
PW-OCD, Bipolar, ASD, ADHD, PTSD . .
(keeping some disorders private..)
Very Forgetful and very forgiving, Sensitive, I support recoverys trust + Anger Issues



20+ (unless we're already friends) ﹒ Good faith identities ﹒ If you're anti recovery ﹒ Think introjects equal source or believe in doubles ﹒ Use endogenic terminology ﹒ Use names that arent apart of your culture unless they were gifted ﹒ Overuse swear words (unless you're joking) ﹒ ___philes maps zoos proshipper ﹒ Support perisex afab transfems/trans women and perisex amab transmascs/trans men ﹒ If you don't hold others including your partners and friends accountable ﹒ You question any parts to somebodys ID (unless its out of genuine curiousity and you arent rude about it) ﹒ If you think blackwashing isnt real ﹒ If you mischaracterize characters or give them over-the-unnecessary headcanons ﹒ YBC fans﹒g0r3 stans / soft g0r3 haters
Dont know what s0ft g0r3 is? Click here !

pstd etc
(⠀ warning ⠀triggers ! ⠀)
(irl) g0r4 mention any, broke bones yelling loud noises ___ abuse s/a, broken bones d3ad corps3s
cussing (if its dir and u mean it)

1. Fake bl00d is fine, just use cw please.

2. once again if ur mentioning g0r3 (irl) vids use tw's i can easily get triggered.
Click buttons down there for more plz!!


main 2

Pub: 18 May 2024 08:15 UTC
Edit: 18 May 2024 09:28 UTC
Views: 151