Created with RimPy Mod Manager v. (database: 27524859)
Mod list was created for game version: 1.3.3326 rev562

Local mods that were not found in the database are marked as yellow labels with packageId in brackets [unknown mods in the list: 3]

Mod list length: 403

  1. Harmony

2. Core {packageId: ludeon.rimworld}

3. Royalty [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.royalty}

4. Ideology [Official DLC] {packageId: ludeon.rimworld.ideology}

  1. [KV] RimFridge
  2. Gear Up And Go
  3. Share The Load
  4. Dubs Mint Menus
  5. Vanilla Expanded Framework
  6. Vanilla Achievements Expanded
  7. A Dog Said... Animal Prosthetics
  8. Alpha Animals
  9. ReGrowth Remastered: Core
  10. Vanilla Plants Expanded
  11. HugsLib
  12. LWM's Deep Storage
  13. Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
  14. HAR Fix for Yayo Animation
  15. Humanoid Alien Races
  16. Revia Race
  17. Simply More Bridges (Continued)
  18. Replace Stuff
  19. JecsTools
  20. Everybody Gets One
  21. SpeakUp
  22. Large Faction Bases
  23. Vanilla Cooking Expanded
  24. Vanilla Books Expanded
  25. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
  26. Oddities: Core Module
  27. Oddities: Weapons Module
  28. Electrical Grid Toggler
  29. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
  30. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
  31. Vanilla Furniture Expanded
  32. Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
  33. Simple FX: Smoke
  34. Scattered Flames
  35. Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates
  36. Onesies
  37. uselesshair
  38. Warhammer: Zhthy'hl
  39. TasteOfVanilla-ish Zhthy'hl Retexture
  40. Holsters
  41. Compositable Loadouts
  42. Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Winston Waves
  43. [FSF] Advanced Bionics Expansion
  44. EdB Prepare Carefully
  45. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
  46. [O21] Seamless Embrasures
  47. Camera+
  48. MinifyEverything
  49. Simple sidearms
  50. Fahrenheit and Celsius
  51. Heat Map
  52. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
  53. KanbanStockpile
  54. Mad Skills
  55. Achtung!
  56. Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
  57. Follow Me
  58. Avoid Friendly Fire
  59. [KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats
  60. Dubs Bad Hygiene
  61. [JDS] Simple Storage
  62. Netrve's DeepStorage GUI
  63. Vanilla Apparel Expanded
  64. OgreStack
  65. Just Ignore Me Passing
  66. What's That Mod
  67. Vanilla Armour Expanded
  68. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
  69. Smarter Construction
  70. SRTS Expanded
  71. Range Finder
  72. Room Sense
  73. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Grenades
  74. Labels on Floor
  75. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
  76. Wall Light
  77. Auto-Cut Blight
  78. While You're Up / PUAH+
  79. Compact Hediffs
  80. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
  81. Mod Manager
  82. Vanilla Weapons Expanded
  83. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
  84. Where is my weapon?
  85. Vanilla Textures Expanded
  86. Damage Indicators [1.3]
  87. Common Sense
  88. Beautiful Outdoors
  89. Subsurface Conduit
  90. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Coilguns
  91. Vanilla Events Expanded
  92. Quarry
  93. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
  94. CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
  95. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
  96. The Price is What?
  97. VFE Mechanoids - Craftable Mechanoid Components (Alternative)
  98. Show Draftees Weapon
  99. DontBlockDoor
  100. SRTS Expanded retexture
  101. Level Up!
  102. Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Heavy Weapons
  103. Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network
  104. RunAndGun
  105. Snap Out!
  106. QualitySurgeon
  107. Pharmacist
  108. Relations Tab
  109. Shoo!
  110. Gunplay
  111. More Linkables
  112. Gradient Hair
  113. Animals are fun
  114. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Desert
  115. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tundra
  116. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Australia
  117. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Cats and Dogs
  118. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Rainforest
  119. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Arid Shrubland
  120. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Ice Sheet
  121. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Boreal Forest
  122. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Extreme Desert
  123. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tropical Swamp
  124. My Little Planet
  125. Giddy-up! Core
  126. Giddy-up! Ride and Roll
  127. Giddy-up! Caravan
  128. Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Empress Evil
  129. Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent
  130. Interaction Bubbles
  131. XML Extensions
  132. Un-Limited
  133. Dubs Performance Analyzer
  134. Ugh You Got Me
  135. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Endangered
  136. Better Vanilla Masking
  137. Architect Icons
  138. Optional Icons for Architect Icons
  139. What's Missing?
  140. Giddy-up! Battle Mounts
  141. Megafauna
  142. ReGrowth: Desert Expansion
  143. ReGrowth Remastered: Boreal Forests
  144. ReGrowth Remastered: Tundras
  145. ReGrowth: Cold Bog Expansion
  146. ReGrowth: Temperate Forest Expansion
  147. Map Designer
  148. World Map Enhanced
  149. Numbers
  150. Animals Logic
  151. Antigrain
  152. Automatic Night Owl
  153. Balanced Eclipse and Solar Flare
  154. Bionic icons
  155. Reinforced Walls
  156. Dubs Break Mod
  157. Dubs Paint Shop
  158. [WD] Expanded Floors
  159. [KV] Faction Control
  160. RT Fuse
  161. Fuse Plus
  162. [WD] Partially-Passable Wind Turbines
  163. Pawn Name Variety
  164. QualityBuilder
  165. Rimsenal - Hair pack
  166. Roppoi hair
  167. Various Space Ship Chunk (Continued)
  168. Won hair_women
  169. Won hair_men
  170. Better Message Placement (Continued)
  171. Utility Columns
  172. Utility Columns Royalty Patch
  173. Refined Floors
  174. Dynamic Population
  175. Science Never Stops: Ambition of the Cosmic
  176. 4M Mehni's Misc Modifications [1.2-1.3]
  177. Recipe icons
  178. Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod
  179. De-generalize Work
  180. Ancient Eastern Armory
  181. Vanilla Brewing Expanded
  182. [KYD] More Pawns Get Prosthetics!
  183. Trait Rarity Colors
  184. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Temperate Forest
  185. Area Unlocker
  186. Colony Manager
  187. Miscellaneous 'CORE'
  188. Misc. Training
  189. Spacertech Raiders for Outlanders and Pirates
  190. Misc. MapGenerator
  191. ItemListSelector
  192. Simple Industrial Factions
  193. No Job Authors
  194. [KV] More Trait Slots
  195. Forsakens
  196. Sealed Power Armour
  197. ResearchPal - Forked
  198. Bulk Smelting
  199. Powerful Psycast AI
  200. Quality Colors
  201. Vanilla Expanded - Ideology Patches
  202. Vanilla Expanded - Royalty Patches
  203. Simple Recycling
  204. Bradson's Main Button Icons for Vanilla Textures Expanded
  205. No Lazy Doctors
  206. Caravan Lag Eliminator
  207. SF Grim Reality
  208. Do Your F** Research
  209. Reasonable Components
  210. Doors Expanded (Dev)
  211. More Vanilla Biomes
  212. RimSaves
  213. WeaponStats
  214. Quality Cooldown
  215. Fallen Stars
  216. Go the F*** to Sleep
  217. Zoological Orbital Traders
  218. Armor Racks
  219. Style Revised - Animalist
  220. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Hats and Rags
  221. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Relics and Artifacts
  222. Magical Menagerie
  223. 99 Percent [1.3]
  224. Bulk Stonecutting
  225. More Furniture (Continued)
  226. Glitter Tech
  227. Milkable Muffalo [1.3]
  228. Pick Up And Haul
  229. RT Solar Flare Shield
  230. [Ry]Draw a bead
  231. Stackable Chunks [1.3+]
  232. Vanilla Hair Expanded
  233. Better Transhumanists
  234. Simple Utilities: Ceiling
  235. Allow Tool
  236. Medical Tab
  237. RimHUD
  238. Blueprints
  239. Map Reroll
  240. Rimsenal - Core
  241. Better Pawn Control
  242. Vanilla Traits Expanded
  243. Rimsenal - Security pack
  244. Real Ruins
  245. Search and Destroy
  246. Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded
  247. Stuffed Floors
  248. Statue of Colonist
  249. Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
  250. World Map Beautification Project
  251. Better ModMismatch Window
  252. RimThemes
  253. RocketMan - Performance Mod
  254. Designator Shapes
  255. More Faction Interaction (Continued)
  256. Project RimFactory Revived
  257. Project RimFactory - Drones
  258. Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Icons and Symbols
  259. Real Faction Guest
  260. Almost There!
  261. Perfect Pathfinding
  262. Enable Oversized Weapons
  263. Royalty Tweaks
  264. Realistic Rooms Rewritten
  265. Callouts
  266. No One Left Behind
  267. Change map edge limit
  268. Character Editor
  269. 1-2-3 Personalities M1
  270. Faction Blender
  271. Terraform Rimworld
  272. Xenobionic Patcher
  273. Vanilla Animals Expanded — Caves
  274. Greenworld
  275. Faster Smoothing
  276. Industrialisation
  277. More Planning 1.3
  278. Plasteel Surgery (Continued)
  279. Let's Have a Cat!
  280. Antimatter Annihilation
  281. Better Workbench Management
  282. Raise The Roof 1.3
  283. Smart Speed
  284. [O21] Toolbox
  285. [O21] HD Pawns
  286. Compressed Raid
  287. No Debris
  288. Smarter Deconstruction and Mining
  289. Yayo's Combat 3 [Adopted]
  290. Perspective: Doors
  291. Perspective: Trees
  292. Yayo's Animation
  293. Yayo's Caravan
  294. Metal Don't Burn (UNOFFICIAL 1.3 PATCH)
  295. Xenohumans - Anthromorphs
  296. [KV] Adjustable Trade Ships
  297. DragSelect
  298. Ducks' Insane Skills
  299. Better Linkable Colors
  300. Better Map Sizes
  301. Smart Turret Covering
  302. More Ideological Words
  303. Smart Farming
  304. Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
  305. More Religious Origins
  306. Work Tab
  307. Geological Landforms
  308. Vanilla Backgrounds Expanded
  309. Always Reveal Pawn Rewards
  310. Hospitality
  311. [FSF] Complex Jobs
  312. No Laggy Bed
  313. Infinite Reinforce
  314. [Alien/Race] Seren, from Stardust
  315. Alpha Memes
  316. Better Beggars
  317. Comigo's Majestic Trees
  318. CMT Retexture
  319. F3: Spacer Jumpsuits and More
  320. HD Pawn Rendering
  321. Linkable Settings
  322. Metaflora
  323. More Vanilla Textures
  324. Prosthetic No Missing Body Parts (Continued)
  325. ReGrowth Remastered: Extinct Animals
  326. Rim-Robots!
  327. Shavius's Vanilla Expanded Patches
  328. SRTS Expanded - Smaller Sprites
  329. Stubbly Facial Hair
  330. Tech Tattoos
  331. Useless Filter
  332. Vanilla UI Expanded
  333. Vine Boom Sound Effect
  334. WarCasket Expanded
  335. Weapon Mastery
  336. Yayo's Combat Warcaskets
  337. 1-2-3 Personalities M2
  338. Ben Lubar presents: Vanilla Books Expanded Expanded
  339. Ben Lubar's Vanilla Expanded Patches
  340. Better Bed Assignment
  341. Cleaning Speed
  342. CleaningArea
  343. Convert Then Recruit
  344. Deep Storage Plus (Continued)
  345. Defensive Positions
  346. Dubs Mint Minimap
  347. [FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time
  348. Job In Bar
  349. Less Arbitrary Surgery (Continued)
  350. Moonlight
  351. Nature is Beautiful [1.3+]
  352. Numbers Trait AddOn
  353. Performance Optimizer
  354. P-Music
  355. Quest Reward Rebalance
  356. Quick Stockpile Creation
  357. Release When Healthy
  358. Relevant Stats In Description
  359. Research Whatever
  360. Rim73 - Performance and Optimisations
  361. RIMMSqol
  362. Royal Thrumbos
  363. Scattered Stones
  364. Tainted Renaming
  365. TicksPerSecond
  366. [KV] Trading Spot
  367. Use Minified Buildings
  368. Wall Vitals Monitor
  369. WanderJoinsPlus
  370. RescueeJoinsPlus
  371. LightsOut
  372. Semi Random Research
  373. Stuff Off, GlitterTech
  374. Foot Traffic Heatmap
  375. Remote Detonator
  376. Craft with Color
  377. Weapon Racks
  378. ADE Advanced Turrets
  379. ADE Advanced Turrets +
  380. ADE Pulse Turrets
  381. Animal Gear
  382. Animal Equipment
  383. Animal Medical Bed
  384. Animal Tab
  385. Animals Search and Destroy
  386. Cash Register
  387. Draftable Animals
  388. [FSF] Efficient Utilities
  389. Gastronomy
  390. [Kit] Graze up
  391. Hunt for Me
  392. Kill For Me
  393. Loading In Progress
  394. Progress Renderer
  395. Roads of the Rim (Continued)
  396. SatisfiedStorage
  397. Map Preview
  398. Animal Namer
  399. ReGrowth: Expanded World Generation (Continued)
Pub: 16 May 2022 23:00 UTC
Views: 375