Chapter 3: Kokona's Play

Chisa: And before you realise, Shizuka's gone huh...... That's kinda.....

Chisa: Isn't that pretty horrific?

Shizuka: Horrific indeed. I think so too.

Kokona: Ahaha...... Truth be told, until she appeared in front of everyone, I thought she was a ghost.

Kokona: I thought that...... after failing so many auiditions, I had gone crazy......

Shizuka: That's what you thought of me!? How rude!

Kokona: That's the normal way to react though!?

Kokona: Other people couldn't see you, mum and dad couldn't too probably. Sometimes I would just be speaking to myself, and you would sppear smiling at me......

Kokona: Ah, I really felt like I was being cared for!

Chisa: So even Kokona had a depressing past......

Panda: Well, Panda think that's a pretty natural response so far...... Can you talk about what happened after this?

Kokona: Panda-chan, how inconsiderate!

Panda: OK, let's get back to work~.

Panda: Anyways, Whenever Koko-chan stopped acting, Shizu-chan would disappear, surely this is because of your sense, right......?

Panda: The conditions for a Sense to activate include acting onstage and a high level of concentration...... So, Shizu-chan would appear when those conditions are met.

Panda: But, back then, Koko-chan didn't realise that Shizu-chan was her Sense.

Kokona: Right. At the time, I didn't even know what a Sense was...... Even more broadly speaking, memories with Shizuka-chan were forgotten.

Chisa: Why were they forgotten?

Kokona: That's.......

Shizuka: Because Kokona was satisfied with her acting.

Shizuka: We both continued acting. But at a certain point, passerbys started to enjoy watching.

Shizuka: Locals, school classmates....... Everyone loves theater so everyone got involved pretty quickly.

Kokona: Right..... I remember now. I remember speaking with classmates.

Classmate: Let me join in!

Classmate: Me too!

Young Kokona: OK!

Young Shizuka: ......

Kokona: I had fun happily with everyone...... I even joined the school acting club. And that's how my journey began.

Shizuka: And that's where my memory ends.

Kokona: Shizuka-chan......

Pub: 19 Feb 2024 07:40 UTC
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