to the theme song, giving the men along the tip rail a saucy grin. There was a rush among the other customers at the tables as they tussled for the remaining spots by the stage.

She led off by clambering on the stage's poles, swinging and hanging off them in tribute to the movie's stunts. When she went around the stage's brass rail for her first collection of tips, she made feline poses and playfully pawed at the men to entice them throw out more money for something hotter.

Her mask and heels stayed on, but everything else came off during the course of the first song. The second song was "Closer" from Nine-Inch Nails. It was cliche to the point of corniness, but Esther looked so genuinely turned on that you would think that this was a fantasy softcore production instead of amateur call.

She got on all fours and used the handle of the whip like a suggestion of a phallus, stroking it tightly as she draped the lash over her shoulder .She pulled along and it slithered between her legs and clattered to the stage floor. She got up and let it trail behind her as she walked back to the center. With a skillful snap of her wrist, she whirled it to crack as loud as a rifle shot. Everyone involuntarily flinched and there were whistles and screams of approval.

She gathered the loose end and entwined it over her arms as she got to her knees. It looked like a big version of cat's cradle as she looped the whip's cording around in a way that pulled her breasts up and apart. Her oversized nipples were standing out proudly and her tits made a wonderful bounce as she released the whip and gathered it into coils with another flick of the wrist. She tapped the handle on her hand like a sultry teacher who was about to teach some wicked lesson.

She turned the handle slowly to point at her face and licked on the pommel like it was the head of a dildo. Kelly had taken a seat at the table behind me and was watching the show get more explicit. She leaned forward a bit so that her face was next to mine and exclaimed at where she thought Esther was going next. "Oh shit, she wouldn't dare!"

Esther got on her knees, leaning forward with a hand as she moved like she was going to put it in her pussy. Kelly laughed at my woman's pluck and defiance. "Whoa, girl, you're gonna get kicked outta here!"

Esther smiled over at her and bared her teeth in challenge. She pressed the tip of the handle against her ass and gasped as if she was afraid she'd taken on more than she could bear. She bit her lip and rolled her eyes back as she pretended to sink her improvised big black cock facsimile inside of herself. Kelly was whooping and cheering with the rest of of the crowd, but the intervention by security she warned about never came.

She crawled on her hands and knees, looking exactly like a stalking jaguar as she came up to the youngest guy at the tip rail. She picked up his five dollar bill, rolled it up like a cigarette and placed it in his mouth. Then she leaned back and spread her thighs, reaching under her ass with her free hand and beckoned to him with a finger curl to bring the tip to her. His friends pounded him on the back and urged him forward. As his face got close to her snatch she grabbed the tip and kept her hand there to keep him from getting any further. She rocked her hips and made a face like he was giving her some top-shelf head. She stroked his cheek in thanks and moved to get more tips with her breasts and bottom. I watched her display and it was way too much ideas to get from just looking at a web site. Where was she getting this stuff?

Four men at the tip rail took wads of dollars from their pockets and fluttered them on the stage like confetti. She bowed in appreciation and stretched down to give them each a kiss on the cheek and a surreptitious feel of her boobs. One of them seemed to get tapped as spokesman for the party and stood up to get her attention. I saw him pull out a hundred dollar bill and say something to Esther. She smiled as she listened but shook her head. He then pulled out four more hundreds and laid them on the tip rail. Esther looked around for the bouncer and I did too, since this was way too flagrant, but no one was paying attention. She shook her head again and I could see her saying "I don't do that, sorry!"

She started to leave and he slid the short stack of c-notes toward her anyway. He raised his voice enough for me to hear, "Well, in case you change your mind, there's more where that came from..."

I wasn't offended because I was pretty sure she wouldn't go for it. I was only sore because the big surprise she had just pulled off was at my expense and how while I thought I was taking advantage of her indulgence I had been finessed from the start.

As the bouncer collected Esther's tips with a convenient push-broom, Kelly came up to stand with me as I waited. "This is hilarious. Usually the first girl has a bum deal because they never win these, but I think the others see what a tough act they have to follow this time."

I didn't think she was tagging along with me for company. "Don't tell me that you were in on this too?"

"What can I say, your girl's a big spender. Too bad I didn't get a chance to take her into the VIP, but her requests were pretty specific." Kelly gave me a playful swat on my ass as she left. "She asked me to tell you to bring the car around to the side door. Have a nice rest of the night."

I was waiting, leaning on the door of the car with my arms crossed when Esther walked out, once again decent in her street clothes but carrying her gym bag that she must have dropped off at the club some time in the week. I waited until she got close then charged and wound up chasing her around the car. She squealed and laughed as we sprinted in circles until I calmed down a bit and caught my breath. "Get in, dammit."

"Oh god, the look on your face when you recognized me up there!"

I felt myself flushing beet red again.

"Come on, you don't think that was funny?"

"You didn't look like you were trying to make people laugh," I said flatly, "you looked like you were trying to get some dicks hard."

"But that's the funny part. I totally didn't belong up there and so that was the last thing you ever expected."

"A joke can be really funny as long as the pie isn't on YOUR face."

"It was perfect. You tried to use that innocent "I'll behave" look on your face when she led you off to the back. As if. Then that look of complete confusion!"

"You sure know how to stretch my sense of humor, but yeah, you got me good. I came back thinking that you needed me to get you out of there and then you were whooping it up at the center of attention instead. You did you like it, right?"

"It was the best!"

"Well, if you had that much fun with it, then I think it was worth all the scheming. But I'm going to have to get even with you at some point."

She scoffed at the idea, "You can try."

She finally got a hold of her giggles and her smile turned sly instead. "Do you really think all those guys were turned on?"

"You know, after pulling off your big caper, the play-dumb act is pretty lame."

She bit a fingernail in exaggerated thought, alternately snickering and licking her chops as she recalled being on the stage. "Well, I wasn't really trying to make them horny."

"And yet you did. Most of them looked ready to rush the stage. And instead of looking worried you were eating it up."

"Do you guys always make fools of yourselves like that? I've never seen men throw money around with both hands that way. Quite literally." She broke into fresh laughter.

"No shit. But I don't think they've had a spectacle like that before in there. Lucky the bouncers didn't call the cops."

"Well, real talk now: even if guys really have scored with some of these "dancers", were any of them really that interested in anything but getting paid and gone?"

"Okay," I relented when I thought of it that way. "Okay. But you're making my point for me. I meant it that I wouldn't go there just to try to find a roll in the hay. It was just good fun at the time. And the ones that I did hook up with never even came close to what you've been giving me, like you said."

"I find you a little hard to believe, I think I better make sure of that tonight." She kissed me and looked carefully at my face, smiling warmly but not the least bit sorry. I was just going to have to accept that I was with a real fireball of a woman.

"I like this costume," she said as she took the pieces out of the bag to toy with them, "Too bad it takes so much work to get into it. Good thing I had help, I think i got it done in record time."


"I've been wanting to do something like this for a while and kept the idea shelved, in case you can't tell. Do you really think that ballroom is the only kind of dancing I wanted to explore? I'm just glad I had a chance to try it out. It took some arranging and a little luck shopping for my props, but it all came together."

"I wondered about that. That was an incredible show, but those girls in there don't put on acts like that, I don't think I've seen any before in person that were."

"I didn't learn it from them." she said evenly.

"Well, whoever showed you how sure knows how to entertain."

"It was like the biggest joke, I don't have the big boobs, big butt or big hair like all those girls in there. I didn't think I'd get anything more than polite applause, I just wanted to see what happened when you saw me up there."

"Those things don't matter, you put on one hell of a show. You saw how the audience reacted. Did you see the other girls getting even half that kind of response?"

"The manager did say I could come in and work anytime I wanted to start," she admitted.

"You're headliner material, you could dance anywhere with that kind of appeal. You'd have to tone it down a couple of notches, if anything."

"Yeah," her eyes flashed dangerously, " but where's the fun in that?"

"That's the spirit," I told her with a grudging but conspiratorial grin. Yes, I can be terribly slow on the uptake. I wondered just when had I lost sight of the pea. All along she had been testing the waters, and she had solidly called it.

"Did it turn you on, though?" she asked as I started driving. So there it was. I should have known it would come back to that.

"Like I said, I've never seen something like that before. Yeah. There are hot women and then there are really hot women. You are thermonuclear. And I guess you can finally pin it on me that I went to a strip club and took one home. Happy now?"

"Oh, I think I will be. You want to try the whip later?" she licked her lips and tapped me on the leg with the coils.

"I feel like I'm in in a sexual version of "Jackass". Am I going to have to keep checking over my shoulder for you to pull another fast one on me forever now?"

She didn't miss what I'd said and she sobered a moment for me. "We don't have forever, that's what I keep trying to teach you. Life's short, honey, let's steal a few breathless moments from Death while we still can."

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Pub: 18 Jun 2023 20:29 UTC
Views: 668